October 24, 2021
The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
"You are Here"

That's the image we landed on in Youth Group last week, while trying to describe where we often find ourselves in the mystery of our faith. At communion, we say the words.

"Christ has died."
"Christ is risen."
"Christ will come again."

Somewhere between "Christ is Risen and
Christ will Come Again" we find ourselves. Sometimes, that might feel as though we are blind like Bartimaeus...calling out for rescue...Sometimes, for other reasons, we might feel lost...but nobody is lost to God.

You are Here, and so is Christ himself. Mystery and all!
Matt +
This week at St. Peter's

8:00 a.m. Holy Communion in the church and online via livestream.

10:00 a.m. Holy Communion in the church

10:00 a.m. Sunday School is meeting in the Parish Hall at 10. They will rejoin us for Communion.

Wednesday 12 noon Eucharist with healing service in the church
(This service is also livestreamed)

Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study on Zoom.
"The Order of Melchizedek"Hebrews Chapter 7

Please keep in mind that with the current warnings about the Delta Variant of the Covid virus, masks are to be worn for all services to protect the most vulnerable among us. Thanks for your patience, and for wearing your mask.

The Readings for Sunday,
October 24, 2021

Happy Birthday and congratulations to Violet Austin and Emily Shoop
and all who are celebrating
birthdays this week, and to Kathy and Richard Shock who celebrate their wedding anniversary this week.
Remembering those who have died on All Saints Sunday:

Submissions for the Reading
of the Necrology
On All Saints Sunday, November 7, the Necrology will be read – the names of parishioners who have died during the past year.

Especially in this time of Covid-19, you are invited to submit the names of additional people close to you whom you would like have included. Submission forms may be found on the table at the rear of the church. Please leave filled out forms in the basket provided, or in the collection plate.

Additionally, names may be sent to the office by email,(office@stpetersmilford.org), or by calling the office at 203-874-8562. Please leave a message if the office is closed, and pronounce the name clearly along with the spelling. Please note: Submissions must be received by Wednesday November 3.
We continue our study of Hebrews.
Chapter 7, The Order of Melchizedek

This Bible Study takes place on Zoom, and using the tremendous resources from the Yale Divinity School Bible Study program,

This study will focus on a couple of chapters at a time, and expound on the themes of the chapters with world renowned scholars, Harold Attridge and David Bartlett.

Each week will begin at 7:00 PM with a short video,
followed by discussion among the group.

While the resources are available any time, the discussion is where things get good, and where the "rubber meets the road". Join us! Questions?

The new November - January issue of
Forward Day by Day is available.
Please look for it on the table at the rear of the church.
If you are unable to get to church, please email the office (office@stpetersmilford.org) to ask for one.

Ways to Serve at St. Peter's.

Refugee Resettlement
We are forming a group that might continue exploring refugee resettlement in partnership with IRIS and the broader faith communities here in Milford.

Check the video below to learn more.
Interested in Refugee Rettlement?
Get in touch with Rev. Matt.

Help Wanted to Paint the Taft Wing Classrooms THIS Saturday

As our programs for children continue to grow and flourish, we are preparing for a return to our education wing (the Taft wing) of the campus, when conditions permit.

If you'd like to help us move furniture, clear out clutter, and most importantly, help prep and paint classrooms, we'd love to hear from you! To Volunteer for any of these projects, contact Melissa Watson or Paul Mangels

Your prayers are requested this week for Dick W., Jack, Sophie, Corrine and Matt, Donald, Jim, Maria and her family, Emma, Ronald, Bennett, Rick, David, Ray, Paul, Gail, John, Susan, Nancy, Gabriel, Gretchen, Nicole, Ashley, Pat, Judy, Dorothy, Doug and Corliss, Claire and her family, Kate, Carolyn Martin, Richard, Patricia and Jim, Mike, Helene, Jan, Ruth, Carol, Mark, Ginny, Peggie, Roger, Bob and Connie, and Alice.

+ Pray for those who have died, and for all those who are bereaved.
+ Pray for those who are frightened, anxious, or lonely, especially the sick.
+ Pray for continued wisdom and discernment in our leaders in government and the church alike.
+Pray for the unemployed and underemployed; for all who suffer from addictions; for all who suffer chronic illness, and for all caregivers;
+ Pray for support and strength for health care workers, first responders, hospice chaplains, palliative care teams, funeral directors, and all who attend to end-of-life care.
+ Pray for all communities impacted by climate change and severe weather events.
+ Pray for all who will be persecuted for their faith.
+ Pray for renewal in our church, that the Holy Spirit might bless us with the endurance to run the race before us, and to do so with joy.
+This week in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Extra-Provencial Churches, and in the Diocesan cycle of prayer, we remember St. James’s, West Hartford; St. John’s, West Hartford; and Holy Spirit, West Haven;

Please send requests for additions to the weekly Prayer list by email to office@stpetersmilford.org