I continue to be amazed by the care, hard work, and creativity you each pour into the ministry to children in your community. You are each such a blessing to all whom you serve. Thank you for sharing your creativity with me over this last year as I share it with others around the state. We are all connected through the love of Christ, and I believe we all can use each other's beautiful methods and ideas to help one another in the vocation for which we are called.

Grateful for you,
Melinda Shunk
Children's Ministers, Volunteer team, and Pastors, please look at blocking out some time for staff development opportunity in Conway, AR, on Jan. 21 &22! We have an incredible budget that allows us to bring in the experts. Don't miss this most affordable conference. Next month I will post hotel options. Right now, you need to get your Children's Team to block off these days so you can register them as soon as possible at the Early Bird rates! Early Bird Rates end Dec.20, so don't miss out on a $20 registration! You will never find such an affordable staff development fee! Let your tithe dollars work for your church staff enrichment!
I went to Trinity UMC in Little Rock to have a visit with Ann Stocks. I was so impressed with her space and organization. If you want to have some tremendous Biblical-themed classrooms or use them for the rotation curriculum, she has a room you will want to visit and borrow some ideas.

She has one classroom set up so that her students who cannot come to in-person class right now can Zoom into a Sunday morning class to hear a real-time in-person lesson and safely see their friends.

Above, you can see a sample of her Sunday morning bulletins that she makes each week to go with Pastor Roy's sermon. She has added the tally marks and check off specific to Trinity's worship. She has the Bulletin Layout in Publisher and quickly drops in the Sunday specifics for children who attend worship.
Advent begins in 27 days!
I had several staff and Pastors say to me that they felt that the Lenten Doors was helpful for them to refer to busy families. So I made an Advent one that is along with the same idea.

The active link will not work until the first day of Advent on Nov. 28. You can post the link on your church's Facebook page, or you can send the link out in a text group for families. Tell them to click on the link each day, and they and their child can open a new Advent door.
Lap reading and Advent Candle lighting around the table are always the first choices for faith-building, but I know parents are busy. This Advent link is excellent for in the car are at a restaurant waiting for the meal. It is also easy for parents to share with other parents who may not be part of their faith community.

Sharable Advent link that will work on Nov. 28, 2021:

Glenys has had a busy year with a Bible and a new family Advent book released on Nov. 2! This would be a great gift book or one to recommend to parents to use at home with their family Advent wreath.
I often get asked for a good Family Devotional book. I recently found this one and ordered it. I like the layout and it encourages asking questions. The author Sarah Wells uses many different Bible translations when she chose the scripture to be studied. Sarah's devotional was inspired by her need for her own busy family's devotion time. I would recommend that children at least 2nd grade and up could use this with their parents.
We are calling all Alumni Staff and Alumni Campers! Want a chance to reconnect at the beginning of Thanksgiving Break? Check out the flyer below!

Dates to remember:
  • Beyond Conference January 21& 22, 2022