No. 69 March 2021
News to Know

   The Rockbridge Youth Chorale has returned to in–person rehearsal at their usual spot – under the Nelson Street Bridge in downtown Lexington. Some nights it’s a bit chilly but they sing on!

   Rockbridge Chorus Artistic Director, William McCorkle, will be presenting Music for Lent at 12 noon on the Fisk organ at Lexington Presbyterian Church on March 17 and Music for Holy Week on March, 31. Watch for announcements about the live stream and how you can tune in.

   Thanks to all who contributed to our 2020 year-end fundraising drive! Your generosity enables us to keep our youth choruses singing in 2021 and hopefully to get our adult singers back in the game if all goes well with the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out. Stay tuned as we get nearer to summer. With luck, we will be on track for this season’s holiday concert in December. Fingers crossed!

   Happy Spring! Or if you prefer, Play Ball!