Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
"...When Georgia couples with children divorce, current law presumes that the mother should keep custody, unless the judge finds reason to rule against her. House Bill 96 could scrap that and mandate 50/50 custody if a judge decides it's in the best interest of the child..."
"...Among the many issues that divorcing couples with children must face is one often worth thousands of dollars: who will claim the kids on their tax returns?..."
"...In the past, the common thing was for the children to live permanently with their mother following a divorce or break-up. But the proportion of children who do so in Norway has fallen from 84 per cent in 2002, to 62 per cent in 2012, and further down to 49 per cent in 2020..."
By Lawyer Monthly, 01/18/2023
"...There are all kinds of reasons why couples decide to break their vows and move on. Sometimes, one or both partners finds that they no longer have a love for the other, and sometimes both parties find themselves arguing all the time and unable to agree on anything. Whoever is at fault, a divorce is never fun..."
By New York Daily News, 12/26/2022
"...The bill fixes a law that dates back to the time when children of unmarried parents were considered “illegitimate” and makes unmarried fathers’ parental rights categorically contingent on providing financial support, ignoring the many other important ways fathers support their children..."
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