The Cougar Connection
The mission of Corpus Christi Catholic School is to nurture every child by providing the opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus
November 28, 2022
Dear Families,
As we enter this Advent Season, let us remember that Advent is a time of expectant waiting, hopeful anticipation, and cheerful preparation. During this time of waiting, we always seem to have so much to do! While there are presents to buy and decorations to hang, there are even more important things to focus on. During this busy time of the year, may we remember to focus on the birth of Jesus and prepare our hearts for this wonderful gift of Christmas.  
Bible Verse and Prayer Focus of the Month
Our Bible verse focus for the upcoming month of December is

John 13:35:
“By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
The prayer we will focus on is the Glory Be: 
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 
Education in Virtue
This year all Archdiocesan Schools will participate in the Education in Virtue program. This program focuses on the development of the whole person and equips our children to strive for holiness, which is where we will find true happiness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as “a habitual and firm disposition to do the good.” Virtues are essentially those habits of doing good that lead us to Christ. The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. The Cardinal virtues are justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance. Flowing from these 7 core virtues are countless other virtues that help us to be in a relationship with God. Everyone is born with a capacity for virtue, but we need education and practice to become truly virtuous people.
Each week, we will focus on a particular virtue as a school. Students will learn the definition as well as what living the virtue looks and sounds like in our actions and words.

We have now explored all of the virtues that fall under the Cardinal virtue of Justice. Over the next three weeks, we will review the virtues we have learned thus far. When we return to school in January, we will begin to learn about the virtues that are related to the Cardinal virtue of Prudence. 
Middle School Information Night 
Parents of current 4th and 5th-grade students, please make plans to attend our Middle School Information night on November 29th at 6:00pm. You will be able to tour our middle school, meet our teachers, and learn more about the wonderful opportunities available to students in grades 6th-8th at our school.  
Giving Tuesday
Tomorrow is #GivingTuesday, this day is celebrated annually on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. #GivingTuesday is a day when individuals around the world come together with the goal to celebrate generosity and to give to their charities of choice. Our goal is to raise money to support our annual fund. Your donation, big or small, helps us to fulfill our mission to nurture every child by providing opportunities to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve others as disciples of Jesus. 
The money raised will help support the school’s annual fund and let us purchase items on our “wish list.”  Such as adding more iPads to our growing classrooms.

Food Pantry Thursday
We will support the Blessings in a Backpack Ministry on Thursday as we participate in Food Pantry Thursday. Students who bring an item for the food pantry may come out of uniform with their spirit shirts.

Thank you for your generosity in the items that were brought in to help support our parish in organizing Thanksgiving baskets.  
Rainbows Program
Students in grades K-8th may participate in the Rainbows Program, a program for children who have lost a parent or sibling through death or divorce. Parents are requested to fill out the attached permission slip if they would like their child to participate. For more information, please contact Mrs. Langworthy, our counselor, at 

Mass Schedule Change
Our church will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate of Conception on Thursday, December 8th. This is a Holy Day of Obligation; therefore, we will be attending Mass as a school on Thursday of next week instead of Friday. Parents are welcome to join us, but we do ask that you continue to not sit with the students. 
First Reconciliation
Please pray for our 2nd-grade students as they will soon receive the sacrament of reconciliation. 2A students will receive this Holy Sacrament following Mass and Adoration this Friday (December 2nd) and 2B students will receive the sacrament next Thursday following Mass (December 8th).
Daddy-Daughter Dance
It’s back!!
Registration will close January 7th!
$45 a couple, $10 for each additional daughter.
Escorts can be Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, or another father figure.

*All tickets must be purchased in advance*

Snacks with Santa
Spelling Bee

We will have our annual school Spelling Bee this Friday at 1:00pm in the school gym for grades 4th-8th. Good luck to all of our class representatives! 
Christmas Musical Performances
We are looking forward to our students spreading Christmas Cheer. Our K-2nd grade students will participate in a Carols and Cookies event Friday, December 9th at 8:15am. Our students in grades 3rd-5th will participate in a Christmas Musical Performance on Tuesday, December 13th at 6:30pm. Finally, our PK3 and PK4 friends will participate in a Christmas Program on Friday, December 16th. 

Tacky Christmas Out of Uniform Day
Wednesday December 14th

Students may come out of uniform in their tackiest Christmas wear on December 14th for a $1 donation. This is a fundraiser organized by our 7th grade for the 8th-grade luncheon. 
Christmas Colors Out of Uniform Day
Friday December 16th
Students may come out of uniform in Christmas Colors on December 16th. Remember this is a mass day, so dress appropriate.
Thank you, PTO
The PTO presented a check of $7,470.23 to Mrs. Martin for the profits from Boo Bash and the Pop-Up Shop.
Thank you for supporting our fundraisers and our school!!!

School Calendar
Remember that you can always access our online school calendar via this link from our website:

Once on the page, you will need to scroll to the bottom to access the online calendar.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
1: Food Pantry Thursday
2: Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation for 2A, Spelling Bee
4: PTO Snacks with Santa (3:00pm-5:00pm)
5: Kindergarten Field Trip to Wales West
6: 2nd Grade Field Trip to Environmental Center
8: Mass (Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception), Reconciliation for 2B
9: Cookies and Carols Program, K-2 (8:15am)
13: Christmas Musical, Grades 3-5 (6:30pm)
14: OOU Tacky Christmas ($1)
15: Preschool Music Program (9:00am)
16: OOU Christmas Colors, Mass, Noon Dismissal

Corpus Christi Parish News
Parish Information
Monday - Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., second floor of the Community

Parish Office: 342-1852, Fax 342-6313
School Office: 342-5474, ext. 1
Fax 380-0325

Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Saturday
Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 am

8:15 am Mass: Monday - Saturday
5:30 pm Mass: Monday - Friday

Every 1st Friday of the month following the 8:15 am Mass until 5 pm.

Sundays during the school year, 10:05-10:55 a.m. in school buildings.

Please call the parish office (342-1852) for information.

Confessions are heard 30 minutes before each Mass.

If you're interested in learning more, please contact Fr. Pat Arensberg:
Phone: 251-342-1852

Please fill out a Registration Form. They are available in the church vestibule and parish office.

For rental information, please call or email the parish office.
Parish Staff
Fr. Pat Arensberg, Pastor

Fr. Alex Crow, Parochial Vicar

Mrs. Kristy F. Martin, School Principal

Mrs. Mary C. Lawson, Sacramental Coordinator

Mr. Peter J. Stoyka, Youth Ministry Coordinator

Ms. Ashley Kovaleski, Parish Secretary

Mrs. Wendy Tulo, Parish Bookkeeper
Women of Mary
We gather Thursdays at 3 p.m. to reflect on the Sunday Gospel and pray together. Meetings will be in the Community Center, 2nd floor Conference Room.  All are welcome.

Contact Sister Deborah Kennedy, RSM
Men of St. Joseph
Our purpose is to help all men become the spiritual leaders of their family. All men are welcome to meet for prayer, gospel reflection and fellowship.
Tuesday Mornings, 7-8 am, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Wednesday Evenings, 7-8 pm, 2nd floor Conference Room.
Contact: Jay Cox at 401-6070 (
David Sheffield, 423-5666 (
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Join us in service, grow in spirituality, and open your heart in friendship to neighbors in need. St. Vincent de Paul has a very active conference at Corpus Christi. Vincentians believe that Jesus’ words in scripture are very clear that all of us must help the poor face-to-face to obtain heaven. We invite all parishioners of all age groups, including our youth, to join us in following our Lord’s commandment to us. Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30pm in the Conference Room.
To join us, contact Ann Mackie at:
or call the parish office for contact information.
Women’s Bible Study
All women are invited to join us on Thursdays 9:15-10:45 am in the conference room, 2nd floor of the Community Center.

Contact: Patti Hughes at 401-9623 (
Child Care is offered by Cynthia Wentworth, 251-767-0532 (
Youth Group
Welcome to Corpus Christi Youth Group. We are a community of high school disciples of Christ striving to live holy lives. We meet Wednesday Nights at 6:30 pm in the Parish House to grow in faith and fellowship. All High School students are invited!
For more information contact Fr. Crow:
Phone: (251)-342-1852
Funeral Reception Committee
Volunteers are needed to donate food, serve, and clean up.
For more information, contact
Ophelia Gillespie 251-610-6503.
Sacred Grounds
All are welcome in the Atrium after each Mass for a cup of coffee and fellowship.
If you would like to volunteer to prepare coffee, serve, or clean up, please call: Glenna Cannon, 251-666-6552.
Meetings on the last Monday of each month, 7:00 pm in the Parish House.
Contact: Chad Pugh 251-232-0648.
Corpus Christi Women's Club
The CCWC is a group of women in our parish that helps our community through fundraisers which include the Angel Tree, an area nursing home, and Penelope House. We also have meetings on occasion at area restaurants to discuss ideas and planning. All ladies in the parish are welcome to attend.
Contact: Lois, 251-209-2163
All are welcome at 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays in the Adult Ed Room, Community Center.
Contact: Dave Burchette, 367-6660 (