Many therapists, counselors, and artists have talked about the healing power of art. The Dream Catcher Films team strives to create documentaries that attempt to provide various kinds of healing, whether through examining issues that need our concerned attention, and bringing to audiences the heroes who work to heal these issues, or by creating films that celebrate the beauty of our world. Often we do both at the same time. War is one of humanity’s greatest scourges – a rip in the fabric of our society and culture in desperate need of healing. It literally tears apart individual lives, families, and communities, often for generations after the conflict in question is deemed over. In The Green Box: At the Heart Of A Purple Heart, we are telling a story of unexpected courage and generations who suffered pain, during and following WWII. It is a film about the beauty of human love and bravery, and the devastating consequences of war. In addition, we raise questions about later conflicts, asking what we can learn from the tragedies of the past. On this Giving Tuesday, as you sort through the many incredibly valuable organizations that need your help to do their work, we ask that you might consider making a contribution to a film that is trying to add to the healing of the world.

Below is an excerpt from our most recent interview with Matthew Friedman, M.D., Ph.D. - former Executive Director of the National PTSD Center, Dept. of Veterans Affairs - someone who has worked for the VA his entire career. Please listen to this very brief excerpted piece (1:25) from our interview and share with others so we can shine a light on veterans care.
Please share with your friends and especially veterans!
This Giving Tuesday, please consider making a donation to help us complete filming for THE GREEN BOX: Click here to donate online, or get our address for a check directly to the film OR learn more about becoming an investor! Support the Film
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