4th Quarter Newsletter (04/1/2023 - 06/30/2023) -Vol 3, Issue 4


Message from the Chair




With fiscal year 2023 in the books, we're excited to reflect on our accomplishments over the past year with pride. Knowing we still have work to do, our amazing team continually strives for excellence in our tripartite mission.


Achieving success isn't always quick and easy. In academic medicine, it takes a village. Each person in our department is essential and contributes to our success. Each person can be a leader. In our latest podcast, I talk about leading from where we are, what it means to FAIL (First Attempt In Learning), and the necessity of possessing a growth mindset when it comes to moving forward.


Please find highlights of our 4th quarter (FY23) below. 


With gratitude,


Dineo Khabele, MD, FACOG, FACS (she/her/hers)

Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor and Chair

Listen to Dr. Khabele's Mini Podcast Episode



48th Annual OBGYN Symposium - October 19-20

Innovations in the Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Another email will come out next week!


Congrats to Ebony B. Carter, MD, MPH, who has been named chief of the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill. She will leave our department on 10.31. Please join us in congratulating her on this exceptional opportunity for her and her family. We wish her all the best! 


Carbondale is OPEN!

  • Ultrasound services

-High risk, low risk, & GYN age 12+

  • Virtual MFM Visits
  • REI - Monitoring (coming soon!)

900 E Walnut St Suite 5, Carbondale, IL 62901


Clinical Service


Clinical Spotlight: Ultrasound



Learn more


Central West End

West County

South County

St. Charles County




Washington University OBGYN's Ultrasound team provides in-depth, accurate and advanced diagnostic screening and evaluations for individuals who are pregnant or who are experiencing a gynecologic issue. 

  • Knowledgeable experts with accreditation from the American Institution of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) and the Nuchal Translucency Quality Review (NTQR) 
  • We offer a full spectrum of advanced imaging, genetic and diagnostic testing, including 3-D ultrasounds and we are one of the only centers to have a cytogenetic lab on-campus. 
  • Specially trained to identify and diagnose rare fetal anomalies
  • Our Fetal Care Center offers consultations and care if a fetal anomaly is suspected or discovered during the pregnancy.
  • Convenient office locations offering prompt scheduling


Click HERE for referral info for each division. If you are interested in referring to any of our physicians at the Barnes-Jewish OBGYN Clinic, please use this form.

Dr. Hagemann talks with KMOV about removing fallopian tubes for ovarian cancer prevention

Dr. Andrea Hagemann, Gynecologic Oncologist for our department, was featured on KMOV! They discussed fallopian tube removal to prevent ovarian cancer. Watch the segment below.

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Dr. Williams featured in "Menopause has massive economic impact study" by NBC Nightly News

Menopause greatly affects women in communities all around the world. The number of certified menopause practitioners has increased by 70% in the past 10 years, with the potential to almost double by the end of this year. Menopause care varies between all patients, and it's our duty to care for them all.

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Podcast: Maternal mortality rates are spiking. How can the trend be reversed?

Ebony B. Carter, MD, an associate professor of obstetrics & gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, says the groups most likely to be affected by these rising numbers are poor. Many tend to live far away from medical care, and many are members of minority groups.

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Administrative Updates

Dr. Nelson receives

Virginia S. Lang medal

Before our weekly grand rounds, Dr. Michael Nelson stopped by to receive his medal, from his previous tenure as the Virginia S. Lang Chair. The position was recently bestowed upon Dr. Anthony Odibo. This service award is given to physicians who have done outstanding work in their field.

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Dr. Kuroki chosen for the SGO Health Equity Subcommittee

Dr. Lindsay Kuroki chosen to lead the SGO Health Equity Subcommittee under Jeffrey Hines, MD, Chair and Navya Nair, MD, Vice Chair. This is Dr. Kuroki's second year serving on the Diversity, Inclusion & Health Equity Committee (DIHE) committee. Congrats Dr. Kuroki!

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Saying goodbye to Dr. Strand

Dr. Eric Strand, former division chief, Associate Residency Director, is leaving the department. "Dr. Strand is Professor and Division Director of General Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has served the department as Division Chief since 2012, Residency Program Director from 2015 - 2022, and Associate Program Director from 2022.

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Faculty and Staff at SLOCA Living Out Loud, Gala & Auction

A great evening for a great cause. We (nurses and docs) started this in 1993. It's grown into a great grassroots organization. We have given over $1 million for research to Wash U and FWC. We have many other outreach initiatives.

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Meet Dr. Maggie Dwiggins -

Maggie Dwiggins, MD, MS is a new addition to our Pediatric and Gynecology team. We are so excited to have her join us! What during your training led you to choose your specialty? I have always been interested in reproductive health care of girls and young women, and when I entered residency, I was especially [...]

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Click to view our latest publications

Magdalena Nelson awarded the WashU School of Medicine Research Support Award

Magdalena Nelson, MBA, Director of Research and Business Administration in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is this year's recipient of the WashU School of Medicine Research Support Award. This award from the medical school recognizes employees for exceptional performance or cooperation, outstanding leadership, and superior quality of service.

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WashU Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank celebrated collecting its 100th tissue sample

The WashU Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank celebrated collecting its 100th tissue sample for bench-to-bedside research endeavors. Along with this notable achievement in specimen collection, the labs of Drs. Dineo Khabele and Maggie Mullen have instituted a newly organized process for collecting and managing samples, and are developing research on patient-derived organoids.

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2023 CRepHS Rothman Research Awards

Congratulations to two researchers representing CRepHS at the 2023 Dr. David Rothman Research Symposium - Dr. Amanda Compadre, a Fellow in the Mullen lab received the Dr. David Rothman Fellow Research Project Award, and Dr. Patty Strutz, chief resident in anesthesiology from the England lab won the Dr. David Rothman Basic Science Award!

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CRepHS and GynOnc celebrate new research progress

The WashU Gynecologic Oncology Tissue Bank just celebrated collecting its 100th tissue sample for bench-to-bedside research endeavors. Along with this notable achievement in specimen collection, the labs of Drs. Dineo Khabele and Maggie Mullen with the Center for Reproductive Health Sciences (CRepHS) and the Division of Gynecologic Oncology (GynOnc) have instituted a newly organized process for collecting and managing [...]

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Dr. Wang cited in "New, non-invasive imaging tool maps uterine contractions during labor"

"The study team, led by Yong Wang, Ph.D., and Alan Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D., at Washington University in St. Louis, and Alison Cahill, M.D., at the University of Texas at Austin, initially developed EMMI using a sheep model and reported their findings in Science Translational Medicine.

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CRepHS was awarded at the 70th SRI Meeting

Members of CRepHS recently voyaged to Brisbane, Australia to present at and attend the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI). Sicheng Wang and Yiqi Lin (Wang Lab) both won the SRI President's Presenter's Award, Patricia Strutz, MD, MSCI (England Lab) and Zhexian Sun (Wang Lab) both won the Poster Award, and [...]

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L.A.B Award Winners - Spring 2023

Congratulations to the latest recipients of the Department of OB/GYN's Lucy, Anarcha, and Betsey (L.A.B.) Award named in honor of Lucy, Anarcha, and Betsey-the enslaved women whose sacrifice, without consent, nearly 200 years ago allows surgical repair for women with vesicovaginal fistulas today.

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Mullen Lab receives honorable mentions for best oral and poster presentations!

The Mullen lab at the Siteman Cancer Center's Center for Genome Integrity retreat. Viju Gupta, PhD from the Khabele lab also presented! Dr. Amanda Compadre received an honorable mention for the best Oral Presentation and Olivia Graham and Jeimmy Rodriguez of our Tissue Bank got an honorable mention for the best poster presentation.

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STL OBGYN Society Research Meeting!

WashU took first (Dr. Amanda Compadre, mentor Dr. Mullen) and third place (Dr. Bridget Huysman, mentor Dr. Raghuraman). We are so proud!

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CRepHS celebrates its graduates

The Center for Reproductive Health Sciences celebrated its graduates! Congrats to all and good luck with your future endeavors!

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Mullen to participate in NCI surgeon-scientist program | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Maggie Mullen, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics & gynecology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been selected to participate in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) 2023 Early-Stage Surgeon Scientist Program Cohort of Surgeon Scientists.

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More Research News

Kaci Martin, a graduate researcher in the Frolova Lab, was elected in April as President of WashU’s Women in STEM (WiSTEM) network for the 2023-2024 term. Additionally, at the DBBS 50th Anniversary Celebration, Kaci and her WiSTEM team won the β€œStudent Group Poster Award.” Kaci is 3rd year student in the DBBS Molecular Genetics and Genomics Ph.D. program.

Dineo Khabele, MD, was part of a panel discussion on β€œdesigning your academic career in GynOnc” at the Western Association of Gynecologic Oncologists (WAGO) 2023 Annual Meeting in Monterey, California, June 14-17. Additionally at the event, OBGYN resident Kati Turner, MD, MPH, presented a poster on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on outcomes in gynecologic oncology patients.


Dr. Massad and Dr. Kuroki take home awards at the ASCCP conference

At the ASCCP conference in May, two of our Gynecologic Oncologists received awards. Dr. L. Stewart Massad received an Award of Merit from ASCCP for his leadership in developing guidelines for endocervical curettage. Dr. Lindsay Kuroki received two awards; a service award for her 2-year term as a junior board member, and an Award of Merit for [...]

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Dr. Kelly Honored with 2023 Dean's Impact Award

Dr. Jeannie C. Kelly, Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, was honored with the 2023 Dean's Impact Award! The 2023 Dean's Impact Awards recognize faculty whose superior efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have had lasting impact, who demonstrated the highest level of professionalism and who delivered exceptional [...]

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Dr. Carter was recognized by the "In and For St. Louis" award!

Dr. Carter was recognized with her co-primary investigator, Dr. Shannon Lenze, by Washington University in St. Louis! They received the "In and For St. Louis" award for their work with community-academic partnership with the EleVATE Collaborative.

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Dr. Jimenez receives grant funding

Dr. Patricia Jimenez, of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has received a grant! The Clinical and Translational Research Funding Program Award provided her project "Treatment Decisions and Quality of Life in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Duration" with funding. Congrats Dr. Jimenez!

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Promising new researcher obtains prestigious fellowship award

Juan Ferreira, PhD, postdoctoral research associate in the Santi Lab, recently earned a fellowship award from the Lalor Foundation for his research on a new assay to evaluate sperm fertilization capacity in infertile patients. "I would like to express thanks to Drs. England, Blanco, Lishko and Frank for their support of this project," Ferreira states, "and [...]

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Dr. Sonn was awarded "Clinical Teacher of the Year"

Dr. Tammy Sonn, at the 2023 MD Commencement Program, was awarded the Sydney S. Pearl, MD 32, Clinical Teacher of the Year! Congrats Dr. Sonn!

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2023 Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Graduation

We said goodbye to Dr. Shaina Bruce and Dr. Elizabeth Stock. We hope to see you around soon.

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Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellowship Graduation

Dr. Rebecca Rimsza and Dr. Matthew Brady are heading to Omaha to be the next leading MFMs! Best of luck, we will miss you both!

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2023 Residency Graduation and Awards

We said goodbye to residents, welcome some back as fellows, and introduced a whole new team of interns! Read about the awardees below. Our Rothman Research Symposium is comprised of 2 half days where our residents, fellows, and basic science trainees present their OBGYN-related research projects which they have diligently worked on for a long [...]

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Welcome new 2023 Interns!

We are so excited to welcome our new interns! Welcome to Washington University School of Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology!

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Dr. Hensel receives the "Friends of Nursing" Award

Chief Resident, and future MFM fellow, Dr. Drew Hensel, was the first resident to receive the "Friends of Nursing" Award since 2013. We are so proud of Dr. Hensel!

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Celebrating WashU Med School Graduates

Our faculty attended Washington University in St. Louis' Medical School Graduation. We welcomed new faces into the WashU Community, and even welcomed a couple of our new residents joining us in June!

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Just a few of our residents in lab!

πŸ“Έ Residency Team

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⭐️ It's your favorite time of the week, 

#PetsOfWashUOBGYN β­οΈ

πŸ“Έ Dr. Reeves


Dr. Strand may be leaving us at WashU, but @uhhospitals_cle is gaining a great one!

πŸ“Έ Farewell Party Team

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Your gift allows us to translate potential into results within each of our mission areas – educating tomorrow’s leaders, providing patients the highest level of care, and pursuing research that will lead to better methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

To make a donation, please follow the link below and select the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from the list of funds, center and departments. You may also name a person in whose honor your gift is dedicated.

Thank you for supporting the Department!

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