Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Key commonalities for most mass shooters in the United States are that they are male and that they lack a father figure in their lives, author Warren Farrell says..."
"... Currently, Texas custody laws operate on a presumption that favors the mother as the custodial parent. HB803 would replace this with a presumption in favor of shared parenting, except in cases where one parent is unfit..."
"...What can the alienated parent do? The most important thing you can do is stay involved with your child no matter what. It is imperative you continue to attend your child’s school functions, extracurricular activities, like sporting events, scouting etc..."
"...Setting a standard about parenting time is so important, and that is why separated and/or divorcing parents most probably have an outlined parenting plan attached to any final orders..."
"... If you’ve decided to split up, how exactly should you go about sharing the news with your children? Below, Krasnoperova and other experts share their advice for talking to kids about divorce..."
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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society. 
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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