September 11, 2021
Dear Friends in Christ,
Today we remember the atrocity of 9-11 that occurred 20 years ago today. It was a day that shook the very core of our nation, yet our values of freedom, justice and unity stood up and stepped out as a witness to the world.
We also saw the courage of our nation especially through the first responders, some giving their lives to help others. Truly the spirit of Christ.
Today I ask you to take a moment and pause to remember those who lost their lives and the survivors whose lives will never be the same. Pray for those who mourn, those who suffer and our nation as we continue to work for freedom and justice for all.
Keep the faith!

- John
Bishop John Schol
The United Methodists of
Greater New Jersey & Eastern Pennsylvania
[email protected] | 732-359-1010
[email protected] | 610-666-1442
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