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Next Week's Calendar

Monday, December 13: Specials Rotation C

Christmas Fair

Tuesday, December 14: Specials Rotation A


Wed., December 15: Specials Rotation B

All School Mass

Reconciliation Grades 6-8

Teacher Christmas Lunch Hosted by PTO

OLP Night at Chipotle, 4:00-8:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 16: Specials Rotation C

Friday, December 17: Specials Rotation A

Dress Up for Christ - Grades 7 & 8

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December Hot Lunch Calendar

**menu change for Dec. 16 -- Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetable & Fruit

OLP School Calendar

Sycamore School


Important Dates to Note...

Wednesday, December 22: NO SCHOOL - NO ACED

Turkey Trot Incentive Day

Students earned the incentive day for Turkey Trot registrations, so there will be NO SCHOOL & NO ACED on Wednesday, December 22. Christmas break will begin a day early.

NO A+ TUTORING UNTIL JANUARY 11: Due to holiday scheduling, there will be no A+ Tutoring with students from St. Michaels until Tuesday, January 11.

SIGN SALE TO BENEFIT UPLIFT:  Help 6th Grade with their service project to benefit Uplift. Kansas City sports and holiday signage on sale now. Deadline to order is Monday, December 13. Please complete the appropriate order form (linked below) and submit with payment. Please make checks payable to OLP.


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CHRISTMAS FAIR TIPS: The Christmas Fair is this Monday, December 13. Students Kindergarten through 7th grade will be shopping The Fair for their immediate families. The following tips will help make it a great experience for the children and the volunteers helping them.

  • Please send SMALL BILLS in a LABELED ziploc bag. Items are all priced $1.00-$3.00.
  • Please do not send more than $12 as students will only be able to purchase up to 4 gifts (immediate family only) because of limited quantities.
  • Especially for younger students, please send a list of the family members they should be shopping for. This will help the volunteers assisting them. ie. Mom, Dad, Brother Tim, Sister Sarah, etc.--

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS FAIR SETUP: Volunteers are needed to help setup the afternoon prior to the Christmas Fair and to assist the day of the event. If you are able to assist, please click here to volunteer.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Catholic Schools Week 2022 - Faith-Excellence-Service: The highly anticipated week of the year in which we celebrate catholic education will be Jan.30th-Feb. 4th. The CSW committee has begun planning for this week and we need volunteers to help make this a great week for our OLP community. You may sign up for as many days as you wish to help with. CSW is a great week to volunteer, meet new people and celebrate all that is Catholic education. We will be sharing additional information and logistics for this week just before Christmas break.   Volunteer Sign-up


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NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS: Sisters of Charity Teacher of the Year Award -

We are blessed to have excellent teachers in our children's lives at OLP, especially over the last couple of years with additional challenges. Our teachers sacrifice so much to dedicate their skills to provide our children with a quality education rich in the Catholic faith.  


 Over the next few weeks, please take a few minutes to complete the nomination for the teacher who has made a significant impact on your child's education. 


Why is this called The Sisters of Charity Award?

The Sisters of Charity were instrumental in founding our school in 1939. Members of the Sisters of Charity taught our first students and, with Father F. E. Hagedorn, pastor, helped create the great school we have become today. The Sisters of Charity Award for excellence in Catholic Education bridges our past accomplishments and the promise of our future by recognizing outstanding performance by one of our talented teachers. This honor is awarded annually.


Dedicated teachers who believe that faith and academics are equally important are among the greatest gifts we find within Our Lady of the Presentation school. Let us take this time to recognize them! 


Submitted nominations are due by Friday, January 7th, by 3:00 p.m. -- Nomination Form


Previous Year's Recipients (ineligible to receive the award again for five years)

2017 Mr. Terry Nyhan

2019 Mr. Jeff Wright

2020 Mrs. Kaye Mount

2021 Mrs. Stevie Bader

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YEARBOOK PHOTOS WANTED: Work has begun on the yearbook for this school year. Have you taken photos of school activities that may be considered for inclusion? Click the flyer for details on how to easily upload your photos. We appreciate you sharing your photos with us to make the yearbook a great reflection of the school year!

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STAFF CHRISTMAS GIFT: PTO is offering a Christmas Cash gift giving option for staff again this year. This program was created to provide a convenient gifting option to parents when looking to purchase gifts for multiple teachers and staff. PTO uses the donations to provide cash gifts for OLP teachers and staff. Additionally, PTO supplements your gift to our dedicated staff. Your donation eliminates the stress of buying individual gifts and ensures ALL staff receives CASH which all staff loves and appreciates around holiday time! There are multiple ways to contribute: 

1. Contribute online, through Sycamore. Login to your Sycamore school account. Then, scroll down and click on 'PTO-Staff Christmas' on the right hand side under Payments/PayJunction. 

2. Send in your contribution with your child any time before December 10 in an envelope marked “PTO Christmas Cash”. 

3. In-person at pick-up on December 10. Look for Brian Munson or Kelly Dooley on those dates. Questions? Contact Brian Munson at brian@walshwashburn.com.

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HOLIDAY SCRIP: Shopping time for Christmas is officially here and now is the time to get your gift cards! Start getting in your orders now! Make shopping easier on yourself and get gift cards! Easy to ship AND they get what they want! You could even ship them with your Christmas cards, WIN!

The last day to order gift cards not in-stock is DECEMBER 13! In-stock cards will still be available through December 21 but no additional orders will be placed after the 13th. The last day cards will be sold after school before the holiday is December 17. The final day cards will be distributed is on the morning of December 21 to the classrooms. 

LAST POSSIBLE DAY TO ORDER IN STOCK CARDS ONLY IS DECEMBER 20, but not a guarantee that those will be available, so please put your order in by December 13. 



OLP CHESS CLUB: Chess Club will only meet once in December (Wednesday, December 15).

To make sure the kids can get their chess fix, Mr. Kakuske, Chess Club parent volunteer, has created a private club on Chess.com where OLP kids meet and play each other. You’ll need this invitation link to join: https://www.chess.com/club/olp-ls-chess-club/join/3417fa.

It requires a Chess.com account (which is free) and then you should be able to join the club. Mr. Kakuske hopes to set something up where the kids can play each other over the holidays (or summer breaks) online exclusively with other OLP students without the concern of playing with strangers. More information to come. 


ST. MICHAELS HAPPENINGS: Greetings from your friends at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic High School! We are looking forward to seeing so many familiar faces from OLP at the high school placement test days. As a reminder, we still have available spots on December 11 and our make-up day is January 8, 2022. It's an exciting time for 8th grade students as they prepare for their next adventure as high school students!

Completing the HSPT is just one step in the process to becoming a Guardian. Visit smacatholic.org/new-student-application-2022-2023 for more information and a guide to each step needed. There is a $25 discount for applying early, which opens on December 17.

As we celebrate the season of Christmas, we extend an invitation to all our friends and families at OLP to join us in Lessons and Carols. Our SMA choir and orchestra students will perform on December 9 at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see you all soon!     

Blessings, St. Michael the Archangel Catholic High School


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Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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