Slate and Stone

January 26, 2025

Looking Toward Sunday

January 24, 2025

Dear Rumple Family,

It looks like we will have our first Sunday in over a month when we are not worrying about the weather. Ray’s weather says the high on Sunday is a balmy 39. It seems hard to believe! But, as I look toward Sunday it is not simply the weather that I am thinking about.

This Sunday we will have the great joy of all of us reaffirming the promises made at our baptisms and we will ordain and install four new elders into service as spiritual leaders for Rumple. As I say each year, this is a highlight of our time in worship for me. I love the visual image of the laying on of hands. It is this beautiful representation of what we believe: that the same Holy Spirit is present when we are all ordained, and each one who is ordained is connected, by that Spirit, to the generations of those who have served the church before us. Those of us who commit to follow Jesus, through baptism and ordination, are joined to a great communion of disciples throughout 2000 years!

We’ll look at a challenging and moving scripture passage from Luke 4:14-21, considered the inaugural sermon of Jesus in the Gospel According to Luke. In the sermon, Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah and, through it, explains what the focus of his earthly ministry will be like. As his followers today, these instructions are also for us and our lives as followers of Jesus.

In addition to sharing in the reaffirmation of our baptisms and the ordination of elders, this Sunday is also the final Sunday of January, so we will receive our monthly Pennies for Hunger offering. All of the funds received for this offering go to help feed hungry people within our presbytery and in Kenya. This is one tangible way that we show we are followers of Jesus as we care for our hungry neighbors.

If you plan to come to worship in the sanctuary on Sunday you may want to leave yourself a little extra time. Construction has begun for a water retention system in our lower parking lot, taking all of those parking spaces offline for one to two months! This is a requirement for us to comply with Town of Blowing Rock building code before we can begin construction of our new fellowship hall. Yes, it is inconvenient, but it is another step in completing our campus construction. So, I like to see it more as progress than inconvenience!

Two final things: First, Sarah Parker’s last official day with Rumple is today, Friday, January 24. I know you join me in giving thanks to God for her ministry among us and her many gifts. We wish her every blessing as she begins as the full time pastor of the High Country UCC congregation. She will not be a stranger, as she has agreed to help us in the transition and to train a new Director of Operations when that person comes on board. Second, as we welcome four new elders into service at Rumple, it means that four others have finished their service among us as elders: Kim Rogers, Alice Salthouse, Gary Scott, and Jeff Stewart. These folks have served Rumple faithfully and the church of Jesus Christ and our Salem Presbytery. If you see them, please join me in thanking them for serving the church in this way. We are so fortunate at Rumple to have so many capable and willing leaders.

Enjoy the warmer weather, Winter Fest, and I hope to see you in the sanctuary or online this Sunday.

Grace and Peace,


Please keep in your prayers: Marilyn Reep, upon the death of her husband, Sam, on 1/5; Miriam Newton; Patti Curtis; Linda Steen; Grace Lloyd’s father, Stephen; Bonnie McLamb; Lucy Aldridge; David Baskin; All who are facing loss and displacement due to Hurricane Helene; Debbie Brenner’s friend, Arlene; Pete Groothuis; Pat and Charles Coley; Cullie Tarleton; Teresa Lentz; Jim Ruff; Mary Ann Baggstrom’s sister, Connie; Sarah Settlemyer’s friend, Theresa; Barbara Leon’s former pastor, Jackie; Sherry Wilson’s mom, Jean; Walt Baggstrom’s brother, Bob; Sylvia Kiker.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

February 2

The session has moved the annual congregational meeting to Sunday, February 2, immediately following worship, for the purpose of receiving the annual report for 2024, including the end of the year financial report, a presentation of the 2025 budget adopted by the session, and voting on changes to Kathy's terms of call for 2025.

Please note a change in location for the following upcoming events on the church calendar:

Session Meeting

January 27 will be in the choir room

Music Rehearsal

January 29 and February 5 will be in the sanctuary

Click here to view the church calendar.  

Register by February 1 for the 2025 Mission Trip!

Click here to register through the Breeze form or scan the QR code above.

For more information, check out the Mission Trip page on the Rumple website.


Rumple Church and Blowing Rock Cares invite you to join us

January 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

We will be celebrating each of you who volunteered your time and talents during the Helene Recovery efforts. 

We will gather at the American Legion Hall on Wednesday January 29 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to share stories, remember all that was done and to enjoy each other’s company. We will have light snacks and treats. You can stop by at any time. Please share and invite others who volunteered as well.

RSVP to Kim Kincaid or Kathryn Scott 

Save the Date:

Rise Against Hunger

March 16

Rise Against Hunger will take place on Sunday, March 16. We will need all hands on deck to help us pack 20,088 meals! Volunteer sign-up link coming soon!

Join Rumple for Sunday morning worship, January 26 at 11 a.m.

Service will be in the sanctuary, or you may watch live at 11 a.m. on our webpage or YouTube channel. Childcare is available for the service. Bulletins are available on the church website.

Each Sunday our worship service is livestreamed. Find all previous online worship services on YouTube.

Ordination of Elders and reception January 26

Join the Rumple family after worship for a reception honoring the four elders who will be ordained on January 26 as well as the four elders who have just completed their terms on the session. Please note the original date for the ordination and reception was January 12, but was moved to January 26 due to winter weather.

Congregational Care Card Day

January 28 at 10:30 a.m.

Choir Room

Congregational Care Card Day will meet next on Tuesday, January 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the choir room. Everyone is welcome to join for fun card games followed by lunch at noon! Card Day meets the last Tuesday of each month with Betty Womack as the “card instructor”. Please email Betty to RSVP or for more info!

Youth Group Lectio Divina

A special thank you to Hope Squires who taught a lesson to our youth on Lectio Divina. Our youth had a reflective and meditative experience creating collages based on Isaiah 35:3-8.

Save the Date:

Fresco Dedication

February 16

Rumple will dedicate the frescoes and our new Gathering Space on Sunday, February 16. The dedication will be part of 11 a.m. worship, and then there will be a reception next door at the Blowing Rock Art History Museum. All are welcome.

Youth Group Meals

Sundays at 5 p.m.

Want to connect with our Rumple youth but don't know how? We all know how much teenagers love a good meal. We need volunteers to provide meals for our Sunday youth group. We meet at 5 p.m. on Sundays. We invite you to stay with us while we eat and chat. Please sign up here on SignUpGenius if you're interested.

The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics

Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

January 22 through February 26

The group had their first session at Rumple on the 22nd, but you can still join! They will meet at Rumple for 2 more sessions, and the last three sessions will be held at Boone UMC.

The course is open to the community, but registration is required. Please register here.

Online Study Continues Sunday

January 26 at 7 p.m.

4th Sunday of each month on Zoom

This month's installment of the online study Let Justice Roll Down will focus on air quality. There are extra copies available for purchase at Rumple House ($12.44 each). Please also contact Holly D'Addurno if you'd like to be added to a contact list for the follow-up discussions here at Rumple.

Learn more and get the Zoom info on Presbyterians for Earth Care's site.

Blood Drive

Tuesday, January 28

11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Blowing Rock Rotary Club

American Legion

Meeting Room

333 Wallingford Street, Blowing Rock

To schedule a donation time, please call the Red Cross or visit the Red Cross website and enter sponsor code: Blowing Rock Rotary.