Stewardship : Time and Talent
A core event in the stewardship campaign in past years has been the Ministry Fair, where each of the groups devoted to the work of the Lord sets up a display and shares their special message with all comers. Most of you will remember this event happening in Falls past. The parish hall was filled with tables and lots of activity as all of us took turns catching up of what the rest of us were doing.
I left St. Gregory early in the reign of Nick Johnson, and returned in the last years of the reign of Porter Taylor. I returned to experience the Ministry Fair in its glory. The hall was full, and I was notified that some of the more mundane groups, like the Brotherhood of St. Andrew who had not mounted a display in favor of acting as guides to the fair itself. So many ministries! I was handed a list of their names and members. A quick scan of the list betrayed the great truth, it was longer than the list of membership of the church! Many people were active in more than one ministry. So much for time and talent, it was all on display.
We live now in a time of trepidation with many ministries surviving in ghostly form, but the time of “After Covid” is coming. I am sure that the Ministry Fair will come as well, as we revive our ministry ghosts and launch into new ways to do the work of the Lord in our midst and our communities. Of course, all of you will add your names to the list.
Discussion of “Treasure” is on its way.