Inspiration for Writing Can Happen Anywhere

It's important to remember that most writing doesn’t happen behind a laptop. It happens when your mind is free to wander. As you are working on your essays for college, be open to ideas that come up:

  • Right before you fall asleep
  • On a walk, run, or bike ride
  • In yoga, a tennis match, or the outfield
  • When taking a shower
  • While you are driving or talking to a friend about a problem or something unrelated
  • Late at night scrolling through TikTok
  • Waiting in line at Chipotle

Keep a notepad or your phone handy to jot down any promising ideas. Make a voice memo or note for yourself--whatever works for you to remember the idea. Collect your thoughts over a few weeks so that when you sit down to write, you will already have the inspiration. We are available to help craft your story.
Back to school is a busy time for everyone, especially Seniors who are applying to college. Keep a close eye on deadlines as each college and program has their own unique set of requirements. 
Sophomores and Juniors, start off the year with a plan of what you want to achieve and how. This will make the year more productive and less overwhelming. 
Freshmen, good luck acclimating to high school. This is the time to get the lay of the land and figure out where you can fit in and what you will need to do to succeed.
Early Action/Early Decision: How to Decide
This time of year, we have numerous conversations with our clients about whether or where to apply Early Action or Early Decision.

So how do you decide? Click on the article below to read more.

What's On Our Minds
The College Tuition Advisory site helps families estimate the net projected cost based on income. It’s very helpful when making decisions about your list of schools and whether or not your family will qualify for need-based financial aid. 

One of our colleagues, a crisis manager, wrote a great article about how to avoid getting into a crisis. There are some interesting points here that you may not even think about when starting college. We don't want to put a damper on the first year of college but thought it was really good advice. 

Take an Online Proctored Practice SAT/ACT
 Everydae is a great resource that offers inexpensive online tutoring as well as free proctored tests to students. You can register here.
CBM Rising Seniors, Don't Forget to Sign up for Application Boot Camp!
We know that your time is limited, so we would like to jump-start or finalize your applications in a streamlined fashion. We will be available to answer questions and help you enter your activities into the Common Application and other apps with the goal of completing this by the end of the session. We have one final session on September 22nd at 7 PM.
What's Happening Now
Rising Seniors: 
Good luck as you work on your essays and applications. Remember, we are always here to help you.

Rising Juniors: 
Take a deep breath and get ready for a challenging but hopefully exciting year. We are available to help you develop your summer plans, college list, and plans for the coming year.

Rising Sophomores and Freshmen: 
Enjoy the rest of summer and the beginning of a new school year. We are ready to help you find your unique angle for success.

Follow the journeys of eleven students as they navigate the college application process and search for the right fit schools. Getting into their heads as they make decisions about which extracurricular activities to pursue, which schools to apply to, and which topics to choose for their essays will help you think about your own process in a more strategic way. Order Here.