The Witness

Volume 41, Issue 34

August 23, 2023

Spotlight on Upcoming Small Groups:

Faith Formation at Home

In the biblical story, God’s people are always being formed both directly and indirectly, intentionally and unintentionally, for better and for worse. According to Christian author Justin Earley, “The human heart is never not being shaped by something. The human heart is not a car: there is no neutral.” Paul points to this reality in his letter to the Romans: “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). Whether conformed by this world or transformed by God, Paul indicates that our formation is an ongoing process. Humans (as well as all living creatures) are constantly shaped by their environment. As Christians, the question is not whether we are being formed by this world; we are. The point is how intentional we are in actively inviting God’s Spirit into our formation and allowing his presence to guide the process.

Though every environment or experience has some degree of influence, Christian education specialists David and Kathy Lynn assert that “the home remains the primary influence of faith and values.”  The impact of the home on faith formation is not exclusive to children. The rhythms and patterns of the home ultimately determine the faith development and growth (or lack thereof) of everyone in the household—adults and adolescents, alike. If intentional and consistent faith formation practices are not a part of our home, then the influence of our Christian faith on our lives is going to be significantly limited. Without realizing it, our lives may be conformed more to this world than transformed by Christ. “The human heart is never not being shaped by something—there is no neutral.”

This fall, I am leading a Wednesday night Bible study on faith formation at home. The practices we discuss are applicable and necessary for every household regardless of the demographics and life-stage of the home. Each week, we will examine a different faith formation practice and seek to answer: What is it? Why is it important? How can we apply it in our homes? When applied, these ancient disciplines will not magically create perfect homes. However, they do have the power to transform our lives and families more into the image of Christ, “so that [we] may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

I hope you will join us on Wednesday nights in the Small Dining Room, beginning on September 20 at 6:15pm. See you there!


This Sunday @ VBC

Come worship with us this Sunday at 8:45 or 11:00 AM! Travis' message is "Third Teaching: Baptism," and the scripture is Colossians 3:1-4. If you can't make it in person, you can find our livestream at or on our Facebook group page. Sunday School begins at 9:50 AM. If you need help finding a Sunday School class, give us a call and we'll help point you in the right direction. You can click here for the latest list of our Sunday School options.

JOY Seniors

If you signed up for tomorrow's trip to Lynchburg, please be ready to depart the VBC parking lot at 8:30 AM.

Please sign up and pay for the August 29th JOY Senior Luncheon by this Friday, August 25th. The cost is $10. We will be entertained by Kyle Edgell, caricature artist and humor therapist. Lunch will be provided by Three Lil' Pigs, to include a BBQ sandwich, baked beans, coleslaw, and dessert. Come early to enjoy the fellowship!

Join the JOY Seniors in welcoming fall by attending the Beaver Dam Sunflower Festival on Wednesday, September 13th. Experience over 600,000 sunflowers, a farm petting zoo, hay rides, a sunflower education center, and some vendors for shopping. We will have lunch at Bellacino's following the festival. The cost of this trip is $5 plus your lunch. Sign up and pay at the JOY Senior table.

Walk with Jesus

A new Walk with Jesus class will begin September 10th for 3rd - 5th graders who are interested in learning more about baptism and next steps with Christ. Class will take place in the library during the Sunday School hour through October 15th. Please let Whitney know if your child would like to attend.

Weeknight Worship

Beginning September 12th, we will offer a Tuesday evening worship opportunity at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. This option is for folks who cannot attend worship on Sundays or who would simply prefer a worship alternative during the week. The sermon content will be the same as Travis' Wednesday night faith formation study, but in a worship setting. Help us spread the word to those who might appreciate a weeknight worship opportunity.

Wednesday Women

Wednesday Women will begin September 20th, 10 AM - 12 PM in the Disciple Center, led by Susan Jones. Our study book is When You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible. Join with six Bible teachers who will help you study prayers in the Bible that can inspire your own. You'll learn that God welcomes your praise and lament, your thanksgiving and intercessions. You'll see examples of how to pray when you're alone and when you're gathered with others. Above all, you'll notice there's no one right way to pray. You'll find your faith strengthened and your heart united to Christ.

Please sign up in the church office so that we will know how many ladies to expect, and plan to purchase your own book. If you cannot obtain your own book, let us know when you sign up and we will purchase it for you. Each book is $25, and payment is due when you sign up or on the first day of our study.

Grief Support Group

We as humans experience grief in the loss of things we hold dear or important. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one you’ve spent years, decades, or a lifetime with; whether it’s the loss of a job or the breakup of a marriage or other significant relationship; whether it’s the death of a pet, the loss of your health, or the loss of a personal skill or talent you’ve spent years honing, grief and loss go hand in hand.


On September 20th, we will begin an 8-week Grief Support Group led by Cathy Abraham on Wednesday evenings, 6:15 -7:15 PM in the church library. Cathy is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Christian therapist who would love to help you through this season of your life.  No matter the initial reason for your grief or the length or depth of your grief, you are invited to come sit with us, participate with us, or choose to be vocal or silent with us. A sign-up sheet is available in the church office, and sign-ups will close when we reach a total of 15 participants or on September 19th, whichever comes first. You are welcome to call the church office at 540-343-7685 to sign up.

Fun & the Son Play Group

On September 12th, Fun & the Son Play Group will take a field trip! We'll meet at 10 AM at Beaver Dam Sunflower Farm, followed by a picnic at Troutville Park. Questions? Contact Betty Jo Overstreet at 540-312-7235.

Our play group has been going strong all summer, and we're excited about new opportunities and new friends this fall. We meet Mondays and Thursdays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM at the church. Our group is open to newborn - PreK children. Each child must be supervised by an adult parent, grandparent, or guardian for the full hour. This is a great opportunity for families to connect and make new friends. You do not have to attend Vinton Baptist in order to come to Fun & the Son. Everyone is welcome. Just drop in and try it out!

Proposed Church Budget

Copies of the 2023-24 proposed church budget are available at the Welcome Center and in the office for your perusal. The proposed budget will officially be presented at the September 13th Ministry Matters meeting, where we can discuss it in depth, and we will plan to vote on it in a special called business meeting on September 24th.

September Dates

Much of our regular programming resumes in September, so we've decided to publish our September calendar a little early (see link below). If you have any events to add to next month's calendar, please notify Kim Yonce. Thank you!

Sandra Williams

c/o Park Oak Grove Apt. 204

4920 Woodmar Drive SW

Roanoke VA 24018

Children's Worship Volunteers Needed

If you could help teach or assist in the Children's Worship time (PreK - 1st graders) on any given Sunday, please click here to sign up, or contact Whitney if you have questions.

Church Directory

Volunteers will be available in the Welcome Center again this Sunday to set up your appointment to have your picture taken for our new directory. Every family photographed will receive a free copy of the directory, as well as a free 8x10 portrait. We'd like to include everyone who calls VBC "home," whether you are formally a member or not. If you would like to set up an appointment before Sunday, call the church office at 540-343-7685.

Christian sympathy is extended to Tom & Carolyn Philpott in the death of his aunt, Ruby Robertson, last week.

Bible Reading Plan

We are scheduled to finish 1 Chronicles this Friday. If you’re like me and still a little behind in the reading, we’ve got built-in catch-up days coming this Saturday and Sunday before we jump into 2 Chronicles. Remember, Chronicles was originally all one book in the Hebrew text, so the narrative continues.


Following are the details provided by Fee & Stuart (How to Read the Bible Book by Book) on 1 Chronicles 22-29:

"The material in this section serves for what is essential to the transition between David and Solomon. Note how the Chronicler’s concerns are highlighted by the structure itself. The larger central section (chs. 23-27) deals with David’s preparations of the Levites for worship in the temple. These are framed by three speeches of David (chs. 22; 28; 29), which get at the heart of the author’s concerns. The first one (22:5-16) is addressed to Solomon himself and repeats the essence of the Davidic covenant (17:10b-14), focusing especially on his calling to build the temple; the second (28:2-10) repeats the essence of this to all the officials of Israel; while the third (29:1-5) calls for them to follow David’s own example of generous giving toward the project. It then ends with a Davidic blessing and thanksgiving (vv. 10-19). Thus the overall intent is (1) to designate Solomon as the divinely appointed builder of the temple and (2) to secure the support of 'all Israel' for his kingship and for the erection of the temple. So the section concludes with Solomon’s being acknowledged as king by all Israel (vv. 21-25) and with David’s death (vv. 26-30)."

Updated List of Blessing Box Needs

Following is a current list of items needed for the Blessing Box: grits, pancake mix, dish soap, sloppy joe sauce, fruit (any kind/size - easy-open tops are particularly helpful for our homeless friends), and individual snack items. Donations can be dropped in the appropriate bin at the Missions Tables. Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you to my sweet church family for the many cards I received as "Homebound of the Week." I miss everyone so much, but appreciate being remembered while here at Berkshire. Remember me in your prayers! Much love,

Peggy P. Stovall

Thank you to the Alma Hunt Circle for their August project: a generous donation of food for the VBC Food Pantry.

A beautiful donation of a Longaberger umbrella stand has been given in memory of Neil Smith by his wife Louise. It will be in the church office and/or the lobby outside of the sanctuary. We appreciate her gift.

August 2023 Calendar
September 2023 Calendar