Booth University College E-News
December 2021
A Christmas Message from
Our President
"God made himself known
to us in Jesus Christ.
This is the glory we celebrate. 
He looks over all His children with a great love for us."
"It has always been my intention to use my education to transform my immediate society and enable every person I meet to excel in life."
Meet Kevin Rop, a Booth UC scholarship recipient 
Coming in January:
Steve Bell and Malcolm Guite present, Art and the Christian Life
The Gift of the Academic
Learning Centre - Business is Booming
Community Capacity Building Certificate
This new online program through our School for Continuing Studies is designed for community leaders. Thirty FREE spots are available for this 5-month program, which begins in February 2022.
Alumni Spotlight
Chelsey Finney (BA/20):
Making an Impact at Siloam Mission

"Booth UC gave me the foundation and understanding of how trauma influences behavior and addiction."
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