January 24, 2025


A Message from WSSDA President-Elect Melissa Beard:

While the legislative session began last week, I am aware many of you are involved in solving your own budget issues. We can identify with the tough decisions our legislators will have to make as they work to balance their budget.

Last week, President Sarley reminded you to focus on the Big Three priorities and I would like to talk specifically about the Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs (MSOCs) priority. Did you know that your staff are required to include a table of revenues and expenditures related to MSOCs in your annual budget presentation? I encourage you to ask staff to present to the board on MSOCs and what costs are outpacing inflation and need. This will give you the information you need to reach out to your legislators.

Maybe you are a district who is able to pay the insurance and utility bills. Have you thought about what you are not buying? In my district we are not buying new curriculum. Our student representatives have been talking to us about how old their books are and staff say they are using more and more supplemental materials to augment curriculum. Our students need us to fight for more funding so we can get them the relevant and updated learning materials they need.

As you consider how to engage with your legislators, think about how you would like to be approached on budget issues in your own district. There are many people in our communities who believe we don’t care about their priorities. Don’t make that same assumption about your legislator. If you find this intimidating, I encourage you to Find your District and get the contact information for your legislators. Call them up and set up a zoom meeting with them. It will be 15 minutes. Use five minutes to share your MSOC information and then spend the rest of the time asking about their priorities and how you can support them. After you do this, we hope you will share your experience with us at

We are in this together!

Melissa Beard

WSSDA President-Elect


MSOC stands for Materials, Supplies, and Operating Costs and refers to the categories of expenses necessary for the day-to-day operations of school districts, excluding staffing costs. This includes costs for supplies, utilities, insurance, technology, curriculum, textbooks, library materials, instructional professional development for staff, facilities maintenance, security, and central office support. MSOC funding is provided by the state legislature based on a "Student Full-Time Equivalent" allocation and is intended to cover these essential operational expenses.

Talking Points for Your Legislators

Inadequate State Funding: Current state funding for school districts' operational costs, specifically under the Materials, Supplies, and Operating Costs (MSOC) category, is insufficient. The funding provided does not cover the actual expenses, forcing districts to rely on local levies for nearly $500 per student.

Transparency and Accountability: MSOC spending is already subject to strict transparency and accountability measures. Since the 2017-19 biennium, the state budget has included specific disclosure requirements to ensure that legislators and taxpayers can track how MSOC funds are allocated and spent.

Need for Legislative Action: MSOC funding should be tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to ensure it keeps pace with inflation. Additionally, the funding formula should be reassessed every four years to accommodate cost increases that school districts cannot control.The legislature must close funding gaps between the current funding allocation and actual need and ensure financial stability across all school districts.

There are two bills about MSOC underfunding currently filed for consideration during the 2025 Legislative Session. The Senate version has had a hearing already but the House version has yet to be scheduled. Tell us which one you prefer and why by emailing



There are many bills being heard next week, including some that your district may have great support for and/or concerns about. Please review WSSDA's Bill Watch which includes the weekly schedule. Your district has the opportunity to weigh in representing its community, student, staff, and district perspectives on the many and various policy proposals. Don't miss the chance to have your voice be heard!



Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education 1/29 @ 10:30pm

SB 5271 - Requiring school districts of the first class to employ a school nurse.

SB 5369 - Enhancing youth mental health and well-being through advanced training and expansion of the workforce in schools.

Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education 1/30 @ 10:30am

SB 5253 - Extending special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22.

Appropriations (House)

1/30 @ 4:00pm

HB 1267 - Adjusting funded special education enrollment.

HB 1356 - Concerning K-12 funding. (Levy Lid Lift and Local Effort Assistance or LEA)

HB 1357 - Providing special education funding and support for inclusionary practices.

Download WSSDA's 2025 Legislative Priorities


By Levon Williams, WSSDA's Advocacy and Policy Analyst

As the legislative session progresses, WSSDA will continue to advocate for policies in alignment with WSSDA's member-adopted positions that support all students, particularly those in underserved communities - rural and urban, east and west, small and large. Last week, the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee focused on three key issues deeply affecting education in Washington state. Our Executive Director, Tricia Lubach, advocated on behalf of WSSDA for the member-adopted priorities, emphasizing the state’s responsibility to tackle the “Big Three” challenges of fully funding special education, transportation, and MSOC (materials, supplies and other costs).

Washington's education system faces significant structural issues, particularly regarding its funding models. (See: Public education funding in the U.S. needs an overhaul, Economic Policy Institute.) The inequitable distribution of resources adversely affects marginalized communities, leading to disparities in teacher salaries, classroom resources, and extracurricular opportunities. Consequently, the achievement gap between low-income students and their peers continues to widen.

One promising policy proposal from this legislative session is SB 5120, which aims to expand the Learning Assistance Program (LAP). This proposed legislation seeks to increase funding for supplemental instruction in high-poverty schools, raising instructional hours from 1.1 to 1.6 per week. Dave Larson, Legislative Representative of the Tukwila School District Board of Directors and WSSDA Legislative Committee member, spoke in support of this bill at the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee this week, calling attention to the “regressive nature” of Washington's education funding model. He stated that "the current system provides more per-student funding to low-poverty districts than to those that serve the highest concentrations of low-income families,” which is a stark contrast to the needs of these communities.

Director Larson’s testimony underscored how SB 5120 would allow high-poverty districts to invest in proven, evidence-based strategies, like co-teaching and high-dosage tutoring, that are essential to closing these persistent opportunity gaps. (See: "Making the Grade 2024 Report", Education Law Center.)

Research indicates that a strong sense of belonging in school is positively linked to higher academic achievement. Creating a sense of belonging for students is multi-faceted and includes implementing culturally relevant practices and attracting and retaining teachers with diverse identities and backgrounds. (See: "Building a Sense of Belonging", Hanover Research.) By advocating for equitable funding and expanding LAP, school directors are enabling schools to adopt practices that can foster a sense of belonging thereby reducing or eliminating the opportunity gap.

More information available: "Improving the school finance system in Washington state: why, when, and how?", by David S. Knight, an associate professor of education finance and policy at the University of Washington. This article appeared in the Winter 2023 issue of WSSDA Direct.


WSSDA staff carefully considers each education bill and identifies one or more member-adopted positions to determine a position before weighing in. Additionally, the Legislative Committee, each member representing their Director Area (DA), meets every week to sift through some of the most challenging issues and brings forward perspectives that can be shared during testimony or written comments. Below are the options available to "weigh in."


  • State WSSDA's position for the record as Pro, Con, or Other.
  • WSSDA has a legislative and/or permanent position that aligns with or connects to the bill, but it is not a legislative priority this session.

No Position

  • WSSDA will not weigh in on a bill if there is no clearly related member-adopted legislative or permanent position.


  • The bill is likely one of WSSDA's priorities or of deep concern.
  • If we are con or other, we inform the bill sponsor in advance.
  • State our position during a live hearing, which is also recorded for the record.

Written Comments

  • We may submit our position on a bill via email and/or through the online system for the record.


Guided by WSSDA's member-adopted positions, we weighed in on the governor's proposed operating and capital budgets and several bills. Some of your fellow school board members also provided expert testimony as follows:

Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) 1/21 @ 8:00 am

SB 5123 - Expanding protections for certain

students to promote inclusivity in public schools. (Signed In PRO)

SB 5179 - Establishing a complaint process to address noncompliance with certain state education laws. (Testified OTHER, Jill Oldson, WSSDA Board and Richland School Board)


Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) 1/22 @ 1:30 pm

SB 5187 - Providing adequate and predictable student transportation. (Testify PRO, Tricia Lubach, WSSDA Executive Director)

SB 5192 - Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs. (Testify PRO, Tricia Lubach, WSSDA Executive Director)

SB 5263 - Concerning special education funding. (Testify PRO, Tricia Lubach, WSSDA Executive Director)

SB 5307 - Concerning special education funding. (Testify PRO, Tricia Lubach, WSSDA Executive Director)

Education (House) 1/23 @ 8:00 am

HB 1296 - Promoting a safe and supportive public education system. (Testify OTHER, Jill Oldson, WSSDA Board and Richland School Board)

Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) 1/23 @ 10:30 am

SB 5009 - Modifying the student transportation allocation to accommodate multiple vehicle types for transporting students. (Signed in PRO)

SB 5120 - Expanding the learning assistance program. (Signed in PRO)

SB 5177 - Considering the experiences of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups when identifying professional development resources on certain topics. (Signed in PRO)


You can also track education bills and the weekly schedule on the WSSDA website. Email us with questions or comments at


The Washington State Legislature and TVW offer many tools and resources to help you navigate the legislative session. Check them out below.

Understanding the Process

How to Participate


We're here to support you. Don't hesitate to call or email us anytime with questions.

Marissa Rathbone

Director of Strategic Advocacy


Levon Williams

Advocacy and Policy Analyst

Daniel Lunghofer

Accountant (and school finance guru)

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