Women's Night Out is Monday, October 9, at 6 pm at the Masonry Grill (120 Commercial NE). RSVP to Sue Ray at or 503-319-0511.
Please join us at the coffee hour after the service on October 8th as we say farewell to Bev Silveira who is moving to Baltimore on Oct 19 to be closer to her daughter, Cindy. Bev, along with husband Ben, joined the church in 1997 and has been a very involved, contributing member of our congregation since then including singing in the Chancel Choir and ringing Handbells. Come wish her well as she makes this move!
Volunteers needed for Westminster Festival of Fine Arts. The Festival will be held October 12-15, but set-up begins October 8. Several types of roles and many hands go into making this wonderful community event a reality. Sign up in the narthex or here.
Come join the Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30am. We will be reading through the Narrative Lectionary Year 2. Everyone is welcome.
Go Deeper
Considering becoming a member at Westminster or interested in learning more about being Presbyterian? Join the new members' information class meeting October 8 and 15, 11:30-1:00. RSVP to the church office ( or talk to Pastor Kelly or Katie Nelson.
Want to contribute musically at WestPres? If you are a vocalist or instrumentalist and are interested in being on the worship team, please reach out to Ariana Recher ( or Jeffrey Larkin ( for more details on rehearsals and Sunday service!
Leadership Corner
For Elders, Deacons, Committee Chairs & Staff
- 10/4 @ 4:30pm Staff meeting
- 10/18 @ 6pm Session
10/22 @ 11:30am Showing of What’s Really Causing Church Decline and What We Can Do About It - Faith+Lead in Russell Hall.
- 10/25 @ 6:15pm Deacons
- 11/8 @ 6:30-7:45pm Leadership Lab (Winter). Coordinating & sharing programs for Dec/Jan/Feb.
- 11/19 @ 10am Elder-led worship service
- 11/19 @ 11:30am Open Forum with Elders
Book: The Agile Church. Deacons will receive their copies in October. Staff & Elders, contact the office if you need a copy.
Save the Date
October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival
October 22: Stewardship Pancake Breakfast
October 25: Trunk or Treat
November 8: Leadership Lab
November 12: Stewardship Hoedown Luncheon
In the Community
Salem's 34th Annual Peace Lecture is Wednesday, October 18, at 7:30 pm. The lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, an ordained Presbyterian minister who teaches at Union Theological Seminary in New York, directs the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice, and is co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign. The title of her lecture, "Peace, Peace When There Is No Peace: Addressing Poverty, Racism, and Militarism from the Bottom Up" includes areas which she is eminently equipped to address and are also the issues the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was dealing with at the time of his assassination in 1968. The lecture will be held in the Mary Hudson Hall at Willamette University. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Westminster has been a long-time supporter of the Peace Lecture through our local missions budget.
Southwest Association of Neighbors (SWAN) will hold their monthly meeting at Westminster as usual on Tuesday, October 3, at 6:30 pm. This meeting includes special guest Mayor Chris Hoy. Since Westminster is considered a "business" of southwest Salem, church members are welcome to attend.
Temple Beth Sholom will be holding their annual Chanukkah & Craft Bazaar on November 12, and they're extending the invitation to our congregation to attend or even register as a vendor! All are welcome, this is not limited to Chanukkah items. Register here or view more info here.