Weekly Prayer Requests


Thank you for your investment in praying for the ministry of CCI. 

Here are this week's prayer requests.
TURKEY: Pray for David Nelson and three others from a church in PA as they arrive in Turkey TODAY. They will meet with several pastors to learn of their needs for training and share how CCI might be able to provide the needed training for church leaders. Converting to Christianity from Islam is not illegal.  However, converts will likely face opposition from their family and the local community, especially in the rural areas. Some believers lead a double life and hide their conversion for fear of persecution. The government promotes religious nationalism for Islam as several old museums have recently been converted to mosques and opened for prayer. Since January 2019, many foreign missionaries have been forced to leave and are not allowed to re-enter the country. Many younger believers refuse to buy into the Islamic religious nationalism and leave Turkey for the west to have religious freedom.
  • Pray the believers to be strong in their faith as they are pressured and persecuted by their Muslim families and communities.
  • Pray that the government will uphold the constitutional freedoms of Christian churches.
  • Pray for David and the team’s safety and open doors to connect with key pastors who can connect them with the underground church in this Muslim-dominated country with less than 1% believers.
  • Pray that God will raise up a new generation of believers who are bold in their witness.
  • Pray for those who suffer persecution to endure and be strengthened in their faith.
  • Pray for the underground church to be strong in their witness and help new believers grow in their faith.
HAITI: CCI recently sent a shipment of relief supplies to our coordinator in the area devasted by the recent earthquake and hurricanes.

  • Pray that the shipment will not be held up by the government or by bandits so it can get to the people in desperate need who lost everything.
  • Pray for the distribution to go smoothly and be well received by the local community leaders. There is a tendency to show favoritism with the relief goods and supplies not getting to the neediest.
  • Pray for the believers to have the opportunity to share the gospel as they distribute these supplies.
  • Pray for many to become believers and want to learn the Word of God and grow in Christ.
  • Pray for the 17 missionaries (16 American and 1 Canadian) who are being held hostage for $17 million. Pray that God will deliver them from these rebels. Pray for their faith to be a strong witness for Christ, regardless of the outcome. May God use them to help these men see Christian faith in action and turn to Jesus for salvation.
INDONESIA: The CCI National Director saw a miracle take place recently. His mother was declared dead of a stroke in the hospital. They brought her body home, and she started breathing again but was unconscious in a coma. The family had accepted the outcome, regardless if God wanted her to live again or die. God was working His plan. He raised her from death to life again. She recovered from the stroke and returned to health in 20 days! We praised God for His healing power. We are praying that God will use her life to bring many to Christ.

  • Pray for her continued good health and witness of Christ’s power to change a life.
  • Pray for Frids as he travels to several islands to visit teachers and students for instruction and encouragement.
  • Pray for Frids to be led by the Lord to strong pastors who would like to begin the CCI training ministry to help equip their people for stronger Christian growth in Christ.
PRAISE THE LORD JESUS for hearing your prayers and answering them according to His will. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS for supplying the needed financial support for the CCI national workers to carry on and expand this ministry in their countries.

May your prayers be heard and answered with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day.
Grace and Peace,