Scouting News
Central Virginia College of Commissioner Science
On April 23rd, Scouters from across Council participated in the Central Virginia College of Commissioner Science. This training is for those registered leaders who have completed service as Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or any other adult position and want to continue in their service to Scouting in a different capacity... by becoming a Unit Commissioner. Unit Commissioners are the "behind-the-scenes" support that ALL units need. Their effort and coaching helps our Scouting units succeed and maintain the standards of the BSA. We'd like to thank all of the exceptional leaders who volunteered their time, talents, and expertise to host yet another successful training opportunity. A repeat of the Associate's Level classes will be available in August, and the full Commissioner's College program will be offered again in February. Bookmark our Commissioner College page for details.

Pictured above are (left) Tom Wood, HOVC Council Commissioner, (center) Robert "Bob" Casey, (right) Mike Menefee, Dean of Doctoral Program.
Trademark Infringement Case Update - April 7th, 2022
We have an update on the Trademark Infringement Case. The United States District Court ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts of America, and grants the BSA a motion for summary judgement in the case brought by the GSUSA. The statement, which was released by the Boy Scouts of America on April 7th, can be read in full by following the link below.

For Parents
Arrow of Light to Scout Transition - Dear Scout Parent
Just a reminder that this spring your 5th grader will be eligible to join a Scout Troop and attend Camp T. Brady Saunders this summer. We are planning an incredible camp experience for our Scouts, and we want your child to be a part of it.

Annual Health and Medical Records for All Participants
The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being.  Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience. Camp is right around the corner and you’ll need updated AHMRs to attend.

Scout Shop Webpage & Patch Sewing Service
The Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located in the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, is offering a Patch Sewing Service to save you some time and frustration (especially if you don’t own a sewing machine and the thought of hand stitching or using Badge Magic on those patches makes you shudder).

Scout Night at the Diamond
Scouts, we might be off base but we think you’re going to have a ball at Scout Night at the Diamond on July 29th at 6:30 PM. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to enjoy a post-game movie and pitch a tent on the outfield for a major league camping experience. Can’t stay the night? No harm, no foul. Scouts are invited to swing by for the game!

National Child Abuse Prevention Month: BSA Tools for Parents
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services designates April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month to recognize "the importance of families and communities working together... to prevent child abuse and neglect."

The BSA has developed tools for parents to help you have important conversations with your children. The youth protection-themed booklets in each handbook for all BSA programs are required for advancement, and include exercises covering topics such as trusted adults, personal boundaries, and secrets. These parents' guides are an opportunity to open the door to healthy dialogues about personal safety and awareness.

👋 Parents, keep scrolling!
The "Join the Adventure!" section below is full of camping opportunities for your Scouts.
For Unit Leaders
Update to Scout BSA Joining Requirements
While Scouts love to climb mountains and hike across rugged terrain, their path to joining Scouts BSA shouldn’t be met with similarly daunting obstacles

To that end, a change to the Scouts BSA joining requirements will make it easier for young people to join a troop alongside their friends and classmates. Effective April 18, 2022, the Scouts BSA joining requirements have changed.

Setting Up Your Unit With a Google Business Profile
Every little thing you do can have a huge impact on your success in this and coming years. If you have a little extra time (insert “one hour a week” jokes here), consider using it to create a Google Business Profile for your unit. A Google Business Profile can help with your recruitment efforts, provides families and guests an opportunity to offer reviews about your program, and more! Read all about how a Google Business Profile is the perfect tool, then get all set-up using our instructions.

2022 Den, Pack, and Troop Driven Recruitment Resources
Every fall, the Heart of Virginia Council conducts a Join Scouting Night Campaign to invite new families to join packs, troops, crews, and posts. This fall we will again hold a JSN campaign, primarily utilizing promotions efforts through local schools. However, your den, pack, or troop can hold additional recruiting events that leverage social media and word-of-mouth marketing to invite new families out to one or more of the fun activities that your unit is already doing. Use our helpful guide and planning worksheet to help you hold a successful recruitment event.

PayPal/Venmo Update for BSA Units
Beginning January 1, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) introduced new reporting requirements for payments received for goods and services, which will lower the reporting threshold to $600 for the 2022 tax season, from 2021’s threshold of $20,000 and 200 transactions.

Units who use PayPal and/or Venmo to complete transactions should visit the link below to learn more.

Fiscal Policies and Procedures FAQs for BSA Units
BSA has updated FAQs for its Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units. These FAQs include information on current unit registration options, tax exempt status, unit banking, equipment insurance, dissolution of the unit, and fundraising.

National Summertime
Pack Award Unit Planner
The National Summertime Pack Award is made to encourage a pack to be active when school is out for the summer, by doing one activity per month in June, July, and August. Has your unit planned for the Summertime Pack Award?

Volunteer Opportunity at Multicultural Fest - Imagine
We are excited to announce the return of the City of Richmond’s Multicultural Fest –Imagine 2022 on June 4th at Broad Rock Park! Scouts are invited to volunteer their time and talents as service hours, completing set-up and take-down for the event. Each volunteer receives a t-shirt, a food voucher, and an official acknowledgement from the City of Richmond.

Employment Opportunities
Full-Time District Executive
Heart of Virginia Council is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time District Executive position. A full description of the opportunity, including job requirements and desired skills, along with compensation details and application instructions, can be found using the link below.

Summer Camp Staff
We have numerous employment opportunities at our Summer Camps at both T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp, and our Cub Scout Day Camps. We are looking for candidates aged 16 years and up to fill several paid openings, and 15 years to volunteer and earn service hours.

Job Opening - PT ScoutReach Program Aid
Part-Time ScoutReach Program Aid
ScoutReach Program Aids help deliver a quality Scouting program for underserved youth in our community. They also assist with leading volunteers to help grow the program and instill Scouting values in the lives of youth. Full details, including application instructions, can be found using the link below.

Upcoming Council & District Events
2022 Tournament of Eagles
Enjoy a day of competitive golfing and networking while supporting local Scouting programs at our 2022 Tournament of Eagles on May 9th at the Country Club of Virginia. Registration is officially open!

Friends of Scouting Dinner, May 12th, 2022
The Heart of Virginia Council 2022 Friends of Scouting dinner at the Greater Richmond Convention Center is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th, 2022. Join us for a special presentation by our keynote speaker, Kevn Lacz: decorated former US Navy Seal, sniper, and combat medic who served with "American Sniper" Chris Kyle and was the technical advisor and co-star in the movie, "American Sniper", and best-selling author.

Arrohattoc District Recognition Event
On May 19th the Arrohattoc District will recognize outstanding volunteers, who will be awarded the District Award of Merit, the highest recognition at the District Level. They will also recognize the dedication of their youth, and celebrate those who have achieved the rank of Eagle. There will be delicious velvet fudge Arrohattoc cake, Ghirardelli brownies, and more.

HOVC Annual Recognition Gala
Please join us for an afternoon of Scouting at its finest at the Heart of Virginia Council's Annual Recognition Gala on May 22nd at 1:00pm at the Cub Adventure Camp Dining Hall. A lunch reception will be followed by an awards presentation honoring 2021 Class of Silver Beavers. Meet our 2021 Silver Beaver recipients, RVSP for the Recognition Gala, and send special congratulatory messages to be featured in our event program using the link below.

Community Celebration for Tom Clayton and David Estes
Huguenot Trail District invites you to a Community Celebration on June 11th, 2:00pm at Cub Adventure Camp in recognition of the many contributions to Scouting by lifelong Scouters, Thomas Clayton & David Estes. This very special event will take place in the CAC Dining Hall, and registration includes light fare and refreshments in honor of our esteemed guests.

20th Annual Richmond Area Sporting Clays Classic
Save the Date for our 20th Annual Richmond Areas Sporting Clays Classic benefitting the Heart of Virginia Council's Camping Programs here in Central Virginia. This signature sporting clays event takes place Thursday, October 13th at beautiful Cub Adventure Camp in Goochland and is fun for both experienced shooters and novices.
Join the Adventure! (Camping and Outdoors)
Philmont Scout Ranch: The Ultimate in Scouting Adventures
Philmont Scout Ranch is a national high adventure base, owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America. The Heart of Virginia Council Contingent is sending three 12-day trek crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

2022 Camp Card Fundraiser
The Camp Card fundraiser ENDS June 17th, so with little more than 30 days remaining, NOW is the time to sign up if you have Scouts that want to earn funds for summer or fall camping programs! In addition to earning their own way, Scouts are winning awesome prizes in our bi-weekly Camp Card drawings. Congrats to Benjamin with Pack 750 for winning Papa John's Pizza for a year!

TBS Summer Camp
Unit registration is open for Summer Camp 2022 at Camp T. Brady Saunders. There are six total weeks available to choose from, running from June 19th through July 30th. There are 16 separate campsites, four shower houses with individual rooms, a large air-conditioned dining hall, trading post, health lodge, aquatics program, and so much more. Don't miss out on the best week of summer!

Summer Camp Provisional Troop 3
Scouts, will you miss your troop’s summer camp this year or do you want an additional week of fun and adventure? Then sign up to join Provisional Troop 3 at Camp T. Brady Saunders during Week 5 of summer camp (July 17 - 23).

Become part of a cohesive unit experience while having fun, learning new skills, & earning merit badges. Troop 3 will also offer a few unique experiences beyond the regular camp programs.

Cub Scout Summer Camp at Cub Adventure Camp
Summer is the perfect season for you to spend quality time with your family! One of the most rewarding and character-building things you can do together is to go camping, and I hope you consider taking your Scout to a session of Knights vs. Vikings Cub Adventure Camp. We're excited to offer four summer camp sessions, beginning June 26th and running through July 18th. Activities include all of your favorites, like fishing, shooting sports, swimming, and more.

Cub Scout Summer Day Camp
Howdy partners! You won’t want to miss out on the wild west themed Scouting adventures that are shooting your way this summer! Wander our way to one of our Wild Wild West Day Camps here in Central Virginia… and don’t forget to bring your best partner in crime because camp is open to Scouts and the public this year!

2023 National Jamboree, July 19th-28th
Jamboree is more than a destination. It's the adventure of a lifetime. And there is simply nothing else like it on the planet. Are you interested in attending the 2023 National Jamboree? Complete our registration to help HOVC better track our participating Scouts/Scouters.

Philmont Training Conferences
Grow Your Scouting Skills at Philmont! Learn best practices for Scouting from world-class faculty and share experiences with Scouters from across the country at one of more than 50 conferences. You can bring the whole family, as family programming is available for conference attendees.

Virginia State Parks
Trail Quest
Scouts LOVE the outdoors, and here in Virginia we are blessed with some of the most beautiful State Parks in the country. Take to the trails and earn levels of recognition by accumulating unique state park visits... maybe you'll visit ALL of our State Parks and earn the title of "Master Hiker" this summer.

Back-At-Camp Council Camporee Save the Date
It's time to get back to what we all love to do - Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Think of this as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Save the date: April 21st - 23rd, 2023 at the Goochland Reservation!
Advancement, Training and Life Skill Opportunities
May District Roundtables
District Roundtable is a monthly program offered by districts that give leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters. Each District offers special supplemental training for volunteers in the first week of the month. Upcoming dates can be found through the link below.

19 Cub Scout Adventures Retiring on May 31st
This spring, 19 Cub Scout Adventures are retiring to improve the program, making these next few weeks your last opportunity to earn them before they’re gone. If your Scouts have partially completed the following adventures, work to get those entered into Scoutbook ahead of their retirement date. To help, we've pulled together the resources you need to earn these beltloops while you can.

In-Person Cub scout Den Leader / Assistant Den Leader Specific Training
Calling all new Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders! All youth not only deserve trained leaders, but they also deserve well trained leaders. Den Leader / Assistant Den Leader Specific training is scheduled for Saturday, May 21st at Albright Scout Reservation from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

This is the basic Hunter Education Course required by the State of Virginia for all new hunters. The instructors will be certified Department of Wildlife Resource instructors. This class is open to all Scouts, parents, and family members. The course material is geared toward a sixth-grade level of reading, vocabulary, and comprehension. Register for the May 22nd course, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Camp T. Brady Saunders below.

Swimming & Water Rescue
Swimming & Water Rescue Adult Leader Training will be available June 3rd - 5th at T. Brady Saunders. This training allows you to be the supervisor on a swimming outing with your unit. It also allows you to conduct swim tests. This training is offered during each week of summer camp, but this is a bonus opportunity being offered before camp starts.

Lifeguard Training
Lifeguard Training will be available June 3rd - 5th at T. Brady Saunders. You must complete the Safe Swim Defense course through, and bring along the printed completion certificate. You must also receive additional training, to include CPR. Candidates must also serve as a lifeguard, under supervision, for at least two separate BSA swimming activities for a combined time of two hours.

NYLT Registration is Open!
Heart of Virginia Council is proud to offer National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) from June 19th to June 25th, 2022! National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.

Trainer's EDGE Summer Session: June 27th - 28th
The Trainer's EDGE helps develop the skills of leaders and trainers. It focuses on improving the participant’s leadership, communication, and training skills. The Trainer’s Edge is the required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge, Commissioners’ College, NYLT staff, and all other BSA training courses. The Course is highly beneficial for all leaders and trainers. This opportunity is scheduled for June 27th - 28th at the T. Brady Saunders OA Pavilion.

Save the Date for the Buckskin 2022 Leadership Experience coming to Scouts BSA Troops in the Heart of Virginia Council the week of July 31st through August 7th, 2022. Registration is officially open, so don't delay!

Wood Badge 2022 is an advanced, national leadership course open only to registered Scouting volunteers and professionals. Adult leaders from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, plus district and council Scouters are all are welcome and belong at Wood Badge. Registration is OPEN for the fall training, scheduled over the weekends of October 7th - 9th at Cub Adventure Camp, and November 5th -6th at T. Brady Saunders. You don't want to miss this opportunity!

Fall Scoutmaster Specific -
Huguenot Trail
Huguenot Trail offers their Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training on Saturday, October 1st at Albright Scout Reservation. This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.

Huguenot Trail
Huguenot Trail is offering both BALOO and IOLS at Albright Scout Reservation. IOLS is required for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Crew Advisors, and Associate Crew Advisors. Packs and Webelos Dens must have a BALOO trained leader in attendance.

Merit Badge Opportunities
Crater District Merit Badge Weekend
Head out to Albright Scout Reservation the weekend of May 13th - May 15th for camping and merit badges at the Crater District Merit Badge Camporee. There are 25 merit badges to choose from, and lots of fun to be had, so beat the price change on May 1st by registering today!

Crater District MB Camporee
Geocaching Merit Badge
Geocaching is great for fun and exercise.  It’s a sport that’s a perfect fit for Scouting, and it’s a great way for Scouts and non-Scouts to share their enjoyment of the outdoors. Use your Scout skills and follow the Scout Oath and Scout Law as you embark on this new pastime.  Learn how to Geocache from experienced local cachers and earn your Geocaching Merit Badge. This event takes place May 21st from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm at the HOVC Leadership Center.

Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge
Scouts who would like to earn the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge are invited to take our course at Albright Scout Reservation on May 28th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Make sure you wear closed-toe shoes and clothing you don't mind getting dirty. We'll have the safety equipment you need, but there are other items, including pre-requisites, you'll have to bring the day of the course. Get that full list and register by visiting the link below.

Hampden-Sydney College Merit Badge Day
Previously scheduled for February 19th, our Hampden-Sydney College Merit Badge Day has been rescheduled to June 11th due to COVID. If you would like to retain your registration with the new dates, no further action is required. If, however, the rescheduled dates no longer meet with your needs, please contact the Heart of Virginia Council at (804) 355-4306 and a refund will be issued at your request. We apologize for the inconvenience, appreciate your understanding, and look forward to a great event on June 11th.  

Recognition, Memorials and Honors
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
2022 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony
The 2022 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, September 17th, 2022! A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. To be included in the 2022 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 8th, 2022.

District Websites
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!
Heart of Virginia Council  
804.204.2635 | | #ScoutingVA

Prepared. For. Life.