August 24, 2023
Featuring Connecticut's Amazing Land Trusts
East_Haddam_Land_Trust_ Planting_new_Trees
Restoring and Cleaning up Ayers Preserve
During the 2022-23 winter, the East Haddam Land Trust stewardship team removed decaying and dead spruce trees at their Ayers Preserve. The spruce was planted decades ago when the previous property owner wanted to start a Christmas tree farm. With consultation from CTDEEP on woodland restoration, volunteer efforts, and funding from the Lower Connecticut River Land Trust, slash walls were erected from the downed logs, invasive species were cleared out, and young oak trees were planted and protected by tree fences...
Books and Blanket Environmental Learning Program
“Using in-house programmatic creation and collaboration with our community partners, we are thrilled to offer a wide variety of educational and enriching experiences, like Books and a Blanket, to help foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world around us.” - David McCarthy, Wilton Land Trust Executive Director.

Wilton Land Trust closed off June with the last installment of their Books and a Blanket Series. In collaboration with Wilton Go Green and Wilton Library, the program aimed to get families with young children out in nature and learn about their environment through fun, interactive activities. The program encompassed the land trust’s commitment to nurturing bonds between the community and nature to create a positive and welcoming space for all to enjoy and learn from one another...
New Hunter Brook Preserve in Norwich
Avalonia Land Conservancy closed on 26.99 acres of land from the City of Norwich. The parcel will be managed for wildlife, wetlands, and natural habitat preservation. The preserve will allow the Norwich community to connect with nature through passive recreation like hiking, birdwatching, and photography. On August 20, volunteers gathered at the new preserve for an introduction to stewardship and started initial efforts to clear invasive species. This property is the fourth of several closings on conservation tracts the Conservancy has planned in the New London County area...
Listen to Gwen and Ruth Marrion's Interview on the Bolton Breeding Bird Survey
Gwen and Ruth Marrion spoke to Wayne Norman Interviews about the recently completed Bolton Breeding Bird Survey on Bolton Land Trust preserves. The survey aims to identify the types of bird species on the properties and determine if the area was their breeding grounds for the summer. The two shared how they conducted the survey and dived deep into the topic. They emphasized the importance of observing bird breeding patterns due to their decline in population across the United States, disturbances in migration behaviors, habitat fragmentation, and other serious issues...
CLCC land and wave

It has been an amazing year getting to know Connecticut's land trusts and conservation community. Sharing land trusts' stories through this monthly eNews was a highlight of my work here at CLCC. I learned so much from everyone and participated in many unique events throughout the year. As I move on to my next adventure, I will keep what I've learned close to mind in the things I hope to achieve.

This month's stories show the work land trusts do to preserve and protect land for enjoyment and conservation. Their efforts can be felt by their communities and those who explore CT's vast natural environment.

As summer comes to a close and the air outside cools, let's reflect on the work done thus far and remember to #LoveYourCTLandTrust.


Emely Ricci
Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow

P.S. Please keep those #LoveYourCTLandTrust stories and photos coming. Drop them here and we'll take it from there!
Photo Credits
Volunteers constructing protective tree cages courtesy of East Haddam Land Trust
Michael Robin, Wilton Library, reading to participants courtesy of Wilton Land Trust
Bird eating Mulberry courtesy of Dennis Main, Avalonia Land Conservancy
Bird on branch courtesy of Bolton Land Trust
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
deKoven House
27 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council advocates for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and works to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community. 

©2023 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. All rights reserved except photos as noted.