Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
"...When both parents are fit, loving parents, children should not be denied a full relationship with each of them because the parents choose to live apart. Parental separation should not result in parental deprivation..."
By Alan D. Blotcky, PhD - Psychiatric Times, 06/02/2022
"...Parental alienation is a pathological phenomenon in high-conflict divorces where 1 parent sabotages a child’s relationship with the other parent. If the offending parent is successful in their mission, the child totally rejects the targeted parent; this would be severe alienation..."
"...When you’re going through a divorce, even if it’s amicable, it’s important to have a experienced advocate in your corner. Here in Chicago attorney Jeffery Leving has made a career fighting for the rights of fathers. With Father’s Day coming up, he joins us now with advice..."
"... A movement is underway throughout Texas, it's mainly dad driven. Men seeking equal custody of their children. They say family courts are not keeping up with the times. Cody Taylor is one of those dads. He lives in Groves, but he says his house doesn't feel like a home without his daughter..."
"...Case in point, a new study found that boys whose fathers were present and involved with their upbringing when they were teens had lower testosterone levels when they later became fathers in their own turn, compared to boys who lived in households with an absent father..."
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