State of Georgia HOME-ARP Update
September 8, 2023
The last training was yesterday, and our three months of Non-Congregant Shelter Application Training is now complete. Thanks to all the troopers who went through the trainings with us! We are excited to see your final submissions on September 15th!

And the NCS NOFA Application Page is updated and at the link below. It features our trainings and the online question and comment form - which is closing today to respond to any final questions early next week.

(DCA staff will be available next week though for technical questions regarding submissions.)

And don't forget to high-five your local agency's friendly Grant Writer today! (You should maybe give them a small cape too :D )
Eligible Costs Handout
Use this when finishing your NCS Application! HUD released a list of eligible costs for NCS Developments. Take a look at the publication here: HOME-ARP NCS: Eligible Costs Handout.
Other Webinars to take a look at...
Atlanta Regional ​Housing Forum
There was a great discussion on August 30th on "The Roles & Priorities of Metro Atlanta's Housing Authorities", relevant to affordable housing difficulties around the state. The Forum also has had meetings covering several different aspects of housing affordability as well. Take a look at their meeting recordings on their website. There is a lot of great information!

The Terner Center for Housing Innovation Network
A great organization for innovative housing ideas. This past week, they had a great webinar on "The Critical Role of Long-Term Operating Subsidies for Permanent Supportive Housing." The recording has not been posted yet, but the research is. Take some time and check them out!
And several DCA Staff are speaking at this event!
Additional Funding Opportunities
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission (SCRC)

Important Dates
  • Pre-Application: Release date June 19, 2023
  • Deadline: September 15, 2023
  • Full Application: Release date November 6, 2023
  • Deadline: December 15, 2023

The SCRC is a federal-state partnership authorized in the 2008 Farm Bill to promote and encourage economic development in Georgia, and other Southern States. SCRC invests in projects that support basic infrastructure, business development, natural resources, and workforce/labor development. SCRC’s mission is to help create jobs, build communities, and improve lives.

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

ARC provides financial investment and technical assistance to eligible applicants in support of community and economic development in Georgia’s 37-county Appalachian region. All parties interested in ARC investment must complete a pre-application in advance of proceeding to the full application. Click here for pre-application information. Up to $1,000,000 in funding may be available in several North Georgia Counties
Rural Workforce Housing Initiative
Earlier this month, OneGeorgia launched the Rural Workforce Housing Initiative. Funding will be made available to assist local communities with housing development to address a shortage of housing stock that impacts the workforce economy. For more information on the Rural Workforce Housing Initiative, click here.
What is HOME-ARP?
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides $5 billion nationwide to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across the country.

These grant funds will be administered through HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME).

For more information on HOME-ARP, see the Implementation Information at:

Georgia Department of Community Affairs |