Upcoming Events
Monday, September 11th
Parents Guild, Library, 6:00 pm
Tuesday, September 12th
Class Photo
Thursday, September 14th
College Expo, 5:30 - 8:00
College of the Redwoods
Friday, September 15th
Senior Retreat, HSU Newman Center
Friday, September 22nd
No School- Teacher Work Day
College Application Workshop, Library, 1:00 - 3:00
Friday, September 29th
7th Grade Retreat, Sacred Heart Church, back parking lot
Thursday, October 19th
Homecoming Mass - Mass Dress
Friday, October 20th
End of First Quarter
Saturday, October 21st
Girls Soccer, 1999 and Football and Cheerleaders, 2015 Team Recognition
Homecoming Court Crowning
High School Homecoming Dance, 8 - 11
Thursday, October 26th
SAT School Day for Seniors