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It's understandable if you don't want to Tweet over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Try Mastodon. It's a fully decentralized social media platform that's exploding with new users who own what they produce.

Hi there, it’s it's me, Robin, off of the screen and back in the physical. The physical kitchen that is. And so is our entire team. So we’ll keep our Thanksgiving newsletter blissfully short and filled with good wishes. We’ll save the news (and there’s lots of it) for next week.

As we stare down the upcoming holiday season we know that things are different this year. Things will be different forever. 

On a personal note, our family is hedging our bets. We’re separating into smaller Thanksgiving pods rather than the usual cast of 34 people shoved into a crowded room. Those who can’t make it physically, or test positively, will be Zoomed in. We do have a rule that you can’t miss Turkey Talks… a cross between Ted Talks and a New Year’s Resolution. And the price of groceries? Let's just say Butterball is outperforming Bitcoin. And we missed our chance to invest in cranberries. 

While I love being back in the physical, I have not forgotten the joys of the virtual. Last weekend, at the Techonomy Summit in Sonoma, I had the great pleasure of spending time with Michael Dorf, owner of City Winery, music aficionado, and philanthropist. During the pandemic his live-streamed Passover Seders featured some of the funniest Jews on the planet. We were all invited. It was a shared moment of a sort that I’d never experienced before. Something that wouldn’t have been possible without a pandemic. I didn’t have to cook or clean during the Seder, but I’m sure glad Dorf and friends are back in person because wine, friends and music make the world a better place.

Image credit: City Winery, from 2021
Even if Thanksgiving’s not your thing (or your country’s thing) we’ve got a short Thanksgiving wish for you:

May our turkey have enjoyed its life
Before it graced our platter.
And if you’ve been part of life’s recent layoffs,
Enjoy the respite from the clatter.

Find the thing that makes you grateful.
Hold it tight and hard. 
Then spread your arms and let it go
Resist the tweets that you’ll discard.

Virtual or in real life, we’ll see you in the future.
Don’t forget to join us on December 15th 
When our tools showcase will amuse ya. 

Decemberr 15, 2022 | 2:30 pm EDT | ZOOM
Holiday Tools Party

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you see every problem as a nail.” That’s why we’re getting together on Dec 15th at 2:30 EST to share our notes about using the right tool for the right job. Jeremy Caplan, Director of Teaching and Learning at CUNY's Newmark Graduate School of Journalism and creator of the Wonder Tools blog, will show us a few of his favorites. But don’t come empty hand-handed. Bring a fistful of your favorites, too.

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Robin Raskin | Founder
917.215.3160 |

Gigi Raskin | Sales/Marketing

917.608.7542 |