Fall Quarterly Update

Hurricane Island Field Research Station

Expanding & Enhancing Our Work

Field Research Station Update

We are excited to share the progress of the Hurricane Island Field Research Station (FRS) construction with you!

The substructure of the FRS has been installed after hard work by the Maine-based team at OPAL Architecture and OPAL Build along with Belmont Boatworks and Lyman-Morse.

More Info

Thanks to Compass Light Productions for documenting the need for and significance of constructing this facility.

We are thrilled to have received a $230,000 grant award from the Maine Technology Institute in support of our innovative Field Research Station.

A Message from our Executive Director

Support the Joy of Discovery

We are in the midst of our fall appeal which supports the annual cost of operating the island and all education and research programs. Please consider making as generous a contribution as possible.

You may name Hurricane Island Foundation as your designated non-profit in your employer's Matching Gifts Program or from your Donor Advised Fund.

Planned Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA as well as Gifts of Stock can be directed to us from most investment firms.


Donate Today

Please review our 2021 Annual Report

Hurricane merchandise Available Online

Engaging more students than ever!

Education Programs

  • 43 Schools and Organizations
  • 26 weeks of educational programming on the island
  • 5,500+ participant days
  • 720 students and 674 adults served
  • We have educators in schools 5 days a week during the school year

This year we have welcomed and worked with a wide range of schools and programs on the island and ashore, from local public schools to international adult programs!

View the full list of 2022 partners

Thanks in part to multi-year funding from the Onion Foundation, The First National Bank and The Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation, the Hurricane Island Education team provides year-round support to local schools and educators 5 days a week during the school year.

Fall Spat Bags Deployed

Our researchers and educators coordinated multiple scallop larvae (spat) line deployments with the following local schools:

North Haven Community School 

Oceanside HS

Belfast Area High School

BCOPE (Belfast Community Outreach Program in Education)

This effort will contribute to our growing data set of larval scallop distribution.

Answer the CALL

Our partnership with the Camden-based Watershed School Climate Action Leadership Lab resulted in increased awareness and support for high school students eager to take action and be engaged in local decision making.

The next CALL event will take place December 3rd at The Watershed School campus. Interested high school students can apply through Watershed or contact our Education Director John Van Dis

2023 Summer Enrollment is Now Open!

Students enrolled before January 1st, 2023 will receive an early bird discount.

Middle School

Entering grades 7 - 8 in 2023

Island Ecology July 9 - 15

Marine Ecology July 9 - 15

High School

Entering grades 9 - 12 in 2023

Island Ecology July 23 - 29

Marine Ecology July 23 - 29

High School Advanced Programs

Entering grades 10 - 12 in 2023

Adv. Marine Science August 6 - 15

Adv. Sustainability August 6 - 15

Women of Water August 7- 19

Enroll Today


Our partnership with United People Global continues bring leaders from across the globe to Hurricane Island.

This year we were thrilled to welcome 45 Young Sustainability Leaders from 25 different countries. We saw innovative change makers from Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Maldives, Iraq, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tunisia, Venezuela and beyond!

Brazil had an impressive showing with 12 leaders on Hurricane this summer, among them:

  • Babi Amaral, activist and artist joined us for the summer as an education intern and created amazing pieces of art while on the island.
  • Journalist Pablo Mingoti created a shocking amount of content during his week on Hurricane, some of which aired on tv in his home country and can be found in our extensive Instagram UPG highlights reel as well as in print!
  • We had a great story about what one can take away from UPG by Louize Oliveira which we shared on our blog.

Obrigado to our Brazilians!

If you are between 18-35 years old and want to make change in your community, and around the world - consider applying to become a Young Sustainability Leader!

Connecting Our Research

Scallop Research Collaborative

In late August we welcomed the University of Maine Scallop Research Collaborative, UMaine Intro to Aquaculture class and Togue Brawn of Downeast Dayboat for a day on Hurricane Island with our research team.

NOAA and ASMFC Funding

Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries and Bates College will team up with fishermen and farmers, oceanographers, marine ecologists, regulators and local high school and college students in an effort funded by NOAA Fisheries and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to better understand larval scallop habitats and trends.

Read the Blog Post

Scallop Farming and More

The research team has been busy in our 3.2 acre experimental aquaculture lease site managing 7000 Atlantic Sea Scallops in various stages of life, as well as 500 oysters.

In addition to continued collaborations with UMaine and others, this year we tested 3D printed aquaculture gear as part of a Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education project in collaboration with local shellfish grower Jordan Kramer of Winnegance Oyster Farm.

Now Hiring: Research Director

As the Hurricane Island Field Research Station comes closer to completion, we have commenced the search for a Research Director! 

Job Description

Enroll Now: Offshore Year

Dream of spending your sophomore year on North Haven? Hurricane Island is teaming up with North Haven Community School to present a multidisciplinary coastal curriculum.

10th grade Offshore Year students will spend a year immersed in an island community learning about aquaculture, marine environments, climate change and community adaptation.

Interested parties should send an email to Offshore Year Coordinator Kim Rosenbaum

Island Hospitality

We thank the 400+ visitors from near and far who made the journey to visit us during our 2022 island season!

We embrace any opportunity to share this special island with our community of fishermen, sailors, picnickers, supporters and island explorers.

Hard Work Gets It Done

Continued Improvement to the Island

Bolstered by returning 2021 staff and faithful volunteers, the do-all facilities team completed significant projects during the island season in addition to the critical day-to-day upkeep of island systems and vehicles:

  • Solar panels added to the shower house
  • New fire suppression system infrastructure in the bunkhouse
  • Re-shingled and improved structure of the south face of the Mess Hall
  • Finished new floating docks for the Field Research Station cove
  • Completed renovation work on BOQ cabin
  • Major improvements to our aquaculture infrastructure
  • Collaborated with the Vinalhaven School for 8 new picnic tables

A SUNNY Season

SUNNY, our new Coast Guard inspected passenger vessel, earned it's keep in our fleet - being more capable in rough seas, having a further range of operation, supporting expanded on-the-water science programs for students, and increasing our ability to bring more people to the island for events.

In Memoriam

"His Favorite Place On Earth" 

With heavy hearts, we send our condolences to the Gaston family.

Dr. James Pinchot Gaston passed away Saturday, November 12th. The Gaston family's philanthropic legacy will persevere thanks to Dr. Gaston's deep love of Hurricane Island, his keen foresight and belief that sharing treasured places makes the world more special. His appreciation for Hurricane Island and the surrounding islands began when he was a boy and continued throughout his long life. The magnificent home he built rising from the great granite plutons signifies the man he was - bold, boundless, and at home in the elements of Penobscot Bay.

His commitment to keeping the sland accessible set the cornerstone of the Hurricane Island community. His relationship with our founder Peter Willauer spawned our organization and before that the Hurricane Island Outward Bound School.

Dr. Gaston’s legacy lives on in anyone who has the chance to be on Hurricane Island.

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

Jackie Robinson

It is with sadness that we share the passing of Alan Lewis a longtime supporter and friend of Hurricane Island.

Early in our organizational development the Lewis family provided a significant capital gift that was unrestricted for improving the island. At the time, Alan offered an investment with an uncertain return. His gift was about believing in our mission and the people associated with the organization.

We send our heartfelt condolences to the Lewis family and to all of the staff from Alnoba who have worked in support of Hurricane Island for the past 5 years.

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