Religious Exemptions on COVID Vaccine with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel - Update - Exemption filings are being accepted here in Ohio.

Some helpful information from the Ohio Christian Alliance when filing for religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine. Click here for the information sheet!


When your employer has issued a vaccine mandate as terms of employment, it is important to request from your employer the religious exemption form. In addition, you may submit a simple letter with your statement of your sincerely held religious beliefs expressing your objections to receiving the vaccine.  


The 1964 Civil Rights Code Title VII prohibits religious discrimination in employment.

When filling out your religious exemption form, there is some helpful information and guidance at the website of Liberty Counsel. Mat Staver and the team at Liberty Counsel provide their legal services at no charge to people of faith. If you have questions in completing your religious exemption form, they have guidance at their website at this link

Here is a PDF handout information from Liberty Counsel, but also be sure to visit their website.

Health care workers across the state are facing the real prospect of employment termination due to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, issued by hospitals, medical clinics, and other health care facilities in recent weeks. This will affect thousands of health care workers across Ohio, who last year were the frontline heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic, but are now being threatened with termination if they do not take the vaccine. Many cannot take it, due to health reasons, personal reasons, or religious conscience. Mat Staver discusses with us that this is a nationwide problem and is about to affect us all with the lack of quality of health care as a result. Mat gives some practical pointers on how to file for a religious exemption. The Liberty Counsel law firm stands ready to help people of faith with this growing crisis. Video from Liberty Counsel