October/November 2021
Bishop Teresa Jefferson-Snorton, Presiding Prelate


Thanks to everyone who helped make our second season of virtual Annual Conferences a success! Although we wanted to gather in person for the entire conference, we had a spirit-filled, inspirational and information meeting in each Region! A special thanks to those churches who opened their doors to us for the in-person voting sessions:

Phillips, Huntsville
Hall Memorial, Montgomery
Southside, Birmingham

Saturday, December 4, 2021
(Joint Board Settlement and Pre-meeting date, Friday, December 3, 2021)

The conferences will be virtual using Zoom, with in-person sessions ONLY for ordinations. Those to be ordained will be notified individually of how the ordinations will occur.

A general schedule is available for your review along with the registration form. You may register and pay online or print out the form and mail it in.

A detailed program/schedule will be sent to those who register, and the program will contain the Zoom log-in information.

The registration deadline is November 20, 2021. Late registrations after that date should add $10 and be aware that you may not receive the log-in information through the mail in time.


APT CLASSES for Ministers On Trial are scheduled for Friday-Saturday, November 19-20 . They should have received an email from the Bishop. Registration for the Second Year Probationers and any others who want to enroll is at:

Registration deadline is November 10th if you want to receive your books in time.
PASTORS, if you have not already done so, please send your 2021-2022 goals to

Our theme this year is "Reviving the Body, Restoring the Temple"
(Ephesians 2:20-22)
Our Resource Book is "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations" by Robert Schnase

The guidelines for your 1-2 goals can be found by clicking here.

The due date is October 31, 2021.

The attached checklist must be completed and returned to your Presiding Elder for review PRIOR to re-opening the sanctuary for worship services and the church building for regular meetings.

Please follow CDC guidelines, local mandates, and MASKS and social distancing are encouraged because most gatherings will include both vaccinated and un-vaccinated persons.


A Collaborative Vaccination Campaign
Sponsored by the Connectional Young Adult Ministry (CYAM) and the College of Bishops features CME leaders, and several members of the Fifth Episcopal District.

View the videos or get resources regarding the COVID-19 Vaccinations
Scroll down the homepage to get to the information.


Rev. Walter Elliott, retired, Hunstville District
Rev. Joseph B. Randolph, Tuscaloosa District
Mrs. Doris Jones, widow of Rev. Glenn Jones, Tuscaloosa District
Mrs. Rose Packer, Birmingham District

Rev. Phoebe Presson's children lost their father.
Mrs. Valestine May lost her father.
Rev. Earlie Douthard lost her mother.
Rev. Lamont Johnson lost his step-mother.
Rev. Larry Batie lost a niece.
Rev. Lavetta Pope lost her father.
Mrs. Melody Massey lost her only son.
Mrs. Linda Miles lost her mother, Mrs. Gussie Bell
Mrs. Doris Jones lost her mother, Mrs. Willie B. Pelt
Presiding Elder Lawrence Jefferson-Snorton lost his mother.
Rev. Robert Deas lost a sister.
Rev. Troy Johnson lost his mother, Mrs. Lucille Johnson.
Rev. William Drummond lost a brother and his daughter-in-law.
Rev. Ophelia Davis lost her sister, Mrs. Jonnie Acklin
Mrs. Gwen Wilson lost her sister, Ms. Oreithia Sanders
Rev. Kenneth Johnson lost his brother, Charles Edward Johnson

Pastors and families in the Fifth Episcopal District who have lost relatives to COVID-19.

Keep in Prayer
Rev. Jerrell Hicks
Rev. Elliott Callahan
Rev. Annie Bennett
Rev. Tyree Anderson
Rev. Alton McGriff
Rev. Willie Marie Gilmore
Rev. Marvin Lue
Minister Donny Smith
Mrs. Evelyn Randolph
Antonio, grandson of Rev. Sharon Francis-Thomas
The son of Rev. Margaret Boudreaaux
The brother of Rev. Velma Thomas
Rev. Florence Luster
Rev. Demetrius Jifunza and family
Rev. Troy Johnson
Rev. Timothy Yearwood
Rev. Dr. Shirley Fletcher
Rev. Johnny Allen
All of those impacted by COVID-19!

Fifth Episcopal District, The CME Church
Mailing Address: PO Box 13383, Birmingham, AL 35202
Office Address: 2615 12th Ave, N., Birmingham, AL 35234

mail: phone: 205-202-6504

Click here to Find us on Facebook

Twitter: @cme5th