Those On Our Hearts
Lannie, John, Christine, Robin, Pat, and The staff, volunteers and participants in the programs of The Well.
Our Parish
Gary, Catherine, Allen, John, Gordon, Josh, Gregory, Kerry and all who minister at St John's.
Our Diocese
Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
Diocesan staff and senior staff at Ascension House.
St. Mark the Evangelist, Ottawa and the Reverend Julian Campbell.
The Parish of Pakenham and all those who minister there.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The Rt. Rev. Todd Townshend, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Huron.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
The congregations of the Western Manitoba area of Manitoba of the Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Synod.
The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand
The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea.
Parish Prayer Group
24 APRIL 2022
This year’s 43rd Art Credo Exhibit and Sale will run from Saturday April 30th to Sunday May 15th . The Vernissage will be in the evening of Friday April 29th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Everyone is invited to come to get a sneak peek at the artworks and perhaps chat with some of the artists. Feel free to bring a friend.
We need your help to keep the doors open during Art Credo! We are looking for volunteers who can offer three hours of time during the exhibition to act as a sitter, there is a sign-up sheet on-line at .
Special thanks to Brian and Margot Cameron for our beautiful Easter Cross.
"No More Victims" is CoSA's overarching goal. On April 29, 2022, Circles of Support and Accountability will be hosting an opportunity for you to play a role in achieving No More Victims by participating in their fundraising Gala!
With our funding from the federal government concluding in March 2022, we are seeking your support to help CoSA-Ottawa continue its vital work of preventing sexual offending. By purchasing a ticket to the Gala and partaking in the live and silent auctions, not only will you enjoy a great evening, but you will be contributing directly to your community's safety.
While we recognize that our No More Victims Gala date of April 29, may be wishful thinking with regard to future limitations on social gatherings, we also know that we are all eager to return of some sort of normalcy. We all want to be able to gather together and enjoy each other's company – especially for such a great cause, and particularly at this crucial time for CoSA-Ottawa. Rest assured that we will only proceed on that date if it is safe to do so. If it's necessary to postpone, please note that we have reserved Wednesday, October 19, 2022, as an alternate date and therefore your support would be carried over to the rescheduled date. We look forward to enjoying this exciting event with you!
Thank you for your support!
Alliance appeal for Ukraine
PWRDF is supporting Ukrainians forced to flee their homes due to the Russian invasion. A grant of $20,000 has been issued to an ACT alliance appeal funding the work of ACT member, the Hungarian Interchurch AID (HIA). HIA has been working in Ukraine for more than 25 years in humanitarian and development projects. It had already shipped 28 tons of food to support those fleeing to Hungary, and their staff have been working with refugees at the Ukraine/Hungary border.
To make a donation go to and click on Response in Ukraine. You may also donate by phone at 416-822-9083 or leave a voicemail toll-free at 1-866-308-7973 and PWRDF will return your call. You can mail your cheque to PWRDF, 80 Hayden, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2 or give through St. John’s. Please mark Ukraine in the memo field. Thank you for your support. St John’s PWRDF Committee.
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1 MAY 2022
154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Gary van der Meer, Rector
Major the Reverend Canon Catherine Askew, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Music Director
Joshua Zentner-Barrett, ARCCO, Associate Organist
Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden
Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden
Steve Chaplin, People's Warden
Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden
Anishinabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.
This land we are upon is the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Nation.