Welcome to Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
An Open & Affirming Congregation
Please use the SIDE ENTRANCE of the building on Sunday mornings!
  • When in church, we ask all non-vaccinated people to wear masks.
  • When in church, we recommend children wear masks, but leave it to the discretion of the parents.
  • We ask Sunday School teachers to wear masks when inside the building and we will try and maintain social distancing as much as possible.
  • Children will begin church inside until after the “Time for All Ages,” then, weather permitting, Sunday School lessons will be outside whenever possible. In inclement weather, we will social distance inside.
  • Masks will not be required of children or teachers when outside. Social distancing will be maintained as much as possible. 
Our worship service this Sunday, October 24th will not be streamed on Facebook or YouTube.

I hope our blast message finds you healthy this morning and able to enjoy the amazing Fall weather we have been having over the past week. I am encouraged to see our members slowly looking forward to attending in person for our worship services when they feel comfortable to do so and we have seen an increase in attendance both at church and in our activities!

Thanks to Heather Edwards and the CE Committee for coordinating an awesome Harvest Homecoming last weekend. It was very well attended with lots of kids! (And great apple pie!)

Our Diaconate and Council have agreed to a change for one Sunday each month to give our taping crew and Pastors and Administrator a break from the behind-the-scenes preparation for streaming services. This Sunday we will NOT BE STREAMING OUR SERVICE OVER THE INTERNET. We recognize that there are some who do find great comfort and inclusion in our streamed services, but we also recognize signs of burnout with the workload and expectations. Come to church in person if you are comfortable to do so.

There are some alternative plans being discussed to have something posted online for the Sundays we do not stream.

We enter November soon with great anticipation for Thanksgiving, Stewardship Sunday and, yes, the first Sunday of Advent! I look forward to our times in ministry together!

Peace and Blessings,
Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you'll be able to see further. Thomas Carlyle
You may have heard this message before. Our plans seem quite clear until we have our first encounter with reality. The past year and a half of this pandemic has given us a real-life example of this.

We are handling our challenges and moving to a safer place in all we do. Thankfully, we can begin to see further to a safe and healthy community, country, and world that God has given us to steward and share.

As we walk with Jesus, our Brother and Savior, let's keep our eyes open to see where we are now and then we'll "be able to see further."

Blessings to you all,

Rev. John

News from our
Christian Education Director
Middle School Youth Group Bake-Off ~ Tuesday, October 26 6:30 – 7:30!
We're going to make cupcakes and cookies to give to the families who come get food from our Pilgrim Pantry this month! Bring your chef's hat and your apron and come prepared to mix-it-up!
Sign up here !!
High School Youth Group meets Thursday, October 26 from 6:30 – 7:30 in the church kitchen for a DESSERT DECORATING EXTRAVAGANZA!
Did you know that our Pilgrim Pantry gives food to families on the last Saturday of every month?
We’re going to add some love to that food this month with specially decorated Halloween treats from us.
Come help spread the love! Sign up here!
Having a High School or Middle School student help in our nursery or with Sunday School makes all the difference!
The adult teaching LOVES and APPRECIATES the help SO MUCH!
And our younger friends LOOK UP TO YOU as a cool role-model. Spread the love and volunteer to help here!
Pine Street Inn
It's cookie time again! We will be taking homemade or store bought cookies, brownies, and dessert bars to the Pine Street Inn again on Friday, October 22nd.

We will have a table set up for your donations on today, Wednesday 10/20, and tomorrow, Thursday 10/21 inside the FRONT DOORS of the church.
The Pine Street guests really appreciate a nice dessert with their dinner. Thank you for your support!
BIBLE STUDY BEGINS Monday October 25th
Join us in our monthly Bible Study, now available in two formats: Fourth Monday of each month 10 AM in person and 7 PM via Zoom.

A Zoom meeting link will be sent out on Monday,
October 25th.

It will be helpful to know you are attending either session. Please email RB to let him know. revbill@uccduxbury.org

We continue with our discussion about the video Series “The Chosen” We will watch the show during our Monday morning sessions followed by discussion.
If you are joining us for the Zoom discussion at 7 PM, please watch the show prior to our meeting. The link for the first episode is below.

Pilgrim's Food Pantry - our next Pilgrim's Pantry will be on Saturday, October 30th

Here is a list of what we need: peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soup, tuna, beef stew, canned chicken, apple & cranberry juice, pasta, and pasta sauces.

Thank you for your continued support!
The first planning meeting for the Festival of Trees will be held on Wednesday, October 27th at 7 PM in the church conference room.  (A Zoom option will be available for those who would like to join from their home - please contact Maureen Ferguson to obtain the link to join.
Our first meeting will be to review last year's event, pros/cons and to build on what we have already established.  We will be setting dates, assigning tasks and discussing new ideas to make this year's event even more special.

Join us to help create a wonderful community event that will for years to come create special memories for all who attend.

Please let us know if you have any questions, if you will be able to attend in person or by Zoom or if you can't make the meeting share your ideas for discussion. Email Mferguson02332@gmail.com
On Sunday, November 7th, we will recognize and remember our loved ones who have passed away over the past year during our All Saints Recognition service during worship.

If you would like a loved one remembered during the prayer time, one who has passed away since last November 1st, please email the church office so we can add them to our remembrance list.
Coffee & Conversation with RB

2nd Wednesday of the month at 10:00am
Pilgrim Church ~ Fellowship Hall

Join us for coffee and conversation on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for casual conversation with topics of interest.

November 10, 2021 - Topic: Chronic pain creates challenges for people of faith.

December 8, 2021 - Topic: Media coverage of the Gabby Petito disappearance raises issues of the "missing white girl syndrome."

Our Stewardship theme for 2022 is “ROOTED IN LOVE”. Over the past year we have relied on our roots of faith, hope, charity, prayer, and love to sustain us as a community and continue to be a strong vital church of Jesus Christ! Your financial support, your volunteerism and your commitment to this church has been amazing!

Watch for our announcements leading up to Thanksgiving/Stewardship Sunday, November 21st

Pilgrim Church is hiring a new Financial Position and we would like your help in spreading the news. Please share with friends who may be job searching for a great financial position close to home here on the South Shore.

Senior Financial Officer Position with Pilgrim Church of Duxbury
Position Overview: The Senior Financial Officer’s responsibilities include oversight of the financial operations, budgeting operations, investments, and human resources administration of the Pilgrim Church (PC), which includes All Boards & Committees of PC such as Music Board, Deacons, Council, Pilgrim Child Care & Preschool (PCCP), Christian Ed, Etc. The position will report to the Board of Trustees and work closely with the Senior Minister, and the Treasurer.
Prior Experience to include: Controllership responsibilities, Cash management, forecasting and investment responsibilities, Financial planning, reporting and analysis, Human Resource responsibilities and Compliance responsibilities.

Qualifications: Four-year Accounting degree, with 7-10 years of professional experience, preferably with some experience in an educational institution or small business. Technological proficiency with Quickbooks Online, Microsoft Suite of Excel, PowerPoint, Word as well as cloud-based file storage such as Box, DropBox, One Drive. Exemplary organizational skills with the ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks with superior attention to detail.

A leader, a manager, and a team player who is self-motivated with the ability to work with many diverse personalities. Ability to work in a small office setting, including a willingness to work beyond specific job responsibilities where needed.
If interested or would like more information, please contact Rosemary McGreevy at r.mcgreevy@comcast.net . (Please kindly do not contact the Pilgrim Church Office directly).