Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
By Michael Baisden
"... Paternity Fraud! Why would a woman lie about who the father is? What’s the impact on the man’s family when they discover the child they taught was their niece, nephew, or grandchild…isn’t? And how can men stop paying child support for a child that isn’t theres? ..."
“...The primary harm to children is the divorce itself, which negatively affects children at the time of the separation and for the rest of their lives. ..."
"... Ms. Gentile explained, “Erasing family means negating or denying that a family bond exists. This is very different from disliking a parent or having a problem with a parent or being angry at a parent.” Instead, she said, “It’s being taught to replace a parent with another person. ..."

By Cathy Meyer
“...Fathers may be giving up equal or shared custody because they believe there is a gender bias that mothers always win custody. Or they may give up more custody because they’ve been taught that “Children need their mother.”..."
“...While the detractors continue to create a smokescreen of “controversy” about parental alienation and overwhelming number of family courts around the country and internationally have accepted the notion of parental alienation, condemned it, and have acknowledged it as significant factor in their decisions modifying custody and providing other appropriate intervention...”
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