Volume 12, No. 2, Released March 2, 2025

Sharing news from February 2025

One Health Happenings

New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared by the

One Health Commission (OHC)    

A U.S. based 501c3 non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

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Quotation of the Month

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.

Alice Walker


ABRASUNI - the Associação Brasileira de Saúde Única

One Health Brazil Network formally launches Brazilian Association of One Health

With representation in all Brazilian states, ABRASUNI is a non-governmental organization that brings together researchers, professors, students, professionals, and government entities who work at the intersection of human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Its Mission is to Facilitate, Guide and Support One Health efforts through the promotion of competences and interinstitutional actions for One Health in Brazil. It promotes research, education, advocacy and dissemination of scientific information on the One Health approach, focusing on health, biodiversity and sustainability issues in Brazil and with international partnerships. A few of its recent accomplishments include leading the One Health Brazil Symposium in May 2023 with over 3,000 online participants and launch of the Brazilian Interinstitutional Technical Committee for One Health in August 2024 that is working to develop Brazil’s National Action Plan for One Health.


Civil Society for Health Equity and Inclusiveness (CSO Platform) launches One Health Climate Change Network

The CSO One Health and Climate Change Network will serve as a community-engaged knowledge hub supporting and strengthening capacity for trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration between knowledge producers (including traditional knowledge), mobilizers, and users to develop more relevant and effective One Health and climate change and health practices. It will strengthen civil society organizations, community networks, and stakeholders’ capacity to enhance One Health implementation and climate change and health resilience in the Asia-Pacific region. See the CSO report on Climate Change and Vector-Borne Diseases. See the new network’s Terms of Reference document. More Information contact:


OHSS-Human-Animal Bond (OHSS-HAB)

New Working Group launched by

the One Health Commission’s One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative 

The OHSS-HAB is dedicated to advancing understanding and recognition of the diverse and dynamic interactions between humans, animals, and the environment, focusing on the mutual benefits and challenges of the HAB through a transdisciplinary, One Health lens. Formed in fall 2024, the aim of the group is to share the various approaches to and understanding of the human-animal bond across its global network. Visit the new OHSS-HAB webpage on the One Health Commission website. 

  • See the first of a series of knowledge sharing videos on the HAB from a variety of countries. 

February 7, 2025 The emotional and psychological benefits of pet ownership: A preliminary look at human mental health outcomes in Ghana. Speaker - Faustina Asiedua Otuel, BA

OHSS-HAB is actively welcoming new participants. Contact if you are interested in being part of this working group.


Science Policy Interface (SPI) Sessions Report from

8th World One Health Congress 2024 in Cape Town released by

Global One Health

From September, 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.

This summary of twenty-four Science Policy Interface sessions provides an excellent overview of what is going on in the global One Health movement with numerous calls for action. Until 31 January 2025, all participants of the 8th World One Health Congress were able to access recordings of all sessions and download their attendance certificates from their personal profiles on the Congress platform.


One Health: EU agencies unite to tackle azole fungicide resistance in Aspergillus fungi

January 30, 2025 EFSA European Food Safety Authority

The extensive use of azole fungicides (azoles), particularly in some agricultural and horticultural practices, can increase the risk of Aspergillus fungi developing resistance to essential antifungal treatments. This significant finding is highlighted in a report by the five EU health and environment agencies, with support from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). The Agencies collaborated under a One Health approach to address this growing threat.


New Policy Brief on the Integration of the One Health Approach into Humanitarian Action

From the University of Geneva, the Geneva Health Forum, One Sustainable Health for All and other partners. As natural disasters, conflicts, and displacement become more frequent and complex, their impact on ecosystems, food systems, and public health is particularly severe in low-resource settings. The growing recognition of the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, exacerbated by climate change, has reinforced the need for holistic, cross-sectoral approaches in crisis response.

This Policy Brief is the product of a collaborative effort among leading academics, dedicated humanitarians, and the participants of a global online consultation that brought together diverse perspectives. It outlines 4 key recommendations and 28 concrete actions to help humanitarians, policymakers, researchers, and donors enhance crisis response, strengthen disease prevention, and promote environmental sustainability.

Citation: Marino V, Bolon I, Ziveri D, Urbaez K, Zinsstag J, Blanchet K, Ruiz de Castaneda R, (2025). Humanitarian Action in the Planetary Crisis [Policy Brief]. DOI: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:182726


New One Health Center, University College Dublin

The UCD Centre for One Health will provide solutions to diseases and other global health challenges, and aims to become a national and world-class leader in developing and facilitating strategies to implement One Health. It will take a comprehensive approach to pursuing priorities in Research Excellence, Education and Training, Community Engagement and Outreach, Policy and Advocacy, and Building Capacity and Partnerships. It is a WHO Regional Office for Europe Collaborating Centre on One Health. Currently recruiting faculty and Research Fellows.


One Health at the University of Veterinary and Animal Science (UVAS), Lahore, Pakistan releases 2024 Report/Newsletter

One Health UVAS is a dynamic platform that aims to promote interdisciplinary research and collaboration to enhance public health outcomes through integrated knowledge and practices. By fostering partnerships with international organizations, government agencies, NGOs, and academic institutions, we strive to leverage diverse expertise to address complex health challenges such as zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and the health impacts of climate change, ensuring a healthier future for all.


CABI’s One Health Hub

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is supporting CABI (Jan 2024 - March 2026) to manage a knowledge, learning and evidence platform focused on One Health to facilitate learning and evidence synthesis. The One Health Hub will engage with stakeholders to identify research gaps and promote evidence-informed research and policy decision making in One Health. The Juno Evidence Alliance will lead the One Health Hub’s work to synthesize evidence on One Health issues and will be working with the secretariat and communication teams to share and debate evidence widely. The One Health Hub will work closely with the FAO One Health Knowledge Nexus and seek to engage with the One Health Quadripartite and One Health High Level Expert Panel.


One Health Issues 'in' the NEWS

H5N1 Avian Influenza in the NEWS

Do you have One Health related news about H5N1 to share from ‘your’ region of the world? Submit it to be included in the next issue of One Health Happenings.

FAO Virtual Learning Centers Launch New, Free, Self-Paced Course on Avian Influenza (AI)

Aim: to raise awareness about avian influenza and to develop capacity on its detection and prevention. This introductory course made up of 6 short (15-20 minutes) modules is designed to be useful for a range of stakeholders including veterinarians, veterinary paraprofessionals and others working in the poultry industries. It can be studied from a smartphone, computer or tablet device.


Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine Launches Avian Influenza Resource Center to fill Information Gaps

February 20, 2025

Cornell University has launched the Avian Flu Resource Center to provide reliable information on highly pathogenic avian influenza for veterinarians, the public, farmers and wildlife professionals. The center offers updates on human and animal health, including information on the virus' spread and prevention measures.


One Health Lessons Launches

Bird Flu Lessons for Ages 6 and Up

One Health Lessons, a global educational charity, has launched age-appropriate Bird Flu lessons in multiple languages (more languages pending) for students as young as 6 years old. All lessons teach about risks, preventions, and symptoms of H5N1 with highly-interactive activities. Bring Knowledge to your community today. Check out the lesson plans and lesson materials at

Want to learn how to teach these lessons? Sign up for the Lesson Leaders Program at


More than 1,500 sandhill cranes in Indiana killed by HPAI

February 25, 2025

Author: Amy LaValley In: Chicago Tribune

Sandhill cranes are the latest victims of a particularly persistent strain of avian influenza, killing at least 1,500 of the migrating birds in recent weeks, according to a biologist with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.


Two Washington cats infected with bird flu

February 26, 2025 

Author: Laurel Demkovich In: Washington State Standard

The state Department of Agriculture confirmed the virus in both animals based on test results received on Tuesday. Both of the cats had eaten Wild Coast Raw pet food, which was recalled earlier this month due to the potential contamination of the highly pathogenic avian influenza.


5 cats in one Oregon household suspected to have avian flu - ate raw food

February 19, 2025

Three cats from a single Clackamas County household tested positive for bird flu this week, marking the latest infections across Oregon in the past two months, state officials confirmed. Seven cats in the Portland area have now contracted avian influenza since December, including two others in Washington County and two in Multnomah County.


Protecting cats from avian influenza

Raw diets have been linked to severe illness and death of dozens of cats known to have contracted H5N1. This AVMA webpage provides the latest information to provide felines and their humans.


Wisconsin to begin testing bulk milk supplies for H5N1

February 19, 2025

Wisconsin's Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection say Wisconsin will participate in the national testing program that aims to eliminate avian flu virus from dairy herds. Officials expect to utilize samples that are already collected for routine milk testing to streamline the testing process. Nationally, the USDA has confirmed 36 cases of bird flu in livestock in four states in the last 30 days.


Backyard Chickens and Bird Flu

February 18, 2025

As the popularity of keeping backyard and urban chicken flocks grows, health and agriculture experts warn that bird flu can pose a risk to these feathered friends and their owners. Backyard chickens are at risk for the H5N1 bird flu, which is very contagious. CDC’s guide for backyard flock owners offers a number of suggestions to minimize risk.


Notes from the Field: Seroprevalence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5) Virus Infections Among Bovine Veterinary Practitioners — United States, September 2024.

Leonard J, Harker EJ, Szablewski CM, et al. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2025;74:50–52. DOI:

This report addresses a serosurvey conducted among 150 bovine veterinary practitioners and the implications for public health practice. 


New Mexico to begin testing bulk milk supplies for HPAI

February 18, 2025 New Mexico veterinary and agriculture officials will begin testing milk this week for a variant of avian influenza passing among dairy cows and raising concerns of spread to humans. NM’s Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte told Source NM that the program allows officials to detect the virus before cows may be symptomatic.


New avian influenza genotype found in (U.S) dairy cattle

February 6, 2025

On January 31, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed by whole genome sequence the first detection of H5N1 clade, genotype D1.1 in dairy cattle. All previous detections of the virus in dairy cattle have been HPAI H5N1 clade, genotype B3.13. Infection in dairy cows has become widespread in the U.S. since last March, affecting at least 957 herds in 16 states.



European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) track Avian influenza virus mutations and analyse response strategies

Employing a One Health approach, the ECDC and the EFSA have issued scientific advice that assesses avian influenza virus mutations and the potential of these viruses to spread to humans, along with recommendations for the animal and public health sectors. The work of the two Agencies draws on extensive data, including genetic analyses, human case studies, and antibody presence to outline current risks and mitigation strategies. 34 mutations that might give avian flu viruses greater capacity to spread to humans have been identified. Animal and public health labs that conduct genetic analysis can refer to the list to monitor the emergence of strains that could pose a threat to humans……the Agencies also developed a public health guidance on how to investigate and control outbreaks of avian influenza affecting both humans and animals, using a coordinated One Health approach. Experts developed flow charts outlining response actions for five outbreak scenarios at the human-animal-environment interface, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary response among all stakeholders. This work will support Member States in creating tailored national guidelines.

ECDC and EFSA release Avian Influenza Public Health Guidance: Coordinated One Health investigation and management of outbreaks in humans and animals caused by zoonotic avian influenza viruses

January 29, 2025

The report should assist in developing guidance documents to facilitate coordinated One Health investigations and the management of outbreaks in humans and animals caused by zoonotic avian influenza viruses. When investigating and controlling outbreaks caused by zoonotic avian influenza viruses (AIV), a One Health approach is key. However, knowledge-sharing on AIV-specific One Health strategies, tools and action plans remains limited across the EU/EEA. It is crucial to establish responsibilities, capacity requirements, and collaboration mechanisms during 'peace time' to enable timely and effective outbreak investigations and management. Download the Report

Citation: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Food Safety Authority, Hallmeier-Wacker L, Enkirch T, Melidou A, Willgert K and Gervelmeyer A, 2025. Coordinated One Health investigation and management of outbreaks in humans and animals caused by zoonotic avian influenza viruses– January 2025. ISBN 978-92-9498-765-5; doi: 10.2900/4758784

More One Health News

Review Report Released:

What are the critical factors which support or inhibit effective implementation of the One Health approach in Africa?

While there is growing evidence of incremental benefits from One Health approaches, for these benefits to be maximized and extended, we need improved One Health operationalization, with strengthening of multisectoral coordination mechanisms at global, regional, national and local levels. This requires an unbiased understanding of the existing evidence base, including which areas have been researched and where gaps in knowledge remain so that future research can prioritise resolving them. In 2023, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCD) commissioned an evidence synthesis under the Juno Evidence Alliance to examine the question: “What are the critical factors which support or inhibit the effective implementation of the One Health approach at country level?” The synthesis was conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. It focused on Africa and combined existing literature with stakeholder interviews from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The objective was to review the current state of evidence on operationalisation of the One Health approach and identify factors supporting or limiting One Health implementation in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.

  • Read the full Review Report:

Heitz-Tokpa,K, Kaiser-Grolimund A,, Understanding the critical factors which support or inhibit the effective implementation of the One Health approach in Africa, (2024), junoreports.2024.0004, Juno Reports, CABI, doi:10.1079/junoreports.2024.0004

Understanding the Critical Factors which support or inhibit the Effective Implementation of the One Health Approach in Africa.

What are the critical factors which support or inhibit the effective implementation of the One Health approach in Africa? See the systematic mapping protocol.


Let your Voice be Heard!

CABI One Health Research Horizon Scanning Survey

and Workshops

Re-opened by popular demand. Supported by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in collaboration with the Juno Evidence Alliance, this survey is engaging with stakeholders to identify research gaps and to promote evidence-informed decision making on policy issues relevant to One Health. Aims include: Identifying emerging risks and opportunities in One Health research, Preparing for the future by detecting signals of potential change, Providing key insights to guide research, policy, and investments

The responses reflecting views on what is high priority for research are being organised and discussed in a series of workshops. The first was on January 22, 2025 in Malaysia You will then be further invited to respond in a second survey. Take the original Survey!


March 31 - April 4, 2025  Non-Clinical Training Course

Achieving Data Quality & Integrity in Maximum Containment Laboratories

Hybrid Format - Open to the World

Manhattan, Kansas, U.S. National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF). Hosted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Regulatory and Emerging Science, in collaboration with the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB), the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) and NBAF. Focused on teaching biomedical professionals how to ensure data quality and integrity in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories, particularly for the development of medical countermeasures as per FDA's Good Laboratory Practice regulations. This year's course emphasizes a One Health approach incorporating discussions on human and veterinary countermeasures. Participants will gain essential tools and strategies to navigate the regulatory challenges posed by the development of new sciences and technologies while maintaining the highest data quality and integrity standards in high-containment laboratory environments. Attendees will benefit from expert-led sessions, hands-on activities, and the opportunity to engage with global leaders in regulatory science, laboratory biosafety, biosecurity, and data management. Open to the public, including international participants, this course is a unique platform for knowledge exchange and capacity building making it an invaluable resource for professionals dedicated to advancing global health and safety standards for FDA-regulated products. See the Course Flier.


University of Turin School of Medicine Launches two new international Online Master’s Programs for 2025, Sustainability in Health AND Health Impact of Climate Change 

The Sustainability in Health Master's degree is designed to shape tomorrow’s experts in sustainability within health processes. Students will have the opportunity to acquire a robust set of skills and competencies that are increasingly in demand to mitigate future health + environmental challenges. They will -  Gain expertise in sustainable healthcare practices and policies, Learn from top international faculty and industry experts, Engage in interdisciplinary real-world projects, and Be part of a global network of professionals committed to sustainable health solutions.

The Health Impact of Climate Change Master’s Program spans environmental and health sciences and prepares professionals to address the urgent challenges of climate change. They will learn interdisciplinary skills to assess health risks, develop adaptation and mitigation strategies, and influence policy. Enrollment is open until April 30, 2025! Students will: Understand the relationship between climate change and public health, Develop skills to mitigate health risks associated with environmental changes, Collaborate with leading experts in the field of climate and health, Take part in real-world applications.


Passing of One Health Champion Simon Doherty

A highly respected and internationally recognised expert in his field, Proffessor Simon Doherty was a passionate advocate of the role of veterinarians in championing sustainability and One Health. 

February 12, 2025 In honor of Dr. Doherty the Virtual Conference 2025 (VC2025) hosted the Doherty Sustainability Summit

This year’s VC2025 summit, themed “Rewilding the Veterinary Industry,” honoured the legacy of Professor Simon Doherty, a passionate advocate for sustainability and One Health. With a focus on inspiring change and driving impact, the summit showcased how veterinary professionals can lead the way in creating a more sustainable future for animals, people, and the planet.


New Books!

Principles of One Health for a better planet

Editors: Barbara Häsler, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, Sara Savic

Chapters may be purchased individually. 

The climate crisis, inequality, poverty, disease, hunger, food waste, and loss of biodiversity are all part of an extensive list of global challenges impacting us at a local level that could be addressed better by using the One Health approach. In a world where people, animals and the environment are recognized as being interconnected and interdependent, we need to work together to improve the health of people, plants, animals and ecosystems simultaneously. One Health provides the thinking, concepts, tools, and practical approaches needed to tackle health problems in a collective and collaborative way.

Global One Health and Infectious Diseases:

An Interdisciplinary Practitioner's Guide

Edited by William E Sander, Published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Through the lens of infectious disease, this book brings together the diverse range of topics necessary to be an effective global health practitioner at the intersection of human and animal health, particularly in developing countries. It explores what a practitioner should be aware of when working with infectious diseases globally, including technical skills, cultural competency, capacity building and big data. An important reference for upper-level undergraduate students, graduate students, and early practitioners in human, animal, and public health, this text highlights the competencies rather than focusing on the problems in Global One Health.

Note: Chapter 13 is OPEN ACCESS and is already available  

One Health Education, Training, and Capacity Building By: Blake J, Goodman L, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Stroud C, Thomson D

This chapter provides an overview of existing One Health education, training, and capacity building programs across the world, from formal to informal programs, including their aims, design, and evaluation practices. It provides specific examples of academic programs, train-the-trainer (ToT) offerings, and capacity building efforts realizing that the One Health field is quickly changing to meet the needs of the day. This chapter is meant to be a guide to highlight the state of One Health education at the start of 2023 by featuring some of the noteworthy programs designed to advance One Health and ultimately protect Global Health.

Coming in March, 2025

One Health: Veterinary, Ethical and Environmental Perspectives

Author: Michael W. Fox Publisher:L CRC Press

Included in the CRC One Health One Welfare The rising incidence of zoonotic diseases from farmed animals and wildlife in the expanding human population and so-called reverse zoonoses where humans are infecting other species are existential concerns. These concerns are linked with anthropogenic climate change and our impact on ecosystems which threaten biodiversity and the health and future of Homo sapiens and many other species.

Coming April 10, 2025

The Elephant in the Room -

How to Stop Making Ourselves and Other Animals Sick

Author: Liz Kalaugher Published by: Chicago University Press

When new diseases spread, news reports often focus on wildlife culprits—rodents, monkeys and mpox; bats and COVID-19; waterfowl and avian flu; or mosquitoes and Zika. But, in this urgent and engaging book, we see it often works the other way around—humans have caused diseases in other animals countless times, through travel and transport, the changes we impose on our environment, and global warming.

Did You Know About???

The Free Online Training Modules for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) on Animal Farms

A set of learning modules and a customizable template prepared and shared by the University of Washington's Center for One Health Research, Harborview Medical Center, and the Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Continuing Education Program. Designed in response to COVID-19 to assist the process of creating and implementing infection prevention and control plans on animal farms that will control COVID-19 as well as other infectious diseases important for both human and animal health. Through workplace hazard identification, control and evaluation, and integration of occupational medicine services, such programs can protect the health of both workers and animals on farms. A downloadable template can serve as an exposure prevention and control plan for all infectious diseases that might be present on a given farm.


American Public Health Association (APHA) 

2025 Public Health Film Festival 

Call for U.S. Filmmakers and Film Reviewers!

The APHA 2025 Public Health Film Festival showcases local, national, and global public health films. Independent, community-created, or youth-created films from all disciplines of public health will be considered, but films related to the APHA 2025 theme “Making the Public’s Health a National Priority” are highly encouraged. APHA is also seeking volunteers to serve as film reviewers. Deadline to submit films: April 7, 2025.


United Stated releases National One Health Framework to Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United States (NOHF-Zoonoses, 2025 - 2029)

The NOHF-Zoonoses represents a coordinated effort between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of the Interior (DOI), with contributions from 23 federal agencies representing eight departments. It establishes a shared vision, mission, and goals to strengthen collaboration across sectors to address zoonotic diseases, such as COVID-19, mpox, avian influenza, Ebola and other One Health issues. This framework will serve as a roadmap to enhance federal coordination and collaboration, inform policies, and improve preparedness and response capabilities in the United States. While it focuses on One Health coordination at the federal level, its success depends on robust partnerships with state, Tribe, local, and territorial (STLT), non-governmental organizations, academia, and private sector partners as well as collaboration with relevant international partners. The U.S. One Health Coordination Unit (U.S. OHCU) and the NOHF-Zoonoses will enhance U.S. ability to jointly prevent, detect, and respond to zoonotic disease threats and related One Health issues. This initiative will improve efficiency across the U.S. government by enhancing collaboration across all relevant sectors with governmental and non-governmental partners while optimizing resource use in order to protect the health, safety, and security of people, animals, plants, and our shared environment. For more details and to read the new framework, visit the Federal One Health Coordination website.

January 14, 2025 

Advancing One Health in the United States: Launch of the First Ever National One Health Framework to Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United States

In celebration of #OneHealthAwarenessMonth the U.S. OHCU and its Interagency Core Leadership Team led a webinar launching the new Framework.Speaker: Dr. Casey Barton-Behravesh, Interagency Core Leadership Team Chair 2024-2026, CDC. Recording not yet available to the public.


Call for Papers

Special Issue of Journal Pathogens

Zoonotic Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases:

The One Health Perspective

Guest Editor: Ed Breitschwerdt 

Our collective understanding of zoonotic vector-borne infections continues to benefit from a One Health problem-solving approach. In addition to causing similar clinical presentations, disease manifestations, and comparative pathological abnormalities in animal and human patients, the diagnosis, treatment, and vector-borne pathogen prevention strategies all benefit from collaboration among animal, human, and environmental health professionals. …This Special Issue of Pathogens welcomes original research articles, novel case studies, reviews, and research perspectives that incorporate or highlight the utility of a One Health approach for the characterization of zoonotic vector-borne diseases. As infectious disease infrastructures that support a One Health approach throughout the world remain limited or nonexistent, manuscripts that address regional, national, or international initiatives are particularly encouraged. Submission deadline: August 20, 2025


CABI One Health Special Issue: 

One Health Ethics

Guest Editors: J Lindenmayer, C Degeling

Ethics is about what actions and ways of being are considered as right or wrong, good or bad, and what values and principles should guide us. In the quest to understand and apply One Health to shared health challenges, ethics has been all too often a silent partner, unacknowledged and underappreciated. Yet ethical values and principles are inherent to how we justify and prioritize what we choose to study, how we conduct and fund studies, how we implement results, which policies and programs we implement and evaluate, and what practices we adopt. Closing Date, November, 30, 2025

See also: Lindenmayer JM, et al. (2022), One health ethics: “What then must we do?”, CABI One Health. CABI International. doi: 10.1079/cabionehealth.2022.0011.


Special Issue - Health Security Journal

One Health, One Future: Bridging Health Security

Guest Editors from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Researchers, practitioners, and leaders from a diverse range of disciplines and expertise are invited to submit manuscripts that focus on at least one of the following content areas:

  • Emerging and Reemerging Zoonotic Diseases – How One Health Provides a Framework for Combatting Outbreaks
  • International Governance and One Health Policy Considerations
  • One Health in Practice
  • One Health and Security
  • Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier

Submission deadline 31 March 2025. More information can be found here.

Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media

(U.S.) CDC: Asymptomatic Cases of Bird Flu in Humans Are Flying Under the Radar

February 13, 2025

Author: Nicole Lou In: MedPage Today

Three veterinary practitioners showed recent infection, with no known exposure to sick cattle rasiging suspicions that there may be more bird flu going around undetected were backed by a voluntary serosurvey among veterinary practitioners who work with cattle, CDC investigators said. See the CDC article that this popular media article is referring to. 

Leonard J, Harker EJ, Szablewski CM, et al. Notes from the Field: Seroprevalence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5) Virus Infections Among Bovine Veterinary Practitioners — United States, September 2024. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2025;74:50–52. DOI: 


Five Things Clinicians Need to Know About Zoonotic Viral Spillover and Spillback

February, 2024

Gray GC, Pulscher PA, Alsharif HO, AMA J Ethics. 2024;26(2):E122-131. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2024.122.

Since the 1990s, multiple infectious diseases have “spilled over” from nonhuman animals to infect humans and cause significant global morbidity and mortality. Despite efforts to detect and respond to such threats, surveillance and mitigation efforts have been criticized as ineffective. This article describes what “spillover” and “spillback” events are and canvasses 5 ways in which clinicians can improve emerging microbial pathogen, especially viral, detection and containment responses.


One Health Speaks Truth to All Listening: A plea for sanity

February 11, 2025

Author: Bruce Kaplan  In: IMPAKTER

This dialogue is not advocating or talking partisan politics, i.e., Democrat, Republican, or Independent. It is talking about a strictly nonpartisan method of supporting a proven, expeditious, more financially effectual and efficacious means toward achieving health care for all people on planet Earth.


Contaminants found in commonly hunted waterfowl

January 23, 2025

Author: Caitlin Hayes  In: Cornell Chronicle

A study published Jan. 15 in Science of the Total Environment and conducted in collaboration with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and other state agencies, found detectable levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and at least one organochlorine pesticide (OCP) and per- or polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) in each bird sampled, in a representative group of more than 100 birds collected across four states and nine ecological regions. Image by Jürgen from Pixabay .


Wide range of Earth’s species are showing a decline in diversity

January 29, 2025


Elizabeth Pennisi In: Science

The loss of genetic variation means species may be less resilient to climate change and other stressors.


Leveraging One Health to Build a Resilient Philippines

October 29, 2024

Author: Lionel Dabbadie In: Journal Online – Philippines

We must scale up our efforts to integrate One Health principles and the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 across all levels, strengthen partnerships, and secure more innovative funding to face the evolving threats to human, animal, and environmental health.


El Niño increases global health threats that require a

One Health response 

July 13, 2023

Author: Laura H. Kahn In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

“As the world enters an El Niño cycle made more extreme by climate change, effective responses must be grounded in a “One Health” approach that deals with the interconnections of humans, other animals, and plants and incorporates scientific understanding, technological advancements, and effective public policy. More resilient crops and effective vaccines and insecticides will be crucial to safeguarding global health. So will political skill, as local and national leaders around the world deal with public perception problems and political opposition to strategies that will be needed to reduce the potentially enormous health impacts of a warming world.”

Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)

Unpacking gendered dynamics in livestock vaccination: Toward more inclusive health strategies, Byers KA, Robinson AJ, Hollmann L, Ezeocha B A, Smith JH, Bukachi SA, CABI One Health, Jan 2025, doi:10.1079/cabionehealth.2025.0002

One health: a structured review and commentary on trends and themes, Brown, H.L., Pursley, I.G., Horton, D.L. et al, One Health Outlook 6, 17 (2024).

Incorporating One Health into a front-line field epidemiological training programme in Papua New Guinea: lessons learned, Malio K, Peni B, Hevoho E, Yamba A, Pukienei A, Macfarlane-Berry L, Ortuzar TV, Ropa B, Puana I, Kearns T, Housen T, Western Pac Surveill Response J. 2024 Nov 12;15(4):1-7. doi: 10.5365/wpsar.2024.15.1107.

Did You Miss It?

Communicating and disseminating One Health: successes of the One Health European Joint Programme, Taylor E, Artursson K, Busani L, et. al., J Medical Microbiology, Vol 73, Iss. 7, July 2024,

Engaging with 'One Health' audiences, Chapman HJ, Dunham B. Clin Teach. 2020 Jun;17(3):332-335. doi: 10.1111/tct.13107. Epub 2019 Nov 13. PMID: 31722439.

Evolution and expansion of the One Health approach to promote sustainable and resilient health and well-being: A call to action, Mumford EL, Martinez DJ, Tyance-Hassell K, et. al.,  Front. Public Health, 13 January 2023, Volume 10 – 2022,

One Health monitoring reveals invasive freshwater snail species, new records, and undescribed parasite diversity in Zimbabwe, Mudavanhu A, Schols R, Goossens E, Nhiwatiwa T, Manyangadze T, Brendonck L, Huyse T, Parasit Vectors. 2024 May 22;17(1):234. doi: 10.1186/s13071-024-06307-4.

One Health policy and practice: Evolution towards more sustainable impact

Doctoral Thesis by Elizabeth Mumford, University of Surrey, School of Veterinary Medicine, 2023, DOI:

One Health and the Prevention of Pathogens’ Spillover, Le Moli, G. (2023), Yearbook of International Disaster Law Online, 4(1), 334-357.

Relational One Health: A more-than-biomedical framework for more-than-human health, and lessons learned from Brazil, Ethiopia, and Israel, Meisner J, McLeland-Wieser H, Traylor EE,, One Health, Volume 18, 2024, 100676,

Neglected One Health Issues

Human - Animal Bond

Horse therapy aids Hawaii fire survivors in healing

January 9, 2025

Author: Erin Nolan In: Associated Press

“This unique form of mental health care focuses on the body’s reaction to trauma and addressing past trauma that is unearthed following a crisis like the Lahaina fire, said Paige Deponte, the organization’s director….In total, the ranch has provided more than 1,800 sessions to fire-affected community members since August 2023, according to Duponte.” Image by Nicky from Pixabay

When pets are family, the benefits extend into society

January 6, 2019

Author: LF Carver In: The Conversation

There is a growing global trend to consider pets as part of the family. In fact, millions of people around the world love their pets, enjoying their companionship, going for walks, playing and even talking to them. And there is evidence suggesting that attachment to pets is good for human health and even helps build community.

Aging with pets isn’t just a sentimental concern,

but a matter of health and wellness

July 31, 2019 

Author: LF Carver  In: The Conversation

Researchers analyzed data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, a national study of adult development and aging which recruited more than 50,000 Canadians between the ages of 45 and 85. They found that over one-third of older Canadians are choosing to age with pets and that, for some people, living with pets can increase life satisfaction.

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) Initiative

A working group of the One Health Commission founded in 2017

Visit the OHSS Homepage.

Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.

Find recent OHSS recordings on YouTube

OHSS Sub-Groups

New OHSS Working Group Launched 

The OHSS-Human-Animal Bond (OHSS-HAB) Working Group

(See also above under NEWS.) Formed late 2024. Visit the new OHSS-HAB webpage to see participants and their backgrounds, view publications and additional resources on the HAB.

In 2025 the group is hosting a knowledge exchange series to share the various approaches to and understanding of the HAB across its global network of members. Click on this presentation title to watch a 10 minute presentation from the first session.

Want to get involved? Contact:


OHSS-Food Safety & Food Security (OHSS-FSFS) Working Group

Formed in 2021

Vision: A Working Group that provides opportunities for individuals to engage in the One Health space through scientific  communication and interactions around the social and behavioral aspects of food safety and security.

Aim: The OHSS-FSFS aims to apply the One Health concept and social science approaches to address knowledge gaps and to share best practices in food safety and security for sustainable livelihoods.

Find Recordings of their Events on the OHSS-FSFS YouTube Channel



Want to get involved? Contact

Student News

International Student One Health Alliance



ISOHA LinkTree


ISOHA 2024-2025 Executive Council

President:   Maryam Zakariya

VP of Internal Relations:    Chihab Zeggada Eddine

VP of Communications:   Siraya Karapanon

VP of Education:   Philippe Weissenberg Anaboli

Mentorship program Manager:   Alabi Oluwaseun Emmanuel

Webinars' Manager:   Myo Hlaing Win

Journal Editor:   Nyien Ko Lwin

Trust:   Kristina Alamzidou

Overview of ISOHA:

Map of Student One Health Clubs:

Are you starting a new student group? Seeking guidance?

Check out ISOHA’s

One Health Student Group Toolkit:

Upcoming Events

See the Delaware Valley University One Health Spring

Seminar Series

Upcoming 2025 Spring webinars - March 6 and 18, April 2 and 23 (see below)


See the University of Tennessee

One Health Initiative Lunch and Learn

Seminar Series

Upcoming 2025 Seminars - March 27, April 24, May 29


March 1-4, 2025 Hybrid Conference

Our Planet, Our Health:

2025 Climate Action Summit

Washington, D.C., USA. Hosted by the organizations shown, this largest event on planetary health/climate and health to date will convene all communities to explore the intersectionality of climate, planetary health and equity and empower us all to take climate action.


March 6, 2025 DelVal One Health Seminar

Global Indigenous Struggles and Climate Change Action

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is James Fenelon, California State University - San Bernardino. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Free but you must Register.


March 11-14, 2025 Conference

One Health: Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Zoonoses Conference

Calgary, Alberta. This premier event brings together leading experts in One Health, tackling key issues in Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Zoonoses. Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate with members of AMR – One Health Consortium, Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Network, and Canadian One Health Training Program for Emerging Zoonoses. Call for Abstracts is Open! Submit your research for oral or poster presentations and contribute to advancing interdisciplinary solutions. Learn more about the program, registration, venue, and organizing committee here.


March 18, 2025 DelVal One health Seminar

Doughnut Economics: Tools and Actions for 21st Century Economies

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Andrew Fanning, Doughnut Economics Action Lab. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit Free but you must Register.


March 27, 2025 Webinar

Bridging One Health horizons: Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases in a Changing World

2:30 pm CET, 9:30 am EST

Hosted by the Infectious Diseases Alliance One Health Committee. This webinar will bring together key stakeholders in global health to discuss the evolving challenges of foodborne and waterborne diseases in the context of global environmental changes, including climate change and urbanization. It will highlight the importance of a One Health approach to address these interconnected issues, fostering collaboration across human, animal, and environmental health sectors. See other IDA webinars.


March 27-29, 2025 Free Online Summit

‘Earth Hug’: Working Together for a Healthy, Just and Sustainable Future

3rd Annual Ecohealth Global Summit

A 24-Hour Earth-embracing connected conversation. Engage with Ecohealth, One Health, and Planetary Health experts and community organizations during these interactive workshops over 7 global sessions that cover topics ranging from systems thinking to body-land mapping.

  • March 27, 6-10 UTC, North America / Turtle Island: Climate Change and Health - Climate Adaptation and Resilience Planning
  • March 27, 11 pm – 3 am UTC, Oceania Session
  • March 28, 5-9 am UTC, Middle East
  •  March 28, 10 am – 2 pm UTC, Africa Session: Advancing Gender Equity, Social Inclusion, and Well-being in Integrated Approaches to Health
  • March 28, 3-6 PM CET, 2-5 pm UTC+1, Europe Session: Systems Thinking for One Health Implementation 

How systems thinking can enhance One Health research, policy, and practice. Featuring Network for EcoHealth and One Health (NEOH) Members

  • March 28, 6-10 pm UTC, Latin America Session: Healthy Lands, Healthy Beings - Weaving Science, Arts, Administration, and Social Movements
  • March 29, 2-6 am UTC, Asia Session: Building Resilience Against Spillovers through Asia’s Lens

More sessions to be announced soon. See more detail and Registration


April 2, 2025 DelVal One Health Seminar - In Person Event - Homegrown National Park

Delaware Valley University, Doylestown,Pennsylvania, USA. The DelVal One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware. It is co-Sponsored by Bucks County Foodshed Alliance. Ticket sales to be announced. A limited number of free tickets will be available to students. For more information visit


April 5, 2025 One Health Fair - in person

One Health. One Planet. One Climate.

10 am - 2 pm Central Time

Hosted by the Saint Louis Zoo, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Join us as we tackle One Health topics with our teams of next-generation One Health practitioners. These teams from multiple disciplines will spend the day sharing One Health messages with zoo guests. No online link available.


April 7, 2025

WHO’s World Health Day

Healthy beginnings, hopeful futures

World Health Day is marked around the world on 7th April, the anniversary of WHO’s founding in 1948. Each year, it draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. Close to 300 000 women die each year due to pregnancy or childbirth complications; over 2 million babies die in their first month of life, and around 2 million more are stillborn. This is roughly 1 preventable death every 7 seconds – losses which bring tremendous sadness and heartache to millions of families around the world.


April 10, 2025 Hybrid Conference

50th Annual Colorado One Health & Zoonoses Conference

Agenda includes up-to-date zoonotic disease topics for the mixed audience of public health officials, health care providers, animal control officers, animal health officials, wildlife officials, veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Commemorating 50 years of the Colorado One Health and Zoonoses Conference.


April 24, 2025 DelVal One health Seminar

Promoting Climate Action

Delaware Valley University's One Health Seminar Series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. This week's presenter is Linda Steg, University of Groningen, NL. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit


April 30 - May 1, 2025 Conference

Washington State One Health, Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease Conference

9 AM - 5 PM (both days)

Hosted by Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. This conference is an opportunity for cross-sector sharing and collaboration on human, animal, and environmental health issues. It will: Have a virtual attendance option for Day 1, Award continuing education credits for veterinarians and registered sanitarians, Provide an opportunity for individuals across the state to network and share ideas regarding issues at the human, animal, and environmental interface



May 27-30, 2025 Conference

One Health, One Future International Conference

Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.


June 19-24, 2025 Conference

Interconnected Worlds: Advancing Understanding in Human-Animal Relationships

The International Society for AnthroZoology (ISAZ) Annual Conference. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.


July 2-4, 2025

One Health Policy Panel at the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) T01P06. One Health: From Agenda-Setting to Implementation and Evaluation

Chiang Mai, Thailand. This panel will explore challenges and opportunities in agenda-setting, policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation within the One Health framework. Topics include infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety. We welcome submissions addressing key themes such as framing One Health in policy narratives, decision-making across health sectors, operational challenges, evaluation methods for policy effectiveness, and policy change. Papers using policy process theories, including the Advocacy Coalition Framework, Institutional Analysis, and others, are encouraged.


July 8-10, 2025

Tenth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health (ISEMPH) 

Nashville, Tennessee. Students, researchers, clinicians, and teachers are all invited to present their own research, hear the latest advances from renowned scientists, renew old friendships and make new ones at workshops, discussions and social events. Abstract submission deadline February 3, 2025.


July 18-22, 2025

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Annual Convention being held this year jointly with the World Veterinary Association (WVA) Congress

Washington, D.C., USA . Both conferences have multiple One Health sessions such as AVMA’s James Steele One Health tract.


September 7, 2025 Conference and Training

Pathways 2025 Conference: Human Dimensions of Wildlife

Theme: Appreciating Nature’s Benefits

Estes Park, Colorado, USA. Hosted by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. The recreational participant base has changed over time, and, in turn, the popularity of outdoor recreation activities is shifting. Historically, a space that has been focused on hunting and angling, now includes activities such as birding and wildlife viewing, hiking, and rock climbing as popular avenues to engage in natural areas and on public lands. As interest in these activities continues to grow, wildlife agency leadership will need to adapt to help diverse communities connect with and appreciate nature’s benefits in both new and more traditional forms of engagement. This year’s conference will explore complex issues in wildlife management, use of social science, effective communication, and changing landscapes and seascapes due to climate change and land use management practices.


September 29 - October 2, 2025

14th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH)

Theme: Better Health for All in a Changing World

Hamburg, Germany. The conference has 7 different tracks. Track 4 is “One Health: Approaches and Solutions.” See the Scientific Program.

Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)

These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!

Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's

Global One Health Events (since 2001) webpages.

Select a year and click 'VIEW'

February 28, 2025 Webinar

Methodological challenges of Return On Investment studies focusing on the environment

Hosted by the Community of Practice (CoP) on the Return on Investment of One Health to inform One Health investment planning. The CoP was created by the Quadripartite (FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH) in collaboration with CIRAD and the World Bank. It is part of the One Health Knowledge Nexus that brings together a wide network of people for engagement, knowledge exchange, learning, and dissemination to support the further advancement of One Health. … Valuing nature presents a fundamental challenge because ecosystems provide immeasurable intrinsic, cultural, and ecological benefits that cannot always be captured by market-based metrics. Environmental valuation is a method of assigning monetary value to environmental goods and services. It's used to assess the costs and benefits of environmental changes, such as degradation or improvement. Speaker: Pushpam Kumar, Senior Economic Advisor and Chief Environmental Economist at UNEP. Moderated by Kathryn Machalaba.


February 28, 2025 Online Discussion

WHO European Programme of Work 2 Hearings

Shape the Future of Health in Europe: Climate Change and Health 

Organized by WHO Regional Office for Europe. Powerful megatrends are reshaping the world: ageing populations, the growing climate crisis, strong commercial interests, rising inequalities and rapid advances in digital technologies, among others. WHO/Europe is hosting a series of 5 hearings to inform the second European Programme of Work, 2026–2030 (EPW2) to harness diverse perspectives and proposals on how to address the megatrends impacting health and health equity across the WHO European Region up to and beyond 2030. Leading experts, decision-makers, Member States and civil society representatives will contribute to the discussions. Recordings of the Hearings available on youtube.


February 17, 2025 In Person Event and “apéro”

One Health, Many Maps: What Cartography Teaches Us About Antimicrobial Resistance in Humans, Animals, and Food Systems

Zurich, Switzerland, One Health Institute, University of Zurich. This inaugural lecture by Dr. Thomas van Boeckel was a groundbreaking geographic extravaganza showcasing the most pressing global health challenge of our time: the rise of superbugs. Dr. van Boeckel unveiled revolutionary insights that will cause the fabric of reality to bend and twist in awe-inspiring ways. He delivered the fireworks of genius of his overqualified students who have produced incredible maps and fantastic tools to guide effective policies against superbug bacteria. This once-in-a-lifetime event sparked a cosmic awakening, igniting a revolutionary approach to defeating superbugs from the chickenshed to the whole universe. Recoding not yet available.


February 5, 2025 Webinar

Bird Alert: Current Challenges and Approaches to Highly pathogenic Avian Influenza

Hosted by GIZ Global Programme ‘Pandemic Resilience: One Health and the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade. To prevent a global pandemic, monitoring H5 dynamics, especially at bird-mammal interfaces, is crucial. Governments must prioritize biodiversity and health protection, as HPAI disproportionately affects vulnerable communities. A One Health approach is essential to address the interconnected risks to humans, animals, and the environment. Speakers: Thijs Kuiken and Saidal Ali Bah.


February 4, 2025 Webinar

Methane: a One Health perspective

Hosted by CABI’s One Health Knowledge Band. Experts from diverse fields came together to explore the far-reaching impacts of methane on human, animal, and environmental health. This webinar delved into the role methane plays in climate change, public health, agriculture, and ecosystem sustainability, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these domains through a One Health approach.


One Health Mali Alliance

Mali: One Health Awareness Month 2025 makes two young leaders. 

As part of the awareness campaign for the month of January 2025 and based on the indicative calendar of the One Health Commission, the One Health Mali Alliance, through daily Facebook publications, was able to reach more than 72,000 people with more than 2,500 interactions. It is through this campaign that two young students from the University of Segou, very interested in the subject, volunteered to organize conferences by WhatsApp in the local language. Every weekend they made a summary of the different themes covered.


January 31, 2025 Webinar

One Health High Level Expert Panel:

Practical Applications in One Health – Governance

Hosted by CABI. As countries aim to implement the One Health Joint Plan of action, case studies have been instrumental in providing experiences that can be learned from to develop implementation of integrated strategies across various contexts. Many case studies, however, do not embody the full OHHLEP definition of One Health. The five case studies discussed in this webinar were contributed by OHHLEP members.


January 30, 2025 Webinar

One Health Action Against Chagas’ Disease- A Neglected Parasitic Disease

In celebration of World NTD Day. Hosted by Eastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois. Chagas’ disease, a neglected parasitic and tropical disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, poses serious public health challenges due to its transmission cycle, which spans humans, animals, and the environment. This event highlighted the critical role of One Health in addressing Chagas’ disease, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and environmental health. Attendees learned from research scientists about vector control strategies, diagnostic advancements, and community-based approaches to reduce the disease burden. Together, we can inspire collaborative efforts to combat this overlooked health crisis and promote a healthier future for all. Contact Support: Recording Available


January 29, 2025 Workshop

One Health in Action Session at the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association Annual Conference

Minneapolis, Minnesota. This full day workshop was presented by a subject matter expert team from the Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD) at Texas A & M University. It was designed to help veterinarians, veterinary technicians and public health attendees apply One Health approaches to disaster and disease response activities in their communities. Through interactive discussions and scenario-based exercises, the following topics were explored with the 50 participants and 4 state or federal agency representatives attending.

  • Strengthening partnerships at state and local levels between animal, public health, and environmental agencies
  • Real-world applications of One Health in high-path avian influenza (HPAI) response
  • Environmental considerations for veterinary practices and clients
  • Business continuity strategies for clinics and veterinary professionals in disease outbreaks
  • Case studies from natural disaster responses, including flooded poultry houses and One Health recovery efforts in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

The high level of dedication and interest from the participants reinforced just how essential these cross-sector collaborations are in protecting animal, human, and environmental health. Speakers: Darrel Styles, Gary Flory, Sharron Stewart, Dr Jimmy Tickel. Presenters: Drs. Holzbauer and Ireland, Jason Gilsdorf, Missy Sivigny.


January 29, 2025 

Bridging Policy and Action: A Post-UNGA One Health Agenda for Antimicrobial Resistance

Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC 2025)

Side Event

Co-organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS), the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform (MSPP), and the International Health Policy Program (IHPP). This side meeting harnessed momentum from the UNGA HLM AMR and focused on translating commitments into actionable interventions in the Asia and Pacific region. By drawing upon examples and case studies from Low- and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) contexts in the region, multi-sectoral One Health approaches to mitigating AMR risk were shared and discussed with opportunities for translating data into policy and practice. &


January 29, 2025 Webinar

Using a One Health Approach to Understand Threats to Wildlife and Human Health - Focus on the Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Regions

Hosted by the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health. Dr. Amandine Gamble and team shared fieldwork experiences in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions to help illustrate how wildlife health is connected to human activity, even thousands of miles away, and how a holistic, ecosystem health approach can increase the resilience of wildlife populations facing new disease risks. Long thought of as a “clean” environment, research has shown that pathogens thrive in Antarctica. Some of them have always been there, but others have recently emerged due to human activity. The most recent and dramatic example is the global spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu, which emerged in domestic poultry in the Northern Hemisphere and spread all the way to Antarctica, killing hundreds of thousands of penguins, albatrosses, and seals on its way. Topics covered:

  • How securing the health of our wildlife is key to conservation efforts
  • The ways in which wildlife health and human activity are inextricably linked, even in places as remote as Antarctica
  • How understanding and mitigating health threats to flagship species usually require having a look at the less well-known ones
  • A look at the Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health’s unique work in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions, where it strives to secure a future for some of the world’s most iconic wildlife


January 28, 2025 Webinar - 4th in Series

Advancing Data Sharing to Strengthen One Health Effectiveness:

Building Trust for Effective Collaboration

Hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Forum on Microbial Threats. Applying a One Health approach requires collaboration at multiple levels to address complex challenges. Actors, such as government agencies, non-government and private entities, citizens, and the research community must have reason to believe that they will receive benefits and credit for data shared without threat of retaliation, exploitation, or misapplication. Trust enables the free flow of information and resources between stakeholders and fosters an environment where diverse groups can unite towards a common goal. Without trust, efforts to tackle these challenges become fragmented and inefficient. In this webinar, invited speakers will share how their successful One Health programs establish and maintain trust, thereby supporting innovative solutions to encourage the exchange of information. Recording Available @


January 27-29, 2025 International Conference

Interconnected Health: Bridging Gaps and Building Resilience in a Changing World

Muscat, Oman. Hosted by the International Student one Health Alliance (ISOHA) with support from the AMR Multistakeholder Platform Action Group on Standardised AMR Education, Communication and Training Initiative based on a One Health Approach. See the Conference Concept Note.


January 23, 2025  PREZODE 3rd Online Roundtable Webinar

Equity issues in zoonosis prevention:

How to lift barriers to inclusivity


  • Dr. Robyn Alders, Honorary Professor, Australia National University Development Policy Centre and Senior Consulting Fellow, Chatham House Global Health Programme.
  • Dr. Salome Bukachi, Professor of Research, Department of Anthropology, University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Dr. Amélie Desvars-Larrive, Associate Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
  • Dr. Andres Garchitorena, Researcher, French Institute for Sustainable Development, PREZODE focal point for the Indian Ocean.
  • Dr. Sandul Yasobant, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar.

Recording available on YouTube.


January 22-23, 2025 

Ecosystems in the Balance: Supporting Future Policy and Research

Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform and Sciensano. Aimed at experts and stakeholders interested in intersectoral cooperation, and administrators, and policy makers, this event focused on the role environmental factors play in influencing possible pathways for the emergence of infectious diseases, as well as prevention, early warning mechanisms, and effective preparedness solutions. The overarching topics were: Biodiversity loss and climate change, Impact of wildlife trade, Risks associated with Invasive Alien Species, Data and monitoring approaches. Contact:


January 22, 2025 WHO EPI-WIN Webinar

Developing a dynamic workforce for One Health: WHO approaches and applications

Although it is well-recognized that a multi-sectoral, One Health approach to diseases at the human–animal–environment interface is critical, in reality, operationalizing multi-sectoral coordination, communication and collaboration to ensure that the workforce can fulfil its functions, can be difficult. To address this, the Tripartite (WHO, FAO and WOAH) has developed a Workforce Development Operational Tool (WFD OT). This webinar explained the overall approach for workforce development, and introduced the key components of the tool and how it can be used and how the official workforce can be strengthened for more effective One Health operationalization. This webinar:

  1. Raised awareness on WHO’s overall approach for workforce development in One Health
  2. Introduced the newly-launched Workforce Development Operational Tool (WFD OT), developed by the Tripartite (WHO, FAO, and WOAH),
  3. Shared experience of the WFD OT implementation at the regional and country levels


January 15-16, 2025 Hybrid Workshop

Understanding the Introduction of Pathogens into Humans- Preventing Patient Zero: A Workshop

Hosted by the National Academies Forum on Microbial Threats to address gaps in understanding of disease emergence, with a focus on human-animal interaction and laboratory biosafety. The workshop explored how applications of existing policy structures, emerging technologies, and actionable research can improve biosecurity measures and prevention of future disease emergence. It was open to the general public to attend either virtually or in person in Washington DC.


Don’t forget!! You can view and also (directly yourself) post your One Health-related Educational and Training Opportunities to the

Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Boards

When you arrive on this webpage be sure to scroll 'down' to

the bottom of the page to see MORE educational programs

Fellowships / Residencies

Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity - 2026 Cohort

The Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program, based at the Milken Institute School for Public Health at the George Washington University,  is designed to bring together the many diverse industries and professions that influence health and well-being including, but not limited to: art, law, business, academia, medicine, government, journalism, social enterprise, research, media, housing, and health care delivery. It is seeking early—to mid-career professionals engaged in health-related work to join its 2026 cohort. During this year-long, non-residential fellowship, fellows participate in three in-person meetings in different parts of the globe and bi-monthly online learning modules. All educational experiences and travel expenses associated with participation in the fellowship are fully covered.  Fellows use the knowledge and skills gained through the program to build more equitable communities and support each other in the fight for fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. This fellowship is open to professionals from diverse fields and global backgrounds who have demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing health equity. See the Informational Flier. Attend an  Informational Webinar on March 13, 2025. Application deadline April 10, 2025.

Center for One Health at the University College Dublin AdAstra One Health Fellowships

Johns Hopkins- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethics, Global Health and Infectious Disease

Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities at the University of Oxford have established the Global Infectious Disease Ethics (GLIDE) collaborative

Funding Opportunities

Elizabeth R. Griffin Notice of Funding Opportunity

Addressing Agricultural Biorisk Evidence Base Gaps with Applied Research

Deadline:: April 14, 2025

Estimated Review Period: April 14-May 14, 2025

Estimated Period of Performance: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026

Award Amount: Up to $75,000/Institution


Center for One Health at the University College Dublin

Many Assistant Professor positions are available as part of this fantastic opportunity to develop world class research output, educate the next generation and shape One Health policy for a better future.

Research position at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB-Galveston)

  • Physician – Scientist / T32 Training in Emerging Infectious Diseases Galveston, TX

Contact Professor Greg Gray at with questions.

Senior Researcher - Institute of International Animal Health/One Health (IITG)

Founded in 2020, IITG is one of twelve specialized institutes of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI). It works scientifically within the framework of international cooperation in animal health and One Health. It advises the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on these issues. Job Vacancy at Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut - Permanent Senior Researcher Position of the Working Group "Host-Microbe Ecology and Evolution" at the Institute of International Animal Health/One Health (IITG) - Deadline: March 15, 2025

Graduate Studies / Scholarships

ISGlobal Launches a Call for 10 International PhD Fellowships in Global Health

ISGlobal, an institution supported by the "la Caixa" Foundation, is launching a new International PhD Fellowship Programme in Global Health, aimed at national and international candidates from different disciplines, such as biomedicine, epidemiology, environmental sciences and computational sciences. The Severo Ochoa Programme will provide selected candidates with a contract of up to four years, international research stays, and interdisciplinary training. Application Deadline March 1, 2025.

See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library

Articles You May Have Missed / Publications Worth Revisiting

One Health: a call to environmental managers, Ross H, Carter RW, (2013), Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 20:2, 83-86, DOI: 10. 1080/ 14486563. 2013. 804027

Stakeholders in One Health. Mazet JA, Uhart MM, Keyyu JD, Rev Sci Tech. 2014 Aug;33(2):443-52.

doi: 10.20506/rst.33.2.2295.

Another New Book!

Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water, Our World 

Author: Deborah Cramer 

The ocean has been earth's lifeline for more than three and a half billion years. Written in the passionate tradition of Rachel Carson, Smithsonian Ocean is at once a book for our time and for the ages. Carson wrote: "One way to open your eyes is to ask yourself: What if I had never seen this before? What if I knew I would never see it again?" Cramer's powerful and inspiring message is equally a wake-up call: "We hold earth's life-giving waters—and our future—in our hands." Our lives depend on the sea. Though not framed in One Health, this topic and this book fall in the One Health conversation.

See more One Health titles in the One Health Commission’s Online One Health Library.


Animal and Human Health for the Environment and Development - AHEAD Updates

Belgian Biodiversity Platform - Biodiversity News Flash

Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP)- Virginia Tech University

Conservation Through Public Health

Global Alliance for Rabies Control

Global One Health Intiative (GOHI) News -The Ohio State University

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health - Global Health Now

National Link Coalition - Link Letters

North Carolina State University

Global One Health Academy (GOHA)

One Health News - Kansas State University

One Health Organization- Healthy Pet Gazette

One Health Trust Weekly Digest

Planetary Health Alliance

University of Texas Medical Branch One Health Newsletter



Infectious Science Podcast series - How One Health is ‘Your’ Health 

The Infectious Science Podcast seeks to inspire curiosity and empower individuals from all backgrounds with knowledge about health. It was founded in 2022 by a team of One Health champions at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and its audience continues to grow. It aims to make scientific and medical knowledge clear, concise and accessible to all. It has led 20 podcast episodes so far. The first podcast guest was Dr. Gerry Parker, from Texas A&M Global One Health on ‘How to become a One Health influencer’. “One Health is all about interdisciplinary teamwork”.

One World One Health Podcasts

Hosted by the One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP). Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.

Click each image to listen to the podcast

February 4, 2025

November 19, 2024

December 10, 2024

Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos

in the One Health Commission’s

One Health Library

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 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.

The One Health Commission (OHC) is a prominent, US-based, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, E.I.N. 27-0799294. It is a body of action-oriented, One Health-minded individuals and organizations working locally, nationally and internationally to advance the One Health concept and approach.

With a focus on education, the OHC ‘connects’ One Health stakeholders, facilitates One Health Action Teams, provides a monthly global One Health Happenings Newsletter and compiles links to One Health Educational Resources to further understanding of One Health.

Prepared by Blair Budd, Bailey Goff, Caitlin Holly, Ayinka-A Brown and Cheryl Stroud

with support from the international One Health Community.

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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