The media is full of stories about government — about a looming federal government shutdown and state budget overrides, tax relief, and supplemental spending. 

My team and I will try to squeeze it all into this newsletter along with a number of additional timely updates.

As my colleagues sometimes say, “buckle up.”
What's happening in Washington, D.C.?!?
We’re fielding a lot of questions regarding the possibility of a federal government shutdown. While our state government is a separate entity, the Massachusetts legislature will certainly have to respond – as we have in the past – should the federal government shut down. Please know that I am in conversations with colleagues on what will need to be done to support residents.
What's happening with tax relief, budget veto overrides, and supplemental spending in Massachusetts?!
After months of discussion, the Senate and House have reached an agreement on a significant tax relief proposal. It’s a compromise bill which the Senate will vote on tomorrow. As a reminder, here is a summary of the initial Senate tax relief package. The details of the compromise bill, and some of the pieces of it that I appreciate the most, are here.

In August, Governor Healey returned the legislature’s fiscal year 2024 (FY24) budget but returned some specific vetoes. (She has the ability to do what are called “line item” vetoes, which means she can strike out specific provisions without vetoing the entire budget.) I’ve received many emails about the projected veto-related cuts to programs focused on public health, early childcare, mental health, child sexual abuse, and more. Please know that my team and I share your concern for these critical programs.

Finally, every year, the legislature passes supplemental budgets, in addition to an annual budget. Currently pending in supplemental budgets are pay raises for negotiated and approved contracts and other spending to close out the last fiscal year. This supplemental spending, as well as the budget veto overrides mentioned above, are currently before the House of Representatives, so the Senate will address them as soon as they pass through the House and arrive in our chamber.
2,000+ constituent cases successfully resolved
I’m delighted to tell you that our team has opened and resolved more than 2,000 constituent cases in our first four and a half years in office.  

This is a testament to the hard work of current Constituent Services Director Rachel Klein, past colleagues who have led this work, and everyone on the team and in state government who jumped in to help. Constituent casework is about making government work, one person at a time, whether it’s focusing on complex and thorny unemployment, health insurance, or RMV issues. It’s the soul of our office and some of the most important work that we do.

Please never hesitate to reach out if you’re experiencing a challenge with a state government agency. Just fill out this form and we’ll get to work on your behalf. While we cannot guarantee that we’ll win every time, we can absolutely guarantee that we’ll fight hard on your behalf.
Update on state aid for farms and farmers
In our last newsletter, we wrote to you about devastating July floods. 

My team and I worked with Senate leadership, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and House members to secure an appropriation of $20 million in emergency assistance for farmers affected by the flooding in July, as well as fruit growers affected by this year’s late frost and freeze. I wanted this funding to come in the form of cash grants, not loans, and I was so grateful (and relieved) when the grant funding was included in a Senate supplemental budget, warmly accepted by the House, and then promptly signed into law by Governor Healey. 

(Thank you to The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts for snapping this picture of me and Governor Healey at the announcement of The Farm Resiliency Fund and for its critical advocacy for public and private funding efforts to support the farmers who support its critical mission.)
I have remained in close touch with the Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) which has been working closely with affected farms and farmers to quickly distribute these funds. Applications for the Natural Disaster Recovery (NDR) Program for Agriculture are due by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 29, 2023, and decisions are expected to be released by November 1. 

The lasting damage to farms and communities in 2023 and the frequent and more severe weather events brought on by a warming climate will need our sustained focus. That’s why I am filing legislation to create a permanent disaster assistance fund that the state can draw on in cases like these, because the best time to prepare for a disaster is before one strikes.
21st Century Agriculture Commission
Climate change is here and I’m extremely concerned about its impact on farms and the sustainability of Massachusetts farming – which is why I’m thrilled that the Senate President appointed me as the Senate Co-Chair of the 21st Century Agriculture Commission. 

The Commission is investigating the current challenges facing agriculture in the Commonwealth, including economic viability, climate change resiliency, the need for state technical assistance, and navigating the opportunities, complexities, and pitfalls of generating clean energy on farms.

On September 20, we held our third hearing. House Co-Chair Speaker Pro Tempore Kate Hogan and I listened as our colleagues discussed their bills that address equity in the agricultural industry, incentivize farmers to donate excess produce to fight hunger in the Commonwealth, support the hemp industry, and tackle the challenges of urban farming. I filed a number of these bills with great House partners and was tremendously heartened to hear these proposals receive a thorough discussion and consideration from agriculture experts.

The Commission’s next public hearing is scheduled for October 19. The link will be posted here closer to the hearing date. 
Solar in western Massachusetts
In our district, the fact that human-caused emissions are warming the earth’s atmosphere is settled science. Our people are urgently concerned about global warming and feel strongly that the transition away from fossil fuels cannot come soon enough. And yet, deeply rooted disagreements and concerns remain over where clean energy infrastructure should be sited, how these siting decisions should be made, the impact of solar siting on natural and working lands, and the actions federal, state, and local government should take to usher in the clean energy revolution in Massachusetts.

That’s why over the past year, I have worked with Representative Mindy Domb and the UMass Amherst Clean Energy Extension to plan and then host the first ever Western Massachusetts Solar Forum

Thus far, this forum has consisted of three (pretty extraordinary) virtual sessions (noted below) held on Tuesdays in September, all led by a diverse group of experts who provided an overview of the current state of solar deployment, including challenges and opportunities.

  • Session 1: Solar in Massachusetts - Past, Present, and Future featuring Climate Chief Melissa Hoffer, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Rebecca Tepper, and more
  • Session 2: Solar Development and Land Use in Massachusetts 
  • Session 3: Solar Equity and Community Benefits 

These sessions were recorded. You can watch them here. Technical difficulties resulted in the postponement of Session 4, which will be rescheduled as soon as possible. You can register here to make sure you receive a notice.
Senator Edwards comes to town
On September 8, Senator Lydia Edwards, the amazing Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Housing, traveled to the Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester District to meet with regional housing and shelter leaders and tour two housing and shelter development projects in Greenfield. 

I am tremendously grateful to Sen. Edwards for her commitment to addressing rural housing and shelter challenges. I am equally grateful to the tireless housing and shelter leaders from our region who presented a compelling case for housing and shelter investment in western Massachusetts. 
Extraordinary organizations call for extraordinary events
Over these last weeks, I have had the honor of raising funds for incredible local organizations. 

On September 9, I joined my formidable fundraising partner, the Reverend Dr. Andrea Ayvazian, as we put on our best 80’s aerobic garb to “PONY SWEAT” for Transhealth. We helped raise awareness and funds to expand access to gender-affirming care services and change policies that protect the rights of trans and gender-diverse people here in our region and beyond. (And we had an outrageously good aerobic time. I am now a PONY SWEAT devotee and already ready for next year.)

Big love and thanks to all who donated to support the important and timely work of Transhealth. 
The next day, on September 10, I joined community members for All Out Adventures’ Kayak-A-Thon to support for AOA’s work to promote health, community, and independence for people with disabilities and their families and friends through outdoor recreation. 

It was an utter joy to paddle in a flotilla that began in Sunderland and ended in Hatfield. Similar big love and thanks to all who made this beautiful event possible and to everyone who donated. 
Then, on Saturday, September 24, I dressed up as one of my favorite sheros, Mother Earth, in Northampton Neighbors’ zany DoozyDo Parade. 

It was a fabulous event, raising awareness and funds for Northampton Neighbors, a volunteer-based organization providing free programs and services so that older adults can live independent, engaged lives in their homes and communities. So grateful to all the groups and people walking and celebrating in this unconventional, live-out-loud parade. 
(I’m the green and blue marble at the right.)
Focus on accessible and affordable higher education

After being proposed by the Governor and funded in the FY24 budget, MassReconnect – the state’s new program to provide free community college for Massachusetts residents aged 25 and older – as well as free community college for nursing students of any age, which was proposed by the Senate President – were launched and have begun increasing enrollment in the Commonwealth’s community colleges.

Amid the work to make community college in Massachusetts free for all, this expansion of our greatest economic ladder and equity engine called for celebration. I joined Governor Maura Healey, Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, and Senate President Karen Spilka at MassBay Community College to launch the MassReconnect program.

Earlier that week, I was invited to join those same leaders to celebrate in-state tuition for all Massachusetts residents, regardless of immigration status.
A few days later I joined Greenfield Community College President Michelle Schutt, Berkshire Community College President Ellen Kennedy, Holyoke Community College President George Timmons, Springfield Technical Community College President John Cook, regional MassReconnect students, and many of my western Massachusetts legislative colleagues at Greenfield Community College to bring the celebration home.

MassReconnect and free nursing programs will have a transformative impact on central and western Massachusetts, and throughout the Commonwealth. Watch the full western Mass celebration here. (I did a little podium pounding, for sure.)  
Cherish higher education 

On September 18, I co-chaired the largest Joint Committee on Higher Education hearing of the session, focused on bills dealing with state funding for higher education and bills that address student hunger. 

Advocates from across the Commonwealth traveled to the State House to voice their support for these proposals. The Massachusetts Constitution requires that we “cherish” public education, but state support for public higher education dropped precipitously in the two decades before I entered the legislature. Our team’s job is to reverse that spending erosion with a generational investment in our students, staff, faculty, and campuses.
A municipal building win-win
On September 13, I testified in support of a priority bill I filed with Representative Natalie Blais, An Act creating a municipal and public safety building authority (S.1489/H.3821). 

The bill creates an independent public authority to provide matching funds for municipal public safety and town office buildings, similar to existing authorities that help finance public school buildings and libraries.

Under the bill, a dedicated fund would receive a third of the revenue collected from the Marijuana Excise Tax, which currently collects around $167 million annually. The funds would be used to assist municipalities with the construction of or improvements to municipal or public safety buildings including police stations, fire stations, EMS facilities, city or town offices, and Department of Public Works facilities. 

Every municipality in our district would benefit from this bill which is why it’s one of the top priority bills for the Massachusetts Municipal Association. Thank you to the Town of Bernardston for leading the charge on this bill and to all the municipal officials from Royalston, Amherst, Northfield, and beyond who took time to testify and/or send in written remarks. 

Across our district
Our August and September were dominated by work with our municipal and regional partners. 


The western Massachusetts state and federal delegation continues to meet monthly with the Administration on the relicensing of FirstLight Power’s Connecticut River hydroelectric facilities in Montague and the pumped storage facility in Northfield.

I am grateful to constituents who have engaged with the relicensing process as it will have a generational impact on the river and the region. Thanks to your good ideas, our team advocated for the state’s Department of Environmental Protection to create a website which outlines the state’s piece of the federal relicensing process and opportunities for public engagement. The delegation also submitted this letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to comment on initial agreements.

If you're new to this issue, please check out this primer our team released last year.  

Norwottuck Rail Trail and Route 9 Construction in Hadley

We heard from many of you with concerns about bicycle and pedestrian safety during the month-long closure of the Norwottuck Rail Trail in Hadley (from the trail tunnel under Route 9 to Maple Street) while MassDOT completes a key portion of work on the Route 9 widening project. We're grateful to MassBike, Friends of Northampton Trails, and to constituents who advocated for clear, safe alternatives during the closure. And we're grateful to MassDOT for its responsiveness in working out an alternate route to ensure that bike commuters and pedestrians can still safely access this important artery during the closure. To read more about the detour, please check out this blog post.
MCC Tour of Ashburnham

On September 15, Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) Executive Director Michael Bobbit and his team, District Director Elena Cohen, staff from the offices of Representatives Jon Zlotnik and Kim Ferguson, and I toured Ashburnham to meet with local arts and cultural leaders. Our visit culminated at the New Dawn Arts Center for a community meal. 

This was an incredibly powerful day where we saw first-hand the impact of MCC’s Power of Culture investment – in a compelling, inspiring community. 
Civics in action
I am honored to have been nominated to join a cohort of Executive Fellows for the Fall 2023 session of the Civics Action Project (CAP) Collaborative

The CAP Collaborative is a highly interactive cross-sector training opportunity for public and private sector leaders to develop new insights that will advance the public interest. The program brings together 20 Executive Fellows to build relationships, promote the development of good public policy, and advance the next generation of public and private sector leaders who are knowledgeable about both business and government and are poised to collaborate across the sectors.

The first sessions have already strengthened my understanding of diverse business sectors and all levels of government. This, in turn, will certainly make me a stronger legislator. 

To learn more about the CAP Collaborative and meet the other Executive Fellows, click here
Thank you Children's Advocacy Center
On September 15, the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) of Franklin County and the North Quabbin gave out Heroes of Justice awards. I was honored to join Senator Paul Mark and Representatives Natalie Blais and Susannah Whipps as an awardee. Congratulations also to Ja’Duke Center for the Performing Arts which was also honored for its support of the CAC.

It is a privilege to work on behalf of the two CACs in our region. My team and I have prioritized funding for their work and equitable access to their services since taking office.
Congratulations Mayhew Tools
On September 19 our team’s Chief of Staff, Jared Freedman, presented Mayhew Tools, based in Montague, with a manufacturing award from our team and Rep. Blais for the company’s Outstanding Leadership Skills in the Manufacturing Industry.

Mayhew Tools is the oldest punch and chisel manufacturer in the nation, family-operated for more than 160 years in Franklin County. Rep. Blais and I will tour Mayhew’s facility and congratulate Mayhew owners John and Bill Lawless and their team later this fall. 
Out and about
August and September were filled with events. Here are highlights of just a few.

On August 23, Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell spoke to a crowd in Leyden’s town hall. Thank you to Leyden community leaders for organizing and for inviting me to join. We are so lucky to have AG Campbell leading on everything from maternal health equity and consumer protection to work authorizations and beyond. 
On August 26, I joined District Director Elena Cohen, MDAR Commissioner Ashley Randle, Rep. Whipps, and Koby Gardner-Levine from Congressman McGovern’s team to volunteer at the annual and beloved Harvest Supper Celebration in the Greenfield Town Common, hosted by Stone Soup Cafe. 
On August 31, I joined Rep. Domb in greeting and cheering on the new class at Hampshire College, which included students from New College of Florida who came to Massachusetts seeking a more welcoming community. I was honored to welcome these students to the Commonwealth, where reproductive and gender-affirming rights and freedoms are protected. 
I was delighted to join Congressman McGovern on September 8 to help launch the UMass School of Public Policy’s academic year. I spoke about the need for government to be gutsy and offered three reasons why I love state government in particular. You can read my full remarks here

I have to say, the future is in good hands! 
So grateful to join Rep. Blais, our teams, the Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC), and amazing volunteers last week at CRC's annual Source to Sea clean up - this time in Greenfield. There's still time to participate and help love and care for the watershed by giving it a good scrub:!
Today, I had the pleasure of hosting a legislative briefing focused on issues affecting elders across our Commonwealth offered by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA). I absolutely love MassNAELA, the bills that we have filed together, and its unparalleled (and fierce) advocacy for elders and people living with disabilities. (I'm pictured below with MassNAELA's Clarence Richardson and Representative Christine Barber with whom I'm partnering to end so-called estate recovery.)
And there’s more — just a few highlights:

I was grateful to attend the groundbreaking ceremony at the Massachusetts Veterans Home in Holyoke with the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Congressman Richard Neal, Veterans Services Secretary Jon Santiago, Senator John Velis, and many constituents. Also grateful to join the legislature and Administration in a shared commitment to ensuring that Massachusetts veterans receive the care and support they need and deserve. 

It was wonderful to be at a packed Leverett Library with Early Education and Care Commissioner Amy Kershaw, Rep. Blais, early childcare providers from across the region and state, and beautiful families to celebrate the FY 2024 Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) Grantees. It was particularly wonderful to see the work of Gillian Budine (Community Network for Children Coordinator at Erving School Union #28) rightly celebrated, along with the school community. This is an absolutely critical, life-line program for families in our region. Read more about it here

Cheers for Valley Community Development Corporation and its newest affordable housing triumph at East Gables in Amherst. It was thrilling to join Rep. Domb, Amherst officials, and a veritable legion of people and organizations who joined together to make the 28 new units of housing possible.

Glad to join the Hampden 7 District communities on Constitution Day to share updates and visit with constituents in Shutesbury.

Delighted to join colleagues and to help celebrate the opening of MassHire’s new office for the Franklin and Hampshire region. MassHire funding remains a critical priority for our team.

Thrilled to be a part of the most timely convergence in MA focused on supporting our farms and farmers and strengthening our food system. This month I helped lead the legislature's Food System Caucus to brief MDAR Commissioner Randle and Deputy Commissioner Pitcoff and legislative colleagues on the caucus' priority bills. We heard from bill sponsors on their legislation. You can read more about those bills here. I am also a Senate member of the state's Food Policy Council and gave an update at their September meeting on the Food System Caucus' ongoing work. The Food Policy Council is narrowing in on work to end hunger in MA by 2030, and my team and I are honored and ready to be a part of this good and necessary work.

I loved doing office hours at the Hatfield and Athol public libraries. It’s a complete privilege to meet with constituents to discuss their thoughts, answer questions, and hear their concerns. Thanks to both libraries for hosting.
We'll stop here and send our love to you,

Jo, Katelyn, Rachel, Brian, Jared, and Elena
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