Southern California Chapter 

of the 

California Association for the Education of Young Children

Fall 2021 Newsletter

From Gloria Davis, SCC-CAAEYC President

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Melody Beattie

As the end of 2021 approaches, I am very grateful for many things, primarily serving in early education. Through the Southern California Chapter (SCC) – California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAAEYC), we have lived our mission during a challenging season, "Nurturing the growth and development of early childhood leaders in Southern California and advocating for the highest quality early childhood education for all young children."

In July, the beginning of the fiscal year, SCC-CAAEYC had several new officers onboarding, President-Elect, VP Programs, Secretary, and Treasurer. As President, I recognize and appreciate our officers and members' sacrifices in their personal and professional lives.
Because of the commitment of volunteer leaders, SCC-CAAEYC has been able to carry out our goals even in these difficult times, including the pandemic, systemic injustice, and political divide. Even as we acknowledge the emotional effect on us for the sake of young children, we remain resilient, optimistic, and grateful.
This season, your call to action is for self-care. Let's schedule a daily gratitude break and take a few moments to discover gratitude in our lives. Start a gratitude list. Get a particular journal, notebook, or notepad, or open a new document labeled gratitude. Practicing gratitude can change lives, increase happiness, and create joy, optimism, and other positive emotions, while it reduces anxiety and depression, strengthens the immune system, encourages healthy behaviors, provides better sleep, and strengthens relationships with others.
Attending to our self-care ensures that we will have the mental and physical capabilities needed to take care of the children and families that we serve.
Enjoy this season and stay grateful!

Gloria J. Davis, M.A., President
Southern California Chapter
California Association for the Education of Young Children (SCC-CAAEYC)

Giving Tuesday is coming on November 30, 2021

As a non-profit organization,
SCC-CAAEYC will be participating in Giving Tuesday.

You may donate to SCC-CAAEYC
at and use the DONATE button.

Who might you honor with a small (or large) donation?
Your mentor?
Your professor?
A milestone in your own professional life?

Introducing the SCC-CAAEYC 2021-2023 Board of Directors
who are here as a resource for you!
President: Gloria Davis

Gloria J. Davis, M.A. is the Executive Director of Girls Club of Los Angeles (GCLA). As Executive Director, she oversees an array of programs exemplifying GCLA's mission. "To enrich the lives of underserved, at-promise children, youth and families through early education, youth development and community outreach which will contribute to self-sufficient, stable individuals in South Los Angeles."

Gloria has led four successful National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation projects with GCLA. In addition, she led GCLA's Quality Rating Improving System (QRIS) under Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA), receiving a Tier-5 rating scale of 1-5, with five being the highest.

Born and growing up in rural Alabama in the sixties and seventies has had a profound effect on her core values and social justice perspective. Gloria relocated to Los Angeles, California, with her daughter and began working as a mental health educator. Later, she served as a private daycare center and elementary school director in South Los Angeles. 

Gloria shares a solid commitment to the SCC-CAAEYC's vision, mission, philosophy, and goals; she brings over thirty years of professional experience in nonprofit management, focusing on early education and youth programs, including strategic, operational, financial planning, and community strengthening. In addition, she is an active community leader with a long tradition of serving as an education advocate and community change agent. Currently, on the state-level leadership, she served as Vice President of Membership with CAAEYC, before two-term Treasurer and two-term Accreditation chair.

Most recently, Gloria was honored with the COVID Leadership Award from the Community Response System of South Los Angeles (CRSSLA).

President-Elect: Ayanna Davis

Dr. Ayanna E. Davis, a Los Angeles Unified School District Principal, is a dynamic and innovative leader whose early childhood education expertise has provided services for thousands of children and families throughout her 22 years as an administrator and 27 years in the field of education. She is a mother of one son, Joshua, a graduate of the Xavier University of Louisiana and graduate student at the University of Southern California.

Ayanna began her career with the Los Angeles Unified School District as an elementary school teacher and became inspired to focus on early childhood development and education. During her earlier years as an early childhood educator, she developed a passion for observing socialization and emotional development skills as it relates to school readiness for preschool students, specifically, those children who are living in low socio-economic environments. 

While advancing in her career, she collaboratively designed curriculum-training modules for a cluster of LAUSD early education center’s teachers and early education aides in the Los Angeles Unified School District. In addition, she was chosen for a Fellowship at UCLA as a Cognitive Guided Instruction Elementary and Early childhood Math Leader, past-president of the Organization of Early Education Center Administrators (OEEA), received a Congressional Award of Achievement from Congresswoman Maxine Waters and a mentor for the Legacy Through Leadership program with the Black Alumni Association at USC. 

Over the past five years, Dr. Davis became politically involved as an appointed delegate to Assembly District 64 and served as Political Action Chairperson with her affiliated political party’s club, and serves as Vice President and Political Action Caucus member with the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA), the administrators union with Los Angeles Unified School District.
Vice-President, Programs: Blanca Alarcon

Blanca Alarcon has been a member for over 15-years and served on the SCC-CAAEYC Board of Directors as the Accreditation Chair, Secretary, and the 2014-2016 President. Her thirty-year career experiences include Preschool Classroom Teacher, Resource and Referral Specialist, Bilingual Workshop Presenter, and NAEYC Accreditation Specialist.  In addition, she participated in the planning of many events locally and nationally. These various leadership opportunities provided the knowledge and skills she uses to effectively plan professional development events. 

One of the driving forces is her desire to learn more about early childhood and to share that information with others. Blanca advocates for all professionals to participate in workshops, conferences, events, and networking sessions. These opportunities provide valuable ways to learn both formally and informally while meeting others in the profession.

Blanca also welcomes members to join her committee to organize fun and interesting events!

Vice-President, Membership/Communications:
Kathleen Pompey

Kathleen Pompey, prior to her retirement in June 2020, served as Director of School, Parent, and Community Services at The Broadoaks School of Whittier College, a preschool through 8th-grade demonstration school located on the Whittier College campus.  Kathleen’s background in early childhood programs and her involvement with SCC-CAAEYC spans over 40 years.

Kathleen now serves as Vice-President for Membership and Communications.  She has enjoyed many SCC board assignments, including the role of president in 2010-2012. Over the years, Kathleen presented at numerous early childhood conferences, volunteered with, and provided leadership for several community groups and committees outside of her daily professional commitments, and continues to remain active during her retirement. She highly recommends involvement in SCC-CAAEYC as a springboard for learning and growth!
Treasurer: Fran Chasen

Fran Chasen, M.A. is an Early Childhood /Early Intervention Consultant, Children’s Issues and Answers focuses on system change in the area of early intervention, child care, and health services for families and children with special needs.

She works successfully in collaboration with parents and other community groups to develop and implement legislation benefiting young children.

She has directed community early intervention services, high-risk infant, child care, Head Start, Resource and Referral, and Alternative Payment programs.

Fran contributes to the early care and education community in many other ways, including her roles as member of the LA Policy Roundtable for Child Care and Development, LA County Child Care Planning Committee - Legislation Committee; California Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention, Co-Chair Systems Committee; Past- President, Southern California Association for the Education of Young Children; Past SCC Vice President-Programs, Treasurer; CAAEYC Board Member - Past State Director, Policy Committees, President-Elect; Californians Together; Campaign for Quality Early Childhood Education, World Organization for Early Childhood Education, OMEP -USA Board member Region 8.
Secretary: Julia Vazquez

Julia Vasquez has been a member of SCC-CAAEYC for two years and has had an active role serving with the Membership/Communications, Programs, and PlayMatters! Committees.  As the SCC-CAAEYC Board Secretary, Julia actively puts to use all that she has learned on these committees as well as drawn from all she learned while attaining her undergraduate degree in Film, Television and Digital Media and Applied Developmental Psychology at UCLA.

As a preschool teacher for the past ten years, Julia worked with a wide range of children in diverse communities, allowing her to demonstrate a strong commitment to providing a loving, and safe environment for children to grow Julia's leadership experience in the classroom translated smoothly as she works in tandem and supports the SCC-CAAEYC’s leadership. 
Julia says she approaches challenges with curiosity and imagination. With the many challenges currently facing the field and, on the road, ahead, Julia knows that providing educators with the right tools to train, prep, and heal will allow them to establish spaces for children to develop into empathic members of society. Her motivation and commitment, as a member of the SCC-CAAEYC board, is to encourage us to work together to empower early childhood educators, not just to speak,  but also to carefully listen to one another, and to nurture skills that create advocates for future generations.

Past President:
Liliana Alvarez-Hernandez

Liliana is an active member and volunteer for the Southern California Chapter of the California Association for the Education of Young Children (SCC-CAAEYC). She has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and currently serving as Immediate Past President. She also serves on the Nominating Committee for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). 
Liliana has 10 years of experience working and advocating in the field of early care and education. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Master's in Early Childhood Education from California State University, Northridge. She has held a variety of roles in the field, from working in the preschool classroom, coaching and training early educators, to Outreach Strategist for Connections for Children. Currently, she serves as Director of an in-home child care program and adjunct professor at Santa Monica City College.

LA County Arboretum

Tuesday, December 21, 2021 

11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 

Pick up your tickets between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
The garden will be available until 4:00 p.m.

Register for this special event through Eventbrite, which adds a small surcharge:

EARLY BIRD by December 7:
Members/Students: $15
Non-Members: $20

After December 7:
All reservations: $25

 This is a day for early care and education professionals to REConnect in nature at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden
301 North Baldwin Avenue
Arcadia, CA, 91007
Parking is free. The Arboretum has two parking lots. The main lot is adjacent to the entrance of the garden. Our second lot is located south of the front lawn and is known as the south lot. Website for the LA County Arboretum:

Package includes 
(1) a ticket to enter the grounds 
(2) a ticket for either a turkey or tuna or vegetarian boxed lunch
(participants select a sandwich choice during registration). 

Select your online registration by 
(1) early (or late) registration 
(2) your desired lunch choice. 

The Arboretum's "Peacock Cafe" 
will prepare the following "Traditional Lunchbox:"

Traditional Sandwich: 
Turkey Breast OR Tuna Salad OR Vegetarian
(the choice you select during registration)
Italian Pasta Salad, Bag of Chips, 
Gourmet Cookie, Bottled Water

Note: Lunches must be picked up at the cafe between 12:00-1:30 p.m. 
You may eat anywhere on the grounds
but are expected to be a considerate guest and dispose of your trash or debris.

Wear your school shirt or hat and join in the spirit of reconnecting!

All attendees will be expected to observe
all Los Angeles County COVID-19 and LA County Arboretum COVID-19 Protocols.
Regarding face coverings while at the Arboretum:
•Masks are optional in outdoor spaces. 
•All visitors are required to wear a mask indoors.

Make this part of your self-care journey
by immersing with friends and colleagues in a beautiful, natural setting!

Recommendation: Register right away.
There is limited availability. Tickets are expected to go quickly!

Due to the nature of this event, there will be no refunds. If you cannot attend, you may notify with the name of the person who will take your place.

For more information: