News & Updates
April 15, 2021
Fiscal Year 2022 Hospice Payment Rate Update Proposed Rule CMS-1754-P
CMS issued a proposed rule (CMS-1754-P) that would provide routine updates to hospice base payments and the aggregate cap amount for FY 2022 in accordance with existing statutory and regulatory requirements. This proposed rule also includes a comment solicitation regarding hospice utilization. In addition, this rule proposes to rebase the hospice labor shares and clarify certain aspects of the hospice election statement addendum requirements.
HHS Marks Black Maternal Health Week by Announcing Measures To Improve Maternal Health Outcomes
Illinois is the first state to provide continuity of full Medicaid benefit coverage for mothers by offering extended eligibility for a woman during the entire first year after delivery. A new data brief shows that more than half of pregnant women in Medicaid experienced a coverage gap in the first 6 months post-partum and disruptions in Medicaid coverage often lead to periods of uninsurance, delayed care, and less preventive care. The American Rescue Plan provides an easier pathway for states to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from 60 days to 12 months.
A New Day for Interoperability – The Information Blocking Regulations Start Now
The following participants in health care will need to follow the law: 1) health care providers, 2) health IT developers of certified health IT, and 3) health information networks/health information exchanges. Through the Cures Act, Congress defined “information blocking” and established penalties for those who engage in practices that interfere with the access, exchange, or use of “electronic health information” (EHI). The law excludes practices required by applicable law(s) or if they meet an “exception” established by the HHS Secretary.
Micky Tripathi, Ph.D. National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HHS will be kicking off the event at 10ET on April 28th. We'll have experts on hand to discuss the requirements, patient perspectives, exceptions and creating your compliance plan. FREE Virtual Event
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule (CMS 1746-P)
CMS issued a proposed rule that would update Medicare payment policies and rates for skilled nursing facilities under the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) prospective payment system (PPS) for fiscal year (FY) 2022. In addition, the proposed rule includes proposals for the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP), and the SNF Value-Based Program (VBP) for FY 2022. 
Biden outlines health IT funding priorities
The extensive list includes billions in funding for public health data modernization, broadband and 5G expansion, social determinants of health, cybersecurity and more.
Indian Health Service Requests Health IT Strategic Planning Aid
The IHS wishes to develop a strategic plan to guide its Information Technology program and efforts over the next three to five years with the understanding that decisions and efforts resulting from the plan will have long-term implications on the organization. Geographic and social challenges, plus a subpar health IT system, are significant causes of this population’s poor health outcomes. That flawed system was developed in the mid-1980s and has had limited updates, improvements, or optimizations since its implementation.
AHRQ Seeks Public Input by April 16 on Clinical Algorithms
That May Promote Bias in Medical Decision-making
AHRQ is seeking public comments on clinical algorithms used in medical practice that may introduce bias into decision-making or negatively affect access, quality, or health outcomes among racial and ethnic minority groups. Following public input, AHRQ will undertake an evidence review of commonly used algorithms to assess whether race and ethnicity is explicitly included.
The deadline for providing comments is 11:59 PM ET on April 16.
Episode 31: Making the Health Plan More than a Plastic Card in a Wallet. A Conversation with John Baackes, CEO, LA Care
The next Telehealth Workgroup meeting will be April 21 at 4ET.
The WG evaluates the exchange of encounter information between patient and provider to identify ways to facilitate exchange of data, innovative encounter capabilities, and roles and responsibilities of health care stakeholders in facilitating change and implementation.
WEDI workgroups provide thoughtful leadership and common-sense approaches that enhance the exchange of clinical and administrative healthcare information. They collect input, exchange ideas, and make recommendations that inspire impactful and far-reaching change in our industry.