Have you ever heard bad things come in threes? Well, I had my three things this summer so I should be good for a while! Last month I was at a picnic in New Hampshire and bit into my sandwich. Unfortunately a bee was eating it too and stung my lip. It immediate swelled up and I broke out in hives all over and a big weight sat on my chest. My husband rushed me to an Urgent Care and they did everything under the sun to me, starting with an epi pen and ending with an IV. Whew!
Next, I was sitting at a red light, waiting for it to change. I used lip balm while I was waiting because I tend to get fever blisters if I don't protect my lips. The light changed, but since no one was behind me I took a second to put the lip balm away. At that second a car blasted through the intersection going at least 90 miles an hour. It would have hit me broadside on my side of the car. Whew!
The third thing (and hopefully last for a while!) was when my husband left ahead of me for a meeting. I went the same way about 10 minutes later (at the time I didn't know he'd gone that way). I was stopped by a big line of cars with ambulances and rescue vehicles going past. A man walked up to my car and said there's just been a head-on collision. No one is getting through. Both of us missed being in the accident by 10 minutes. I never did find out what happened to the passengers. Whew!
Hope your summer and the rest of September is peaceful and safe. (I just got my fifth Covid vaccine. I have a sore arm, but it's worth it to me.) God bless, Debbie