Dear Residents -
As you may know, Orangetown is in the process of updating its comprehensive plan and this past Monday, we held our first public workshop. Over 850 people have already responded to the survey (go Orangetown!). If you have not completed the survey yet and would like to do so, please click here. It will remain open until October 29, 2021. In addition, Please click here to use the online engagement platform to share your vision for Orangetown's future.
On Wednesday afternoon, I attended the 40th Anniversary of the Brink's Memorial in Nyack, where  hundreds of people paid tribute to Police Officer Waverly "Chipper" Brown, Sgt. Edward O'Grady, Brinks Guard Peter Paige and their families. Sadly, October 20, 1981, is a day that will never be forgotten in Rockland County.
Next week we have two very important events taking place at Town Hall. The first starts this Saturday, October 23rd and runs through to Sunday, October 31st. It is early voting. Please, if you don't want to go out on Election Day, November 2nd, take advantage of early voting. The hours can be found here. In addition to local elections, there will be five Statewide Ballot Proposals that you may want to review before you vote.
The second is our biannual blood drive. With donor turnout reaching the lowest levels in years, we are asking all of you who can, to roll up your sleeves and give a pint to help those in need. For every pint donated, up to three lives are saved. Orangetown's blood drive is on Thursday, October 28, 2021. You can schedule your appointment here.
The weatherman is once again promising us blue skies for the weekend. Go for a drive, check out the fall foliage and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Enjoy your weekend!
Teresa M. Kenny
Town of Orangetown
26 Orangeburg Road
Orangeburg, New York 10962
(845) 359-5100 x 2293
Public Service Announcements
From the Orangetown Police Department
We are entering into the season when thieves target our residential areas for late afternoon and early evening burglaries. Since the sun goes down before many residents get home from work or school, their homes can be scouted as easy prey since a dark house advertises that nobody is home.

To help combat these thieves, remember to leave lights on or better yet install timers. Motion sensors are a great deterrent too.

Let’s all be great neighbors and look out for one another. If you see something suspicious feel free to contact us at (845) 359-3700 and the Orangetown Police Department will check it out.
Start your holiday shopping early!
Shop with the Orangetown Recreation Discount Program!
Upcoming Events