St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church
Our Mission: "To Love, Praise, Welcome and Serve"
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 16, 2022
Worship this Sunday:

10 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Pastor Elaine Hewes, Celebrant

Scripture Readings for this Sunday (Notes are below)

The bulletin can be found here.
Join us in-person or online. Click below for the Zoom link.
Please plan to stay after worship on Sunday to hear the report of the Creating Community Committee following the listening circles and the written responses related to flying the American flag outside St. Brendan. 

A copy of the report will be sent out in an email before Sunday, and there will be copies of the report available on Sunday morning.
Weekly Calendar
All services and meetings will be held both in-person and via Zoom unless otherwise designated.
Monday, October 17
4:30 p.m. Meditation/Silent Prayer (Zoom)
Wednesday, October 19
8:30 a.m. Vestry meeting
10:30 a.m. Bible Study
Thursday, October 20
10:00 a.m. Worship & Music Ministry meeting
Sunday, October 23
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Rev. Jennifer Reece preaching
Looking Ahead
Wednesday, October 26
4:00 - 6:00 p.m. The video "Dawnland" will be shown at St. Brendan with an opportunity for conversation to follow. The film is a critical historical look at the issues the Tribes of Maine have dealt with over decades of abuse and injustice. We can only "turn and go a different direction" (the definition of repentance) if we know the errors and misguided assumptions we have made in the past. Please come and join us in this difficult but important conversation. 
Friday Nov. 4 - Tuesday Nov. 8
WindowDressers Build at St. Brendan
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
What is it that we are celebrating today?
This Indigenous Peoples' Day, my hope is that we are celebrating an era of better understanding of the relationship between white people and Native people in our state and across this country. 
What would that mean?
Sermon given by Andree Appel on October 9th.
Click below for the video recording. A text copy is available here.
The Gratitude Corner
Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.
Emily Bronte
GPS Action Item
We have a new flag to share with you designed by Siri Beckman to image "Love Thy Neighbor," our own Deer Isle Bridge. Build bridges this week with your "neighbor." Choose someone who you haven't talked with for a while, or have lost touch with, or you know would enjoy a visit, a bouquet of flowers, a shared walk, some brownies, a phone call, or, if far away, a letter, and just go do it! 
The Stewardship Committee sent out 14 "gentle reminders" two weeks ago to those who had not pledged for 2023. We received nine pledges in response. Several other people said they would send in their pledges, so we are close to having everyone pledge.

Forty-four members have now pledged a total of $120,670 towards our goal of $125,000. That is 97% towards our goal. We hope the remaining members will pledge this week. When we reach our goal, we will celebrate your gifts and generosity.

 Thank you,
 The Stewardship Committee
Doll House Project
By now, many of you folks have noticed the big doll house in the parish hall.
I have an idea for all you “crafty” ones and woodworkers: let’s finish the doll house and make it beautiful for the purpose of raising funds in support of a local organization that provides housing for folks who need a place to call home. I think working on the house would provide a wonderful opportunity for us to get- together and make the doll house into a beautiful piece of art. I have a lot of materials we could use to make furniture, people, curtains, wool rugs, clay dishes, and art for the walls. You name it. Everyone can be a part of the creativity.
I would like to see this as a finished doll house that many people would like to support through a silent auction or whatever others would suggest for a fundraiser. I am willing to organize a time and set up a get-together to plan this project. I would be available to be a leader in making the project take place whenever it’s convenient for people to meet.
I am looking forward to hearing back from many of you. Let’s make this work while having some fun creating a wonderful piece of art. Art that will come from the hearts of many, including my love for this doll house that I had plans to finish. Like many of my dreams, I have not been able to tackle it. I am “kissing it goodbye” so someone else can put some love into it. Hopefully, that will be our church members.

Please let me know if this is something we can do. Contact Linda at [email protected]

My best,
Linda Shepard
Education & Spiritual Development Ministry

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word, I hope.
Psalm 130 (NRSV)

Join us for Meditation/Silent Prayer every Monday
at 4:30 p.m.

Readings, poems, and prayers are shared before a
period of sitting together in silence. All are welcome.
Bible Study
Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

Bible study on October 19th will focus on the lessons appointed for October 23rd.
Pastoral Care Ministry
October Birthdays
Jackie Wilson – 6
Karen Egerton – 10
Kathy Burton – 15
Julia Walkling – 20
Nancy Greene – 20
Edward Dufresne – 21
Regina Christianson – 21
John Haley – 21
KC Morrish – 22
Linda Shepard – 26
Carolyn Mor – 29
Louis Pickens – 30
News from Near and Far

St. Brendan's WindowDressers Build will begin on November 4th and run through November 8th. Jo, Miriam, Martha, Agnes, and Barbara K. have been measuring windows over the past few weeks. So far, we have measured more than 160 windows. More information on how you can sign up to help will be coming soon.
In Our Prayers
We pray for those in special need:
Pam Burger
Elaine Taggart
Susan Manne
Little Eagle
Pam Getto
Shirley MacLeod
Susan Wade
Jack March
Heather Corey
Brent Was
Pam S.
Bill Scaife
Gary and Wellesley
Mary Blanco
Mary Lawrence Hicks and family
Bob Budd and family
Mary Ann Shaw
Stephen Gill
Julie and Tom
John Lofty
Peter Brown
Skip Greenlaw
Heather Callister
The family of Linda Shepard
Marcia Scott
Phoibe DeJesus
Lindsay Bowker
Pastor Edward Dufresne
Nancy Boothby
Nancy Stearns
Isabelle H.
Tony Stoneburner
We pray, also, for those who love and care for them.
We continue to hold in prayer those in our community who have recently lost loved ones; among them are the Tarlton, Scaife, Walkling, Reece, Hines, Hutchinson, and Jacob families.

We pray for those struggling with addiction and mental illness and their caregivers.
We pray for all those receiving care through Neighbor Care and for all the relocated residents of the Island Nursing Home and their families.

We pray for the victims of gun violence -- in our cities and towns, in our schools, in our places of worship, and in our homes.
We pray for the victims of the violence of armed conflicts around the world. We pray for those made refugees by the violence of armed conflicts. We pray for the victims of terrorist attacks everywhere.
We pray for all who suffer the effects of domestic violence and the violence of bullying in our schools and workplaces.

We pray for our nation, our president and vice-president, and all elected and appointed leaders.
We pray for all peacemakers, and all those who work for justice, may we be found in their ranks.
We pray for all those serving in the armed forces of our country.
We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Suheil, Bishop of Jerusalem; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas, our Bishop; for the members of our Vestry; and for all our members, whose ministries are varied and far-reaching.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for St. Luke’s, Wilton, and for all who are preparing for the 202nd Convention of the Diocese of Maine.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.
On the Island and Peninsula, we pray for Eggemoggin Reach Society of Friends, Sedgwick.
Scripture Notes
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Today, Jesus uses a parable to teach about prayer. In it, an unjust judge grants his petitioner’s plea only because she will not leave him alone until he does. Jesus says that God will also grant the prayers of those who cry to God day and night. The point is not that God, like the judge, will only be responsive to those who nag. It is, as Luke says, to teach us the need to pray always and not lose heart. 

The first reading describes Jacob’s tenacity in wrestling with the stranger in the dark. Jacob was not able to win the match because the stranger was God. Yet, Jacob’s persistence brings him his new identity as the forebear of God’s people. He is given a new name, Israel, which means “he who strives with God.”

In today’s reading from the second letter to Timothy, this early church leader is called to persevere in teaching and preaching the faith he has been given both by his family and in his study of the scriptures. This letter was written in a time when an aberrant form of Christianity was being proclaimed. Timothy is to stick with what he has learned from the scriptures and from Paul.

Our baptism has called us into a life characterized by the need never to give up our search for God. Faithfulness involves a giving of all that we are and all that we have. God asks us never to lose heart and to give all of our time, treasure, and talents to the ministry of God in this world. 

From The Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the Church Year. Copyright © 2009 by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incorporated, New York
Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Pastor Elaine Hewes
Tel: 207-479-5651

Emergency Contacts:
Allen Downs, Warden
(207) 348-2560
George Pazuniak, Warden     
Tel: 207-359-8576
Vestry Members:
Dan Reardon-Treasurer
Mickey Jacoba-Clerk
Meg Graham
Linda Shepard
Jane LaChance
(207)348-6240 [email protected]