Mark Your Calendars for
Giving Tuesday!
This year, we are kicking off our end of year fundraising drive with Giving Tuesday on December 1 and you can start right now with early giving which begins on November 17. We know you are busy at this time of year. We’ve have made it easy for you.
As always you may also send your donation to our efforts to PO Box 965, Lexington, VA 24450, or watch for our print version of Alla Breve in the mail and use the enclosed donor envelope to send us your contribution. We fund much of our season’s budget with ticket sales, and those are non-existent right now. If you would have purchased a ticket for one of our concerts, make a donation in that amount instead. Every little bit helps. If you are one of our singers who would have paid tuition to sing this season, why not convert your tuition into a tax deductible donation this year? Please help us so that we can continue to pay our artistic directors and our interns, purchase music for our singers, and plan for a time when we can all sing and listen in one space. Until then, we thank you for all you do to support us!