View as Webpage ....................................................................February 2025
From the Office of the Bishop
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Saturday, March 6 - 9, 2025
Christ Church – Kent Island Parish, Stevensville
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PART I – VIA ZOOM: Meeting ID – 859 3827 8718
Thursday, March 6th: 5:30pm (Registration opens at 5:00pm)
Guests are encouraged to watch via livestream on the Diocese of Easton YouTube page
EUCHARIST & RECEPTION: (optional & open to all)
Friday, March 7th: 6:00pm
Christ Church – Kent Island Parish, Stevensville
PART II – IN-PERSON: Saturday, March 8th: 9:00am
(Registration opens at 8:00am)
Christ Church – Kent Island Parish, Stevensville
Registration Deadline: Registrations must be submitted to the Diocese NO LATER than February 28, 2025. No refunds will be given after March 1, 2025.
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Live Streaming: Those who are observing and have no seat at Convention may participate through the livestream broadcast. |
Important Links. The following links were referenced during our recent Convocation meeting and are also available on our Convention Webpage.
Vpoll Voting Practice: There are THREE available practice voting sessions for anyone who had issues during Convocation, missed Convocation, or who feels they need a refresher. These practice sessions will be open to alternates (in case you are called upon to substitute), delegates and clergy who have vote at Convention. If you need help with your Voter ID Code, please contact: Lynn Anstatt or Beth Devenny
Monday, February 24th, 12:00pm (noon)
VPOLL Practice Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 811 0934 4006
Wednesday, February 26th, 8:00am
VPOLL Practice Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 811 0934 4006
Monday, March 3rd, 5:00pm
VPOLL Practice Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 811 0934 4006
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Bishop’s Notice of Resignation Date Change: February 2, 2026
"Through much prayer and consultation with my family, I write to you to announce that I will be resigning effective February 2nd, 2026, being the Feast of the Presentation/Candlemas as per Church Pension Fund guidelines, thus allowing the year 2025 to be credited to my service. Equally, this timeline will affect positively my financial and health retirement benefits. However, I intend to leave the Office of the Bishop of Easton, Bray House, on October 31, 2025" Read full letter from Bishop San here.
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March 9th: Date to Commemorate Harriet Ross Tubman
All parochial clergy and lay leaders are reminded to include in the parish’s Liturgical Calendar observances the Commemoration of Harriet Ross Tubman Memorial Sunday on March 9th, 2025 as per General Convention Resolution C007. Read full communication here.
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Diocesan Committee for Rising Generations: The Diocese has newly reformed a Committee to tend to the needs and interests of those working in Formation around our Diocese, with particular attention to Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Young Families. "The mission of the Diocesan Committee for Rising Generations is to support Lay Leaders and Clergy in their ministry to and with Rising Generations (birth through early adulthood)." The Committee is still looking for a few additional members, particularly from the Southern Convocation. If you would like to nominate someone, or yourself, for this committee please contact Joanne Fisher in the Diocesan Office. Look for more from this committee in each issue of the Diocesan Enews. | |
Diocesan Youth Events - 2025 Offerings The Diocese of Easton is excited to be offering three Youth Events in 2025. Visit
- Spring Youth Summit - REGISTRATION IS OPEN
- Fall Acolyte Festival (NEW in 2025!) - COMING SOON
The Diocese hosts three events for youth annually, the Spring Youth Summit, the Summer Mission, and the Fall Retreat. In 2025 the Summit will be held once again in partnership with Province III (our 13 regional Dioceses) and is called "PYE25" (Provincial Youth Event 2025). In 2025 the Mission Trip will be a domestic mission to Wilmington, NC where we will help with local ministries and hurricane relief efforts. New in 2025 our Fall Retreat will shift to a bus trip to Washington DC for the Annual Acolyte Festival. Learn more here.
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Transition Web Page
The Diocese of Easton has entered a Season of Leadership Transition. The Standing Committee has developed a webpage to keep our members up-to-date on the process. Stay up to date here.
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From our Finance Department: | |
2024 Parochial Report Filing: 2024 Parochial Report filing is now OPEN! Reports are due by March 1, 2025. Parishes should have received correspondence from The Episcopal Church, a copy of that message is linked below. These links would be a great place to start if you need a refresher. Please reach out to the diocesan office if you need assistance.
The parochial report form has been updated for 2024. Don’t wait until the last minute and get caught by surprise. Log in now to familiarize yourself with the new form.
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Start purging your file drawers - Shred Day 2025 is Monday, March 31st!!!!
Parishes and parishioners are welcome to drop off boxed documents at the Diocesan offices for shredding during business hours, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, March 26th, 27th & 28th. No drop offs on March 31st. Please keep the weight of each box manageable to prevent injuries to yourself and others who may have to carry them. Please remove your documents from three-ring binders or plastic covers, however staples, binder and paper clips are allowed. We have arranged for "Shred Instead" to pick up all materials on March 31st. The Episcopal Church Archives has a Records Management for Congregations guide that you may find helpful; thank you to Jefferson Moak for sharing this resource. Contact Megan Timms with questions or if you need to schedule a time other than the dates above to drop off documents.
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Retirements & New Ministries | |
Congratulations to The Rev. Steven E. Mosher, Christ Church – St. Michael’s Parish on his retirement! We extend the gratitude of the bishop, clergy and members of the Diocese of Easton for the ministry Rev. Mosher both to the community of St. Michael's and in the diocese. Our appreciation is also extended to his spouse Kirsten and son Matthew for their support of his ministry among us over the last seven years. We wish Steve God’s grace and presence in his retirement. Father Steve's final worship service as Rector at Christ Church will be on February 23, 2025.
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Celebration of New Ministry for The Reverend Stephanie Clayville as Rector of St. Mary the Virgin was held on February 15th. Congratulations Rev. Stephanie!
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In Memorium - Charlie Bohn Tribute
We pray for the repose of the soul of Charles "Charlie" Frederick Bohn. Charlie was a faithful friend of the diocese and served most recently as our Diocesan Treasurer. He and his wife Jan attended All Faith Chapel, Tunis Mills and he was their Senior Warden. The following is excerpted from a tribute given to his family on behalf of the Diocese, "Charlie was an authentic and faithful testament to the statement, “It is not where a person begins in life, rather, it is more so where a person ends in life that honors God’s call.” Charlie honored us with his time, talent and treasure. He honored us with his newspaper comics, his vast collection of fishing photos, and his animated storytelling from his many life adventures. He honored us with his larger-than-life laughter, his love for neighbor, and his deep faith. He believed in this Church and all that we could accomplish together. Thank you, Charlie, it is we who are honored to have known you."
Read the Full Tribute Here.
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Diocesan Treasurer
As many of you know, Myron Richardson, St. Paul’s, Centerville has been filling in as Acting Treasurer of the Diocese while our friend and longtime Treasurer Charlie Bohn was unable to fulfill the duties. With the passing of Charlie, Bishop San has requested Myron assume the duties of Diocesan Treasurer. Thankfully, Myron has agreed. Welcome aboard, Myron.
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Brayhouse will be closed on Monday, March 10th following convention.
The 2025 Clergy Conference, "The Church's One Foundation" with keynote The Rev. Katherine Grieb, Ph.D., will be at the Ocean City Fontainebleau Resort from April 28th - April 30th, 2025.
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Bishop's Institute Spring Trainings: We are excited to announce upcoming Spring Offerings in March & April: Training Classes for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor and Worship Leaders. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here. | |
We are hiring! Ready to spend your Summer by the bay, surrounded by trees and endless activities at Camp Wright? As a camp counselor you will lead campers through activities like kayaking, tennis, arts and crafts and songs around a campfire every week. Come out and develop career skills and lifelong friendships. Everyday brings excitement, growth, and laughter. Learn more and apply here to join our team!
Save the dates July 26 - 27, 2025 - Camp Wright's 95th Anniversary Celebration! We hope to see you there! Join our mailing list to stay up to date with developing plans for a weekend of fun, nostalgia, and Camp Wright spirit!
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Latino & Hispanic Ministry: Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.
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Retreat House Happenings:
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
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Christ Church, Easton First Communion classes are open to all children in the 2nd grade or older, including those already receiving Communion
Classes are open to all children in the 2nd grade and up (including those already receiving communion). The class will meet on Thursdays throughout Lent, starting Thursday, March 6th at 4:30pm and ending at 6:00 pm. The class will include a snack during gathering time and a lesson that will explore an element of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, each week. Learn more here.
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Trinity Cathedral & Christ Church Easton are partnering for Lenten Services Trinity Cathedral and Christ Church, along with its clergy and Sr. Wardens have spent the past months building relationships and a shared Lenten worship program for their congregations. Accordingly, the membership of the Cathedral announces it will close its doors on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and join Christ Church members in their worship space. The combined clergy will lead Ash Wednesday and Good Friday services along with guided group walks of the fourteen Stations of the Cross located on the grounds of the Cathedral. Learn more here —all are welcome! | |
ENEWS Events & Article Submission Deadlines
If you have something to submit for our upcoming Enews please send them to Beth Devenny before these dates:
March Enews - Deadline February 28th
April Enews - Deadline March 24th
ALL articles and photos received after the deadline will not be published, but will be reserved for upcoming issues.
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Pastoral Concerns
We pray for the repose of the soul of Charles "Charlie" Frederick Bohn. Charlie was a faithful friend of the diocese and served most recently as our Diocesan Treasurer. He and his wife Jan attended All Faith Chapel, Tunis Mills and he was their Senior Warden.
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Peggy Beers. Charlie Bohn. Nancy Dick. Janice Flood. Gordon Fronk. Doug Girardeau. Babs Glancey. Pastor Mark Hanson. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi. The Rev. Jack Mason. James Oldfather. The Rev. Joe Rushton. The Rev. Peggy Samuels. Tom Shuster. Don Sutherland. Goldey Vansant.
Prayers for those recovering from wildfires.
O God, our refuge and strength,
our help in times of trouble.
Have mercy on the lands
damaged by fires.
Have mercy on the lands
where the weather has destroyed livelihoods.
Protect those who evacuated houses,
and strengthen those who rebuild hope so that entire communities
may face the future without fear.
Prayers for those recovering from recent hurricanes.
Lord of all creation, we know that this world is a place of danger as well as beauty, a place of threat as well as promise.
Defend, we pray, all those who experience or fear the effects of natural disaster such as flooding and hurricane, in this country.
Where damage has been done, help them to rebuild, where hopes have been destroyed, help a new future to come into focus, where injuries of mind or body have been caused, help them to heal, that through trust in your faithfulness and through the gift of mutual encouragement,
communities that suffer may find new purpose, energy and direction, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Heavenly Father,
The whole world is yours, and the power of wind, water and flame is as nothing compared to the power of your word.
Be with all those this day who grieve the loss of loved ones and homes, restore the confidence of all who are fearful for their futures and help us all in the work together to rebuild lives and restore hope, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We continue to pray for those affected by the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Click here for printable prayers.
Submit prayer requests to:
Names are listed only with permission and will remain on our list for four weeks unless otherwise requested.
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Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Today we pray for you
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
February 23rd
We pray for the Rev. Carl Mosley, his
spouse, Virginia, their Deacon, Alisha King, and the leadership of Andy Diaz for his work with the Latino ministry.
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
March 2nd
Gracious God, guide and sustain your faithful people in your church in the Diocese of Easton as we gather for our 157th Annual Convention this week. Lead us to be your light and vessels of compassion and mercy, hospitality and reconciling presence. Inspire your church in this convention and beyond with a grateful heart and thankful spirit.
First Sunday in Lent
March 9th
We pray for the Rev. Dr. Darcy Williams, and her spouse, Joseph; the Wardens, Vestry and People of Augustine Parish, Chesapeake City & the Church of the Good Shepherd.
We celebrate the life and mission of Harriet Ross Tubman. May her vision and courage to stand against oppression and injustice continue to inspire all.
Second Sunday in Lent
March 16th
We pray for the Rev. Michael Lokey, his spouse, Bunny; the Wardens, Vestry and People of St. Paul’s, Marion Station. We give thanks for those whose labors helped to re-build St. Paul’s.
Third Sunday in Lent
March 23rd
We pray for all Bishop’s as they gather for the House of Bishop’s meeting this week.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 30th
We give thanks for our Deacons in the Diocese: Laura, Melody, Buddy, Don, Penny, Sherry, Dick, Loretta, Lisa, Alisha, Chris, Barbara, Peggy, Jim, and Lynn.
For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.
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Immigration Action Toolkit
Many leaders in our Diocese and around the Church are asking question about how best to help our migrant neighbors in uncertain times. The Episcopal Church has a long history of education and support in these matters and has a plethora of resources in their Immigration Action Toolkit. "In its ongoing support of migrants, and those living in our communities who face uncertain futures, obtaining and sharing accurate information is critical."
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Forma Monthly Cohort: Larger Church Contexts
This member cohort meets monthly, generally on the first Wednesday of the month. Link available in The Forma Space in VTS Plus
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Those who work in larger churches and/or as a full-time Christian formation professional.
Forma Monthly Cohort: Intergenerational Ministry
This member cohort meets monthly, generally on the second Wednesday of the month.
Link available in The Forma Space in VTS Plus
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Those curious about or already engaged in ministry with all ages.
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‘Good News and Gratitude’ podcast:
New episode: Good News from Laura Jackson
In its inaugural season, this podcast from the United Thank Offering—hosted by the Rev. Erin Jean Warde—explores the messages of gratitude and good news found in Scripture and the world around us, as well as through the wisdom of guests and personal spiritual practices.
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Episcopal Church offers free Lent resources
Find new and updated Lent resources for individuals, small groups, and congregations. Check back for updates as more material becomes available, and review each listing for available languages.
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Gratitude: Lenten Resources, Kits for Spring/Summer, Free VBS Program
If your congregation is in the midst of planning your semester formation programs, UTO is here to help. Find out about all of our free formation resources. Read more
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‘40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude’: Lenten resources - United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are offering a multifaceted program this Lent to help people of all ages consider ways they both experience and provide welcome. Learn more here. | |
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
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