Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Kentucky New Era
"... However, it seems as if some courts are still choosing profit over the best interest of the kids for those with existing child custody orders and thus already stuck in the child support system. ..."
"... The Senate today passed Sen. Alan Clark’s SB 18 to alter child custody and visitation law to favor joint custody unless there is “clear and convincing” evidence to the contrary. The vote was 31-2. ..."
"... Children are not born to hate. When one parent fills a child with hatred toward the other parent, the effects can be devastating. No child deserves to be stripped of a parent’s love. And no loving parent deserves to lose their child. ..."
"... Kids who see their parents bicker during a separation or divorce are more likely to develop a fear of abandonment, new research warns. And even if a youngster feels close to one or both parents, that fear can still undermine his or her mental health down the road. ..."
"... In short, if you are approaching divorce it’s important to be aware of the common types of divorce and what they entail. That way, you can figure out what is best for your particular situation. ..."
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