Top News
Inclusivity in Your Parks
Our organizational vision is to bring together ideas, leadership and resources to make the parks more sustainable and enjoyable for all. In our February blog post you can learn more about our vision, our efforts and how you can be a part of positive change in your parks. Read it now!

People on the Move!
Joey-Linn Ulrich was featured in the Pittsburgh Business Times this month!

In February, we were excited to see our Executive Director, Joey-Linn Ulrich be featured in the Pittsburgh Business Times in their People on the Move section. Read it now!
Project Updates
Updated Project Pages on our Website
We have added some great new information, updates, history and more to our website projects pages! Check out what we are up to:
Ecological Assessments and Action Plans

These comprehensive studies evaluate each park’s natural resources and ecological assets and recommend an implementation plan for improving the environment of the park. Learn more!

Paul Riis Trail

Paul Riis was the first Director of the Allegheny County Parks from 1928-1932. The Paul Riis Trail is intended to share his naturalistic vision for the parks while also highlighting historic stone features built in his style in South Park. Learn more!

Edgebrook Shelter Renovations

Edgebrook Shelter is one of the oven shelters built under Paul Riis’ tenure in South Park. The objective of this project is to restore the Edgebrook Shelter for safe, practical use.
North Fork Pine Creek Riparian Buffer

This ongoing project, located just upstream of North Park Lake, will increase the longevity of the lake and repair 2.1 acres of the riparian (stream side) zone in the North Fork Pine Creek Watershed by removing invasive species and planting meadow mix, live stakes, trees and shrubs of varying species and landscape trees to create a diverse canopy that provides varied sources of food for wildlife. Learn more!

Visitors Center Rain Garden

This project will design and construct a demonstration rain garden at the Visitors Center at Round Hill Park to capture and treat rainwater from the building’s roof and to serve as an educational opportunity for park visitors to learn about stormwater management. Learn more!
Keep an eye out for our April Newsletter to register for South Park's Park 'til Dark's events and purchase Pour at the Park tickets!
Registration and ticket sales open April 1.
In the Parks
Glass Recycling in the Parks!
Allegheny County Parks has announced that they will once again be partnering with the Pennsylvania Resources Council to host glass recycling events on a traveling schedule in the parks. Learn more!
County Announces Allegheny Acoustics Concert Series!
Beginning in March the County will begin offering acoustic music on weeknights throughout the 9 county parks. The first one will feature Jeff Schmutz on Wednesday March 15th at the Rose Barn in North Park. From 6:00-6:30 pm there will be a ranger led activity, followed by the performance at 7:00 pm. Learn more!

March Park Ranger Calendar
Learn more and register for the events listed below HERE!
Guided Hike: Hit the Trail
March 25, 1:00-2:30 pm
Deer Lakes
Carp 1 Shelter

March 26, 1:00-2:30 pm
Settlers Cabin
Panhandle Connector Trailhead

Guided Hike: Spring Equinox
March 18, 1:00-3:00 pm
Hartwood Acres
Mansion Parking Lot

March 19, 1:00-3:00 pm
South Park
Forbes Shelter

Guided Hike: Twilight on the Trail
March 24, 6:00-8:00 pm
Boyce Park
Den Shelter Parking Area

March 31, 6:00-8:00 pm
Harrison Hills
Rachel Carson Shelter
Guided Hike: Women in Conservation
March 4, 1:00-3:00 pm
Settlers Cabin
Panhandle Connector Trailhead

March 5, 1:00-3:00 pm
Hartwood Acres
Middle Road Parking Lot

March 8, 6:00-6:30 pm
Virtual Program

Hiking Highlights Southern Parks
March 22, 12:15-12:45 pm
Virtual Program

Junior Ranger: Story Time
March 11, 10:00-11:00 am
South Park
Community House

March 12, 10:00-11:00 am
North Park
Rose Barn

Ways to Support
Celebrate Women's History Month
by making a donation to
Suffragist Grove!
You can help create the Suffragist Grove at Hartwood Acres by donating directly to the project. In August 2020, a tulip popular was the first tree to be planted as part of a future grove at Hartwood Acres to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution giving women the right to vote in 1920. You can continue that important work with a donation of support today. Donate now!
Boyce Park | Deer Lakes Park | Harrison Hills Park | Hartwood Acres Park
North Park | Round Hill Park | Settlers Cabin Park | South Park | White Oak Park
Contact Us:
Allegheny County Parks Foundation | 675 Old Frankstown Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15239