St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 8, 2023

A Note from your Principals


Sarah and I are taking Owen off to Cal Poly SLO on Wednesday to help move him into his freshman dormitory on Thursday.

College is definitely on my mind. I invite all of you to visit the College and Career Expo at CR on Thursday. (The details are just a couple inches below this note.)

Why? It’s the one day of the year when dozens of college and career reps come to Humboldt County.

Let your sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and/or twelfth grader(s) walk around the booths. They will learn about schools they’ve never heard about and learn more about schools that they do know about…plus they will get swag and treats.

It’s a great way to start a conversation about the future. Ms. Scott and Ms. Enemark are wonderful resources at school who will continue that conversation with you and your student.

Peace and Joy,

Paul Shanahan

Frequently Asked Questions

Food Delivery?

We do not allow students to Door Dash food to school. It is simply too much for the office staff to handle if we allow for this. Thank you for understanding.

If you would like to bring food to your student, please bring it into the office for your student to pick up. We limit students going off campus (even just out the front doors) during break and lunch for safety reasons.

What time is lunch?

Tuesdays through Fridays, our lunch is 12:55 to 1:20.

We encourage all students and families to attend the College & Career Expo, September 14th from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM at College of the Redwoods in Eureka. Please remind students and families that this is the ONLY College & Career Expo in this region, and that this event is for ALL students including middle school.


Please visit the event website: prior to the event to see the most up-to-date list of recruiters attending, the workshops that are available to attend, and other resources for the event.


As of today, there are over 70 Reps confirmed! including 34 colleges, 25 Trades/Career/Military, and 12 Information/Support organizations (list is attached). The workshops list is attached. There is something at the event for everyone! 

Upcoming Events

Monday, September 11th

Parents Guild, Library, 6:00 pm

Tuesday, September 12th

Class Photo

Thursday, September 14th

College Expo, 5:30 - 8:00

College of the Redwoods

Friday, September 15th

Senior Retreat, HSU Newman Center

Friday, September 22nd

No School- Teacher Work Day

College Application Workshop, Library, 1:00 - 3:00

Friday, September 29th

7th Grade Retreat, Sacred Heart Church, back parking lot

Thursday, October 19th

Homecoming Mass - Mass Dress

Friday, October 20th

End of First Quarter

Saturday, October 21st

Girls Soccer, 1999 and Football and Cheerleaders, 2015 Team Recognition

Homecoming Court Crowning

High School Homecoming Dance, 8 - 11

Thursday, October 26th

SAT School Day for Seniors

Click for school calendar

New Officers Elected!

Seventh Grade Class Officers (L to R): Treasurer Javelin Samulski, President Jack Omey, , Secretary Weston Levy, Knights Representative Tyson Marshall and Vice President Davin Hagler (not pictured)

Frosh Class Officers (L to R): Treasurer Gabby Qiao, Secretary Natalie McLaughlin Vice President Scarlett Zerlang and President Garrett Shanahan (not pictured)

Middle School Sports

Friday, September 8th

8th Grade Volleyball at Ferndale Tournament

Monday, September 11th

4:00 MS Soccer vs Rio Dell at Scotia Field

Tuesday, September 12th

5:00 MS Volleyball NCAL game

Wednesday, September 13th

5:00 6/7th Grade Volleyball at Trinity Valley

6:00 8th Grade Volleyball at Trinity Valley

Thursday, September 14th

5:00 6/7th Volleyball SB vs Fieldbrook

Friday, September 15th

6/7 Volleyball at Fortuna Tournament

High School Sports

Friday, September 8th

5:30 JV Football at Biggs

7:30 V Football at Biggs

6:30 V Volleyball vs Mendocino

Saturday, September 9th

V Volleyball at Arcata Tournament

Monday, September 11th

4:00 Boys Soccer vs Fortuna

Tuesday, September 12th

6:00 Girls Soccer at Arcata

Tennis vs NPA

Wednesday, September 13th

6:00 Boys Soccer at Arcata

Thursday, September 14th

5:30/6:00 JV/V Volleyball vs Ferndale

6:00 Girls Soccer vs McKinleyville

Saturday, September 15th

11:30/4:00 JV/V Football vs Arcata

V Volleyball at Brookings Tournament

Tennis at Fortuna

Students in Action!

Picture Day

Marine Biology visited the Maritime

Museum this week.

Music Club "Try out an instrument day!"

Chemistry classes were introduced to

lab experiments.

We had a great turn out at our Alumni Association Meeting this week.

Almost every decade was represented. They are planning

big things for Homecoming.

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

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