1st graders Addy and Lucy were inspired to make some signs to help protect our more fragile cedar trees.

Welcome Grandparents, see a note to you below. We hope all enjoyed a restful weekend and use the information below to look forward to a great week ahead!

Happy Monday,
Welcome! If you're receiving this message for the first time today, it's because your grandchild's parents thought you'd like to stay engaged with all the goings on at Riverside. We're grateful to have you as part of our supportive community. In addition to all the general notices below, we hope you enjoy clicking on the green buttons at the bottom, which take you to more specific info about your grandchild's classroom activities.
Roy and Riverside's Board of Trustees, and especially its Governance Committee, with the help of skilled parent volunteers, is finalizing a multi-year review of school policy. This work has taken a great deal of effort as it's updated our documents with standard and state-recommended language, codified ongoing practices, ensured alignment with our mission, and reorganized documents and tables of contents to be streamlined for their intended audiences. You can now find a Policy Manual on our website.
Think spring! Won't you be glad to see some new clumps of color popping up in your yard seven months form now? Or the yard of someone you know who might like a gift or a message with the order information? Today is the last day to order bulbs from Three Rivers Fall Bulbs to support this parent-led fundraiser.
The 23-24 Student Council is being advised by Nelia and Caroline, and those interested 4-8th graders have been doing impressive work already on thinking about how they want the group to work and crafting its purpose statement: to give students an opportunity to use their voices and strengths to serve and improve the Riverside community.

Nominations were submitted, campaign rules were established, and speeches were made by those candidates running on Pres-VP tickets this morning. The speeches were most impressive! Elections were conducted during the first hour of school, and it's clear we should have a run-off election for the office of Pres-VP, between Julian-Ignacio and Kellan-Willa, tomorrow morning. All of the winners will be announced in school tomorrow.

The first meeting of officers and members (anyone in 4-8th grade who wants to and can commit to serving on at least one committee) will be Thursday at lunch in the kitchen.
Whipples school picture order envelopes were sent home last week. Please return the envelope before picture day, which is Friday, October 13 . If you don't want pictures please indicate that on the envelope and return to school anyway.
Thank you to everyone who turned out to Race Back to School last week! We know with busy family and sports schedules it can be tough to carve out time, and those who did definitely demonstrated our supportive community. If you are seeking pledges based on your participation, please turn those in by October 16 to Nelia. Please add mailing addresses for any donors who give more than $100, as we want to send them a thank you and tax-receipt. We look forward to seeing how many funds can be raised for tuition assistance to Riverside based on your efforts!
This week:
Note that the 5-6th grade has a new game this week, and that times have been updated. Students and families need to coordinate their own rides from school to game locations. Directions:
  • Barnet on Wednesday: follow GPS directions to I-91 south, West Barnet Road, and a right on to Kid Row
  • Concord (KESD South) on Friday: follow GPS directions on Route 2 East to Shadow Lake Road and Cross Road

Practices: The 5-6 team will have an optional practice after school on Tuesday until 5:00 pm.

5-6th Game Schedule: Thank you to Madeleine Balcom (5th grader Azro), Caleb Creaven and Anna Crytzer (6th grader Fiona), and Arcelie Newell (6th grader Phoenix) for working together to lead this team during games!
  • *New Game* Wed., 9/27 @ Barnet, 4:00
  • Sat., 9/30 Monroe Tournament, 8:00-4:00pm
  • Mon., 10/2 vs KESD location TBD, 4:30
  • Tues, 10/10 with 7-8th team vs Monroe, 5:00
  • Mon., 10/16 with 7-8th team vs Good Shepherd, 4:30
  • Wed., 10/18 vs Barnet, 4:00
  • Fri., 10/20 with 7-8th team @ Monroe, 5:00

7-8th Game Schedule:
  • Wed., 9/27 @ Barnet, *new time* 5:00
  • Fri., 9/29 @ KESD South, 5:00
  • Sat., 9/30 Monroe Tournament, 8:00-4:00pm, we need the help of a volunteer coach this day
  • Thur., 10/5 @ KESD North, 4:30
  • Fri, 10/6 vs KESD South, 4:30
  • Tues, 10/10 with 5-6th team vs Monroe, 5:00
  • Mon., 10/16 with 7-8th team vs Good Shepherd, 4:30
  • Wed., 10/18 vs Barnet, 5:00
  • Fri., 10/20 with 5-6th team @ Monroe, 5:00
3-5th grade will be swimming this Friday, September 29, and then October 13, 20, and 27. Please remember to pick up on those dates at the college at 3:15.
Thank you to Courtney Daffinrud (8th grader Sawyer and 6th grader Anders) and Erin McMullen (6th grader Oden) for stepping up to help coordinate our particiaption in the East Burke Parade this year! They will be looking for student musicians, a truck & trailer, and help decorating it on the theme of "Make a Difference," please email them if you can help. Any families who want to show their love for Riverside are welcome to join us this Saturday morning by 9:45 at the Darling Hill Park, on route 114 just north of East Burke village. Families can ride the wagon or walk with/behind the Riverside banner. Wear blue and green, and consider bringing some candy to toss to the crowds. The parade portion of the day will be over by 11:00.
The sale is just two weeks away: Saturday, October 7 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. This week is the time to be gathering and sorting donations, read on below about how to sort them and when to drop them off at Riverside. Volunteers and supplies for the event are also needed.
If you can loan us your pop tent, folding tables, milk crates, or book shelves, please label them clearly with your family's name and "NOT FOR SALE" and bring them along with your donations.

We need you! In anticipation of a successful Yard Sale, our goal is that most parents will volunteer to work a shift or two for the event. Thank you in advance for any help you can give. You can sign up to volunteer here.

If you'd rather lend a hand in advance, on your own schedule, or after the event, we also need:
  • hands to help set up tents this Wednesday September 27, or Thursday, October 5 after school (sign up here)
  • help receiving and sorting donations from 2:45-4:00 October 2, 3, 4, or 5th (sign up here)
  • bakers to prepare goodies for the student council bake sale, remember that "breakfast" treats like muffins or scones will be appreciated during the morning hours as well as sweeter items in the afternoon
  • hands to help put the campus back together on Sunday, October 8 (sign up here)
The organizational committee will be meeting again at 3:00 today and tomorrow in the library, all parents are welcome to join us if you want to learn more about how the yard sale works and what assistance may be needed beyond working shifts.

We hope you are cleaning out your attics, basements, cupboards and closets to donate items. Here is some guidance for donations:
  • We CAN take: linens, books, toys, sports gear, shoes, bags, yard stuff, artwork, office, housewares, antiques, jewelry, tools, pet supplies, holiday decor & crafts, and clothing. Clothing should be washed, wearable, and pre-sorted by size and youth vs mens vs womens; please no tears/rips/stains/broken zippers. We ask that each family limit their daily-wear clothing donations to 2 kitchen-sized trash bags (roughly 13 gal size).
  • We CANNOT take: electronics (radios, TVs, VCRs), particle board furniture, magazines, video or audio cassettes, encyclopedias, car seats
  • All donations must be brought before noon on Friday, October 6. Presorting your donations into the categories above is essential to supporting the volunteers, who will also be sorting and setting up the sale. Please help us all by doing that at home, or when you bring your donations.
  • Volunteers will be on campus to help accept donations on:
Sunday, Oct 1: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Monday-Thursday, Oct 2-5: 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Friday, Oct 6: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Parent Katie DesJardins (5th grader Audrey and 7th grader Russell) has stepped up to revive and coordinate earning funds for Riverside through the Box Tops for Education program. We're no-longer clipping labels with scissors, Box Tops has gone digital! Download the app and when you finish unpacking groceries, simply scan your receipt. Or, if you’re shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can still submit your digital or email receipt with the Box Tops app. Twice a year, our Riverside gets a check! Box Tops earnings really add up, and the more people that participate, the bigger the impact we can make. So let’s give our teachers the support they need and give more kids the opportunity to succeed.
Licensed mental health counselor Ellen Moore will be on campus on Tuesdays. Ellen is available situationally for emergent counseling needs, but for regular meetings or to have your child join her regular caseload, you should reach out to her about next steps.
We will have a practice lockdown-style drill on Tuesday, September 26 at 9:15. Over the last several years, we have developed a detailed emergency response plan that is developmentally appropriate and aligned with our mission. This drill is part of that initiative. Additionally, we must complete two state-mandated “multiple response” drills each year.
Starting tomorrow (Tuesday) in the Extended Day Program, Kate Murphy, a local artist who works in our EDP, will lead a costuming workshop sessions for students who are with her and the other EDP staff. This is a great opportunity for any student who wants to make their own Halloween costume or any student who enjoys crafts, textiles, papier mache, or art in general. The sessions will go from 4:00-5:00 for the month ahead, and participating students need to be there until at least 4:30 (leaving after just a few minutes would be disruptive). If your child is interested in this, please send them in with a bin to store their project in between sessions. EDP charges will apply.
  • 3-5th Crazy 8's Math Club will have its first meeting today, Monday, 9/25 and these are the following dates for this season: 9/25, 10/2, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13. On these Mondays, students who've signed up for the Crazy 8's club will go to after school care with Sean until Caroline checks them into Crazy 8's at 3:30. The club will start with a snack together before the fun begins. Pick up is at 4:30 in front of the barn. If you have any questions please email Caroline for more information.
  • 6-8th Latin Club will be Wednesdays after school from 3:35 until 4:30. The focus of meetings between now and November will be entirely on certamen practice for the Yale Invitational Certamen, which is on Saturday, November 11th and will involve an overnight trip.
  • 4th Homework Club: Students who want extra help with Renee can come to her classroom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-3:30. When they are finished, if needed, they may go sign in to the EDP program directly.
  • 5-8th D&D Club will be held on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00, beginning tomorrow, and possibly lasting all year. Any questions can be directed to 7th grade leader Russel DesJardins.
St. Johnsbury's Halloween Parade Committee is organizing a costume swap this year. Do you have outgrown costumes and accessories you no longer need or want? Please consider donating costume items in the bin on our front porch at school until October 4. All are welcome to attend the Swap event and choose a new-to-you costume on Saturday, October 7 at Four Seasons Park on Main Street from 2:00-4:00 pm.
The North Country Youth Chorus is seeking participants; their fall session begins next week on September 27. They meet on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm in St. Johnsbury. Members practice teamwork, concentration, and self confidence while learning about music and singing.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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