December 2022 Newsletter
Join us as we celebrate the Christmas Season together with the following worship services and events.
Youth Group Progressive Dinner and White Elephant Gift Exchange
Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30 PM
Worship Service with Youth and Family Christmas Program
Sunday, December 18 at 9:30 AM
Blue Christmas Service
Tuesday, December 20 at 7:00 PM
Christmas Eve Service
Saturday, December 24 at 5:00 PM
Christmas Morning Service
Sunday, December 25 at 9:30 PM
Youth Group Progressive Dinner and White Elephant Gift Exchange
Our 6-12th grade youth are invited to join us Wednesday, December 14 at 6:30 PM as we travel from house to house enjoying an appetizer, followed by the main course, and finally desserts and our White Elephant Gift Exchange. It will be a great night of fellowship, food, and fun.
Worship service with Youth and Family Christmas Program
Join us Sunday morning, December 18, at 9:30 AM as we worship together and celebrate Christmas through our intergenerational Christmas Event - Nativity in Action. At this event, we will invite our children, youth, and adults to be a part of the program as we tell the story of Jesus' birth. This will be a wonderful way to see a nativity in action as we act, sing, and celebrate together.
Blue Christmas Service
Join us Tuesday, December 20, at 7:00 PM for a service of reflection. The Christmas season is often thought of as a time of joy and dazzling bright lights. Yet the reality is that the holidays may also intensify feelings of loneliness or loss or stress, or pressure. The emotions surrounding the death of a loved one, a lost job, a divorce, or a child moving off to college may also be intensified during the Christmas season. Blue Christmas worship is a time to acknowledge that there may be more to the holiday season than just bright lights and good cheer. It's a time to acknowledge the reality that loss, loneliness, or suffering may be intensified during this season of the year. 
Christmas Eve Service
Please plan to join us on Christmas Eve (December 24) at 5:00 PM for a traditional service of scripture, hymns, and candle lighting.
Christmas Morning Service
Join us on Christmas Morning (December 25) at 9:30 AM as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a service of song, celebration, and message.
If you have a poinsettia that you would like to share this Christmas season in memory of a loved one, please bring it to the church beginning this week. Remember to put your name on the tag/card and who it is in remembrance of. 
WORSHIP: Join us for worship at 9:30 AM. Our service is a mix of traditional and contemporary in music and style, with communion on the first Sunday of the month.
COFFEE FELLOWSHIP: Each week, we join together following worship in the Fellowship Hall to visit, share a light snack, and connect with old and new friends.
ALL-AGES WORSHIP: After about 10 minutes of coffee fellowship, we will gather in the back of the Fellowship Hall and sanctuary for a short time of worship, where we will sing songs and hear what our children are learning about that week.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Following All-Ages-Worship, our children from birth through 5th grade are invited to attend our new Rotational Sunday School program. We are wrapping up our first rotation about Creation, and on October 16 will be starting our new rotation about Joseph and his brothers. Each week the children will experience the story through different rotations such as Art, Games, Cooking, Video, and Science.
CHOIR REHEARSAL: The choir is BACK! We invite all singers and wanna-be singers to rehearse with us Sundays at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome to participate and make a joyful noise to the Lord – no talent is required!
SUNDAY MORNING DISCIPLESHIP: Following All-Ages-Worship, everyone else will remain as we learn about the bible and about Methodist theology and practice. Our CONFIRMATION students are expected to attend the Sunday Morning Discipleship program.
You are invited to worship on Sunday at 9:30 AM
in a variety of ways!
  1. You can come to worship in the sanctuary!
  2. Watch our Livestream on Facebook at
  3. Watch our videos on our Youtube channel Beresford Zion UMC.
  4. If you would like communion, please let Pastor John know so arrangements can be made.
With the new year comes new opportunities to connect here at Beresford Zion.
Choir - We had our first successful choir practice two weeks ago and already have over ten people involved, with many more planning to join soon. If you have ever wanted to give it a try, this is a great time to check it out. The choir practices on Sundays at 5 PM right here at Beresford Zion UMC. We hope to see you there!
New Sunday Morning Education Format - Beginning in January, we have a number of changes coming to the fellowship and education hour.
  • All-Ages Worship will now take place in the sanctuary with continued emphasis on our children.
  • Sunday School - We will begin having two classes with a birth through kindergarten class and a 1st through 5th-grade class. We will continue using our rational model and are excited to now have the ability to better engage the children at their level.
  • Confirmation Class and Intro to Discipleship - This class will be replacing our Sunday morning discipleship program. This class will continue to emphasize Methodist theology and practice as well as biblical knowledge but will do so by better engaging our confirmation students while continuing to invite others to join them on the journey of discipleship.
Beginning in January, join Randy and Pastor John at Cream & Sugar on the second Thursday of each month at 10 AM as we share a time of fellowship and fun in the cutest new spot in town. Getting a roll is not required, but it is highly recommended.
The UMM will meet Sunday, December 11, at 8:00 AM for a time of food and fellowship. 
The Lighthouse book study meets on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM at the church. The current book is “Anxious for Nothing – Finding Calm in a Chaotic World” by Max Lucado. Contact Janet VonEschen at (605) 763-5412 if you are interested in joining this study. 
Weekly Youth Group
Youth Group meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-9:00 PM. Each week we will have a meal at 6:30 followed by programming from 7-8:30 PM and some free time until 9 PM. This will be a great time of fun, fellowship, and growing in faith.

Our Youth are headed to Okoboji for our first annual Okoboji Winter Retreat on Friday, January 27 at 6:30 PM to Sunday, January 29 at 6:00 PM. The Okoboji Winter Retreat is a weekend of bonding, growing in our faith, and fun. While at Okoboji, we will be staying at Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp and attending the Okoboji Winter Games, going to dinner, spending time bonding in the retreat center, attending services at a local United Methodist church, and spending a few hours at Boji Splash Indoor Waterpark. The signup, cost, and other information will be coming out soon.
BZUMC is participating in the Angel Tree Gift project which provides gifts for children in the Beresford community that quite possibly wouldn’t otherwise receive one. Your unwrapped gift with the angel tag attached to it needs to be returned to the church by Sunday, December 4
We will be ringing bells again for the Salvation Army on Saturday, Dec. 17 at Fiesta. There is a sign-up sheet in the entry for you to sign up for a one-hour shift between 10 AM and 2 PM. It is a fun and rewarding experience. The bulk of what is collected stays right here in Beresford to help those in need.
The fellowship time following our worship service is a great opportunity to connect visitors with members of our congregation, as well as with each other. We need volunteers willing to start the coffee pot and serve a light snack for this relationship-building ministry. If you are willing to help, please sign up on the sheet at the Hospitality Desk in the entry or email Pastor John at
Each Wednesday at 6:30 PM our youth gather for a meal before youth group. This is a great opportunity for them to unwind and enjoy each other's company before a night of activities and faith discussions. You can sign up at our welcome center or by contacting Pastor John

We serve 15-20 people each week and have three options to choose from.
  1. Bring a meal
  2. Prepare a meal at church (You provide food)
  3. Prepare a meal at church (We provide food)

This service makes a big difference for our youth, and we thank you to all those who have provided a meal.
We are in need of more ushers and greeters for our Sunday morning worship! Please sign up today at the hospitality desk or email Pastor John to serve in any or all of these important missions!
BZUMC is a praying church. That’s not just something we say, it’s who we are and what we do because we believe God listens and responds to our prayers! Please join us Saturday mornings at 7:30 to pray for our church family, our community and the world. We also have coffee and doughnuts! If you have a prayer request, please contact Pastor John or Jerry Hill or leave a note in the offering plate or in one of the prayer request boxes (in the entry or outside by the bell tower).
The Zion Cemetery Association is doing a fundraiser to help cover mowing expenses. Avis Blumer and Brenda (Blumer) Hopper are making chocolate truffles. One dozen truffles are nicely packaged in a gold foil box and are appropriate for gift giving. The cost is $12 per box of 12. If you would like truffles for Christmas gift giving, orders need to be placed by Dec. 10. Please call or text Brenda at 612-418-7642. Pickup in Beresford; shipping not offered.
The cemetery was established in the 1870s, with the oldest grave dating back to 1876. The cemetery is located 4 miles north and 1 3/4 miles east of Beresford.
The deadline for articles to be in the newsletter is the 3rd Friday of the month. You may submit them anytime before that date via email to or give them to Kathy Hill. Thank you!
If you know of someone in the hospital or is scheduled for a hospital stay, please let Pastor John know at or call the church phone at (605) 763-2861
If you want to start the Prayer Chain, please contact Kathy Hill, 929-3016; Delores Carlson, 763-5164; or Wanda Miller, 957-4552. If you have had an email or phone number change or if you would like to be removed from the list, please contact Kathy Hill.
If you would like to do your giving online, please sign up for Vanco E-giving. You can download the free app (GivePlus+) and sign up there, go to our church website ( and click on the “Vanco” icon, or go to our Facebook page and click the donate button. You can give online, on your phone, and even set up recurring gifts, so you don’t have to worry about your giving when you are gone! It takes less than 10 minutes to sign up, and it is such a blessing to the church! 
Check out our new website. Our website address remains unchanged at, but the update comes with a better cell phone interface, new information, and new ways to connect with the ministry of Beresford Zion.
HOME - Beresford Zion United Methodist Church

Beresford Zion United Methodist Church

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47106 298th St. Beresford, SD 57004
Office Phone - (605) 763-2861
Email us at
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Extending Christ's Mission Through Open Hearts, Minds, and Doors.