Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Elizabeth Mamacos – parent24 
“…Research shows that boys who grow up with an absent fathers are more likely to display aggression and other hyper-masculine behaviors, which increases their risk for unhealthy relationships, crime, joining gangs, dropping out of school and addiction…”
By Gretchen Smail – Bustle 
“…His most widely criticized theory pushed in these books was Parental Alienation Syndrome . He claimed that during divorce custody battles, the influence of a vindictive parent — usually the mother — could turn the child against the other parent and even prompt them to make up allegations of abuse…”
By Elaine Roth – ScaryMommy 
“…It seems that we as a society have a better understanding of the kind of intentional conversations that need to occur between parents and children when it comes to divorce. Unfortunately, the conversations aren’t any easier now than they were then. That’s where books come in. Books can help parents find the words to explain concepts that seem too tough for young minds…
By Patrick Little – WPRI 
“…Co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging, and too often we hear stories about the bad and not enough about stories of success. The National Parents Organization is trying to change that. The local chapter just presented its first “Partners in Parenting Award,” recognizing excellence in parenting during and after divorce…”
“…The bill includes the “Friendly Parent Factor” that considers “the likelihood of a party will allow the child frequent, meaningful and continuing contact with the other parent…”
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