
A Message From Our Principal

Dear Tolt Families,

We have so much to be thankful for here at Tolt. We have kind and hardworking students, caring and talented staff, and involved and supportive families. We are excited to build on the positive momentum we have experienced during these first few months of school.

Recently, our 6th graders received ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuation) active shooter response training for middle school students from Joe Ayers, our school safety officer, in their science class. Our 7th and 8th grade students will review our ALICE training in their science class prior to our emergency drill in December. While we hope that we never have to apply this training in our school, we would be remiss in our duties if we did not prepare our students and staff how to be as safe as possible.

In order to help students keep their backpacks at a manageable weight, teachers reminded them this week where they can store composition notebooks and/or math workbooks in classrooms. Students are encouraged to keep their planners at home and to limit the number of library books they carry. Also, our 6th grade science classes participated in a backpack weight activity, where they gathered data, brainstormed solutions, and then presented the results to our Riverview School Board. Read more about it in our "Tolt Highlight" section below.

First quarter reports cards were mailed this week. Please take a moment to review your student’s report card with them. Honor Roll Certificates will be passed out to students today or Monday during 6th period. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teachers.

Our staff is committed to ensuring our students can rest, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends over our breaks. That means that homework, assignments, and projects will not be due upon returning from a break (Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Mid-Winter Break, and Spring Break) unless the work was assigned well in advance of the break, or students had the opportunity to complete it before the break began (either during class or as homework). This does not preclude a student from completing any missing work or getting ahead in a course.

Starting next Monday, we will be making a shift in the management of our health room flow. Students with health concerns will start by coming to our attendance office. Our attendance secretary, Cindy Stout, and our nurse, Rachel Tomczek, will work together to support our students’ health needs, which can include bringing them to our health room. Please know that we are committed to continuing to provide excellent health care to our students while they are at school.

We hope your family has a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!

Go Bears!

Amie Karkainen, Principal

Military Family Verification

Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Military Family Verification window for the 2022-23 school year is open and will close Friday, January 6, 2023. Each year we are required by Washington State to survey our families as to whether or not they are currently active in the US Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves. This information is used to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents.

The survey must be completed for each student attending school within the district.

  1. To begin, log in to your Skyward Family Access account. (If you don't know your login credentials, contact Kim Piira at or 425-844-4607).
  2. Choose an individual student from the dropdown. Once on a student's page, click on Go to 2022-23 Military Family Verification for [Your Student]. Then click 1. Verify Military Family Affiliation on the right and make the appropriate selection.
  3. After making your selection, click the Complete Step 1 and Move to Step 2 button at the bottom.
  4. Click Submit 2022-23 Military Family Verification to complete the process.
  5. Repeat for each Riverview student in your family.

Please contact Kim Piira at or 425-844-4607 with questions. Thank you for your prompt attention to this request!

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Deadline Extended!

Get your Tolt Bear Spirit Wear! Associated Student Body (ASB) is having a new spirit wear fundraiser. Download and complete this form and return with payment to the main office by Monday, November 28th

Upcoming ASB Events

Tolt Activities/Clubs

Tolt offers a variety of activities and clubs. Please check out all the information on our website:

Winter ll Sports Registration

Winter II Sports

Registration: 12/08/22-01/12/23

Winter ll Sports registration opens on December 8-January 12. Boys Basketball (7th & 8th grade) and Girls Soccer (7th & 8th grade).  Please go to the Tolt Sports page online to register.

Season: 01/17/23-03/09/23

Boys Basketball (7th/8th)

Girls Soccer (7th/8th)

Tolt Highlight

School Board Presentation about Backpack Weight

Students from Ms. Loewen and Ms. McKiernan's 6th grade science classes, gave an informative presentation at the Riverview School Board meeting on Tuesday, November 22nd. Students summarized an activity where they collected and analyzed data about backpack weights. 

All the 6th grade students sorted the materials in their backpacks into different categories, weighed each group of items, then entered the results into a spreadsheet so they could get class averages for each category of items. They analyzed the data, came up with some possible solutions, and presented them to the Riverview School Board. Great job, 6th grade scientists!

Your Levy Dollars at Work

Fall Choral Performance

Choir is a special opportunity to experience music and the arts during the school day. Tolt offers four choir classes for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Our choir classes, led by choir teacher, Ms. Snavely, learn, practice and perform select pieces throughout the year. Last week the choirs showcased their hard work in a performance, "Ubuntu," at the Cedarcrest Theater. The concert is available at this link. Thank you for supporting the levy, which funds music education in Riverview schools.


Tolt Middle School

PTSA Spirit Gear Fundraiser

Help support our Tolt PTSA by ordering your Tolt Middle School spirit gear! There are many styles and options available to show off your school spirit. Check out the options and order online today! Go Tolt Bears!

PTSA Reflections

Tolt Middle School PTSA

Reflections Virtual Gallery 2022-2023

We received 10 entries at Tolt Middle School for this year's PTSA Reflections Art Competition based on the theme "Show Your Voice!". You can view the entries at the virtual gallery linked below:

Awards and prize drawing winners are also included at the end. Congratulations to all, and thank you for sharing your amazing artwork! 

Nurse's Corner

This year’s respiratory virus season has started earlier and is more severe with higher levels of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It is so important for your student to stay home until any symptoms of respiratory virus, stomach virus, or general wellbeing are significantly improved and must be fever free for 24 hours without any fever-reducing medications. If your student has COVID symptoms, they should obtain a COVID test and notify Nurse Rachel with a positive result. Please keep your student home until they are well enough to be at school and learning!


As we look forward to gathering for the holidays, it is important to follow prevention strategies to help us enjoy our time together. Here’s some ideas to stay healthy during this holiday season:

  • Consider wearing a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated settings.
  • Obtain your flu and COVID vaccine/booster.
  • Stay home when sick and use appropriate level of care.
  • Wash hand often and avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • Consider taking a COVID test prior to gathering.
  • Practice food safety – wash hands, keep food at correct temp, prepare food correctly, and disinfect surfaces.


Medications at School:

If your student needs a prescription medication at school they must have a medication authorization on file with Nurse Rachel, and depending on the medication may or may not be allowed to carry it with them. No liquid medications or controlled substances (meds frequently for ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, etc.) are allowed to be carried by a student. Your student may be allowed to carry a 1-day supply of an over-the-counter medication and need to have the Self-Carry Form filled out and on file with Nurse Rachel. If you have any questions about medications at school please reach out to Nurse Rachel.


The “Hidden in Plain Sight” initiative helps parents/caregivers spot signs of at-risk behaviors, using an interactive display of a teenager's bedroom. This exhibit educates and empowers participants to communicate with their children about at-risk behaviors and expectations. A strong parent/guardian-teen relationship is one of the most effective tools to prevent youth substance use.

This event is accompanied by a Community Resource Fair and hosted by Empower Youth Network. This is a parent/caregiver only event. View the flyer here for more information: Hidden In Plain Sight 2022 FINAL.pdf


Click below to register for one of the upcoming events:

December 5th, 7-8:30pm – SVSD at Mt. Si High School Information & Registration

December 6th, 7-8:30pm – RSD at ESC in Duvall  Information & Registration


Nurse Rachel, RN


Resources & Links

Stay Connected

Visit our new Stay Connected page on our school website for detailed information about ways to stay connected with our school and district.

Important Phone Numbers

Main Office


Attendance Office


Counseling Office


Main Office Hours

School Days


Quick Links

Tolt Middle School Calendar

Bell Schedule

Tolt Middle School Website

Riverview School District Calendar

Riverview School District

Riverview IT-Engage

Nurse's Webpage

Regular School Days


Early-Release Fridays


The Riverview School District complies with all federal and state statutes and regulations and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all district employment and student opportunities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Officer (Missy Harvold, 425-844-4500) and Section 504/ADA Coordinator (Molly Lutz, 425-844-4500) at 15510 1st Ave. NE, Duvall, WA 98019 
 State Law (RCW 28A-600.420 and School District Policy 3200 prohibit the possession of firearms and weapons at school. This law pertains to guns, knives, clubs, firecrackers, and explosives. Dangerous weapons also include toy or "dummy" or look-alike objects. The full text of the law and the definitions of dangerous weapons, as provided RCW9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.280, are on file in the school office. Possession of firearms on school property will result in a one year mandatory expulsion, subject to appeal with notification to parents and law enforcement. Any violations of these guidelines by students constitutes grounds for expulsion from the Riverview School District and the public schools of the State of Washington, in accordance with the due process provisions of Washington State Law and Board Policy