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Week of Aug. 28, 2023

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Construction Activities

MacArthur Boulevard

Crews are expected to place bridge deck steel at the MacArthur Boulevard Bridge as part of the reconstruction process.

Retaining Walls

Contractors are constructing more than a half-dozen retaining walls throughout the corridor and will continue activities such as excavation, steel placement, wall forming, and concrete pours.

Lane Channel

Crews are reconstructing the Lane Channel along southbound SR-55, and will continue daytime structural backfill and nighttime shoring removal through the end of September.

Closures and Detours Map

Bookmark the closures and detours map for quick access to real-time construction information. Click on the construction icons to view activities and closures.

Business Spotlight: Unlimited Possibilities

This week's Focus on 55 business spotlight is Unlimited Possibilities, a non-profit organization creating limitless futures for children and families with disabilities. They offer various programs such as therapy, recreation, inclusive childcare, and more!

1251 East Dyer Road, Suite 150, Santa Ana, CA 92705


To learn more about OCTA's Focus on 55 Program, including official rules and eligibility, visit or click here to enroll your business today.

About the Project

OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is improving 4 miles of SR-55 between I-405 and I-5. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce travel time by adding one regular lane and one carpool lane in each direction. Also, the project will add merge lanes between several interchanges and stripe carpool lanes for continuous access, augmenting safety on the freeway by making merging easier. These enhancements are expected to create a better, smoother driving experience for motorists.

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