Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
October 19, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 42
Association of Attending a High-Performing High School, with Substance Use Disorder rate and Health Outcomes in young adults
“Numerous observational studies have shown an association between early childhood education and an improved range of health outcomes”.

Younger children moved into a more affluent neighborhood have not only better education but also improved income and behavioral outcomes. Few studies have examined the association between improved Secondary education and health.

A “natural” experiment evaluated health outcomes in 2 comparable groups of 1,270 children in low income neighborhoods in which students were randomly assigned (through a lottery system) to either a “high-performing” High school vs. attending a neighborhood High school (“control group”), with self-reported outcomes of alcohol use disorder, cannabis misuse, delinquent behaviors, physical and mental health and body mass index through age 21 years, documented.

It appears that attending a high-performing public High school is associated with low rates of alcohol abuse (independent of academic achievement), improved physical health and less obesity in males 21 years of age (females however report worse physical health and obesity outcomes with no benefit to mental health outcomes for either group noted).

“Schools are a potent social determinant of health and an important target for future health interventions”.
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Understanding the Work-Up of Non-accidental Trauma

At the completion of this activity, participants are expected to:
[1] Understand Florida law on informed consent, [2] Be aware that consent for minors must be in writing and detailed, [3] Learn about Florida’s new regulatory provision specific to pelvic exams.
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