DHEC Environmental eNews

September 2023 | {View as Webpage}

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This monthly electronic newsletter from DHEC's Environmental Affairs will keep our customers and stakeholders informed of important events, legislation, meetings, permitting information, and compliance information.

Watershed Plan Funding

Watershed plans help communities address water quality impairments and concerns in a watershed by identifying sources of pollution and creating a plan for recommended restoration and protection efforts. Completed watershed plans can then be used to apply for funding for project implementation.

The Nonpoint Source and Watersheds section of the Bureau of Water has issued the 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP) for watershed planning and proposals will be due in mid-October. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides set-aside funding in the amount of $150,000 for watershed plan development. Eligible applicants include state agencies, local governments, public universities, soil and water conservation districts, regional planning commissions, watershed organizations, and nonprofit organizations, although multiple organizations can be partnered in watershed planning.

To be considered for funding, proposals must address surface water pollutants that impact source water for drinking water systems and include, at a minimum, EPA’s nine required elements. Proposals should also include climate change considerations for watershed planning. The RFP and other proposal documents can be found on the Watershed Plan Development Grant page. Please contact watersheds program staff for more information or assistance. 

Debra Thoma Serves as Instructor on National Panel

Debra Thoma, Section Manager for Corrective Action & Quality Assurance with Underground Storage Tanks (UST), recently served as an instructor during a technical webinar for New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC).  

Debra showcased South Carolina’s process and success in utilizing the “treatment trains” cleanup approach in remediating petroleum releases towards closure. Treatment trains is a term used to describe the utilization of multiple remedial technologies in sequence to achieve closure at leaking underground storage tanks. 

More than 100 people from across the United States attended Debra’s session. She also presented on this topic at the National Tanks Conference in September 2022, which was attended by about 600 people. 

Soil Evaluator Positions

The Bureau of Environmental Health Services is looking to hire 25 Soil Evaluators. These positions will perform inspections, evaluations, and investigations in support of DHEC's vision of healthy people living in healthy communities. Click your region location below to apply for the corresponding job posting.

Interested in learning more? Check out the video below to learn more about what soil evaluators do.

Smart Business Recycling Program

Want to learn more about how your company can reduce waste?  DHEC's Smart Business Recycling Program offers free, confidential technical support to businesses around the state. Companies have the chance to become a Smart Business Award Winner by submitting information about the material they have recycled throughout the year. Smart Business Surveys and Smart Business Award Applications for FY23 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) are being accepted through November 1, 2023. Click here to learn more.   

Join Our Team!

As the state agency charged with promoting and protecting South Carolina's public health and environment, DHEC has a legacy of attracting and retaining talented individuals who want to build rewarding and successful careers. DHEC's Environmental Affairs employs a wide range of environmental professionals from engineers and geologists to inspectors and meteorologists.

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