Peace & Love from Spirit

The energy has been very interesting recently, wouldn't you say?! During my meditation time this morning, I was reflecting upon the past week and the sessions I have shared with clients. A lot of people are feeling uneasy about things, are anxious about the future or at the effect of what others are choosing. All that means a lot of stress!

Additionally, A LOT of loved ones, in Spirit, have been coming through - even to the point where they are are "jumping in" sessions (meaning I'll be working with someone later in the day, but in an earlier session, their loved ones are already coming through). Your loved ones are anxious to chat with you!

As such, I am being guided to offer you TWO phenomenal opportunities, which are good for this upcoming week only. You can choose either one or both! Either way, it's a way to receive Peace & Love from Spirit!


A 1/2 Hour (30 Minute), Long-Distant, Reiki Session for only $30.00! This is a huge savings. THIS IS FOR HUMANS ONLY! Remember, as you choose more peace, your animals will feel that! So this opportunity is for us humans only!

If you take advantage of this opportunity, you will receive a 1/2 hour Reiki Session where I will either go as guided or you can request something specific for me to focus on. After your session, you will receive an e-mail (no phone calls), summarizing what took place during your session. This is a great opportunity to become more in alignment with peace and love, while harmonizing your energy field.

If there is a specific day you want for your session, please check with me before purchasing (reply to this e-mail), to be sure I can accommodate you. Otherwise, I will go as guided as to what day to work with you and send you an e-mail once your session is completed.

To choose a 30-Minute, Long-Distance, Reiki Session, for $30.00 click below:

NOTE: Sessions must be completed by Friday, January 31st, 2025.



A 20 Minute, Spiritual Connection Session, for only $24.00. This is an opportunity for you to quickly "check in" with a loved one who you have been thinking about OR see who wants to come through, to visit you. This is a special promotional offer - as such, no follow-up notes will be sent after the session summarizing the messages shared (if you want that, please schedule a regular Spiritual Connection Session, at normal pricing).

These sessions do require you to schedule a set date/time and you must be on the phone for same. As such, check with me first for specific availability. The earlier you choose this, the more options you'll have to choose from! Again, these sessions are only good from January 27th, through January 31st, 2025. Reply to this e-mail to schedule.

To choose a 20-Minute, Spiritual Connection Session, for $24.00, click below:

NOTE: Sessions must be completed by Friday, January 31st, 2025.


~ Let there be peace and let it begin with me ~

Caly Lehrer is an Intuitive Coach guided by Spirit to lead her clients to Peace of Heart and Peace of Mind. She shares an array of services with her clients worldwide...both humans and animals. A resident of Colorado, Caly travels the country to teach classes/workshops and is also an inspirational speaker. To learn more about Caly, visit her website at