Program Highlights

Professor Thomas E. Murphy Named Interim Chair

Professor Joseph Jaja steps down after four years of service to the department.

Department Recognizes 2022 Distinguished Alumni Awardees

Awards recognize alumni who have made significant and meritorious contributions to their fields.

Department Celebrates Achievements During Annual ‘Welcome Back’ Luncheon and Awards Ceremony

Event recognizes outstanding achievements by students, staff and faculty.

Faculty & Department News

Do Suddenly Self-Centered Brain Cells Promote Disease?

NSF award funds UMD Alzheimer’s research Into brain glucose metabolism.

Kaiqing Zhang Joins ECE and ISR as a Joint Appointment Faculty Member

The new assistant professor has research interests in control and machine learning, especially for multi-agent systems.

Avik Dutt: Advancing Transformative Technologies

Affiliate faculty member focuses on photonics and quantum engineering.

Four ECE Faculty Retire

The department thanks Steve Marcus, Tony Ephremides, Ray Liu and Robert Newcomb for their years of teaching and service.

Dean's Circle Spotlight: A Blueprint for Human-Oriented Innovation

Faculty member Anthony Ephremides, and his wife Jane, featured for their philanthropic efforts.

Alumni News

2022 IHOF Induction

of Alumnus David Bader

Join us for virtually for David Bader's induction into the Innovation Hall of Fame at the A. James Clark School of Engineering.

Wednesday, November 9

starting at 4:30 PM (EST)

In Brief

Ulukus Speaks at VASEM Summit

Professor Sennur Ulukus (ECE/ISR) was a panel guest speaker on the topic of "Securing the Future of Cyberspace" at the 2022 Virginia Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (VASEM) Summit.

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